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[My present Help in trouble]

My present Help in trouble,
My soul's eternal Lover,
Beneath Thy shade
I hide my head
Till all the storm is over.
O bring me by Thy mercy
Through this severe temptation,
And all day long
My joyful song
Shall publish Thy salvation.
Thine arm is still unshorten'd,
And ready to deliver,
Thy glorious name
Remains the same,
A Rock that stands for ever.
This, this is our sure refuge,
When earth and hell oppress us,
For earth and hell
Bow down, and feel
The' almighty name of Jesus.


Jesus, by faith I place me
Beneath Thy name's protection:
While Thou art nigh
I dare defy
The hellish insurrection.
On the accusing serpent
After Thy great example
Fearless I tread,
And bruise his head,
And on his kingdom trample.
I now admire the worthies,
And saints in sacred story;
Their steps pursue,
Their wonders do,
And emulate their glory.
By faith they wax'd courageous,
And bade their foes defiance,
Strong in the Lord,
Escaped the sword,
And stopp'd the mouths of lions.
By faith they conquer'd kingdoms,
And higher rose and higher,
March'd through the sea
Convoy'd by Thee,
And walk'd unhurt in fire.
Them in the burning furnace
Thou didst, O Lord, deliver:
And in the flame
Thy help I claim,
And trust in Thee for ever.


I ask Thy promised succours,
Nor fear I a denial:
Thou Son of Man,
My soul sustain
Throughout the fiery trial.
With Thine almighty presence
Let me be still attended,
And lo! I dwell
Secure in hell
Till all my days are ended.