University of Virginia Library


[Coming through our great High-priest]

He is save them to the uttermost, &c. —vii. 25.

Coming through our great High-priest
We find a pardoning God:
Jesu's Spirit in our breast
Bears witness with the blood,
Speaks our Father pacified
Toward every soul that Christ receives;
Tells us, once our Surety died,
And now for ever lives.
Christ for ever lives to pray
For all that trust in Him:
I my soul on Jesus stay,
Almighty to redeem:
He shall purify my heart,
Who in His blood forgiveness have,
All His hallowing power exert,
And to the utmost save.
Basis of our steadfast hope,
Saviour, Thy ceaseless prayer
Sanctifies, and lifts us up
To meet Thee in the air:


Yes, Thine interceding grace
Preserves us every moment Thine,
Till we rise to see the face,
And share the throne Divine.