University of Virginia Library


[Who labour'd by the law to live]

The law made nothing perfect, but the, &c. —vii. 19.

Who labour'd by the law to live
Did to its yoke in vain submit,
What it required it could not give,
Or make its votaries complete:
Their holiness was mix'd with sin,
Their happiness with doubt and fear,
The most advanced came short within,
Nor reach'd the perfect character.
But now, the gospel-plan supplies
Sufficiency of richer grace,
It points us to the glorious prize,
The pure consummate righteousness;
To all who trust in Jesu's name
It ministers the Spirit's power,
To make us free from sin and blame,
And all the life of God restore.
We find the better hope brought in,
And boldly to our God draw near,
For grace to serve Him without sin,
To love Him without slavish fear:
And while we to the summit press,
He will the root of sin remove,


Preserve our minds in perfect peace,
And fill our hearts with perfect love.
Through Him who did for sinners die,
We stand before our Father's throne,
Approach so intimately nigh,
That God and we in Christ are one;
One spirit with our spotless Lord,
The heavenly image we obtain,
In Him the life of God restored,
In Him the true perfection gain!