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[Abraham did for the promise stay]

And so, after he had patiently endured, &c. —vi. 15.

Abraham did for the promise stay,
He had not learn'd the shorter way,
But walking on before his God
In all the paths of duty trod,
Careful by works his faith to prove,
And waiting thus for perfect love.
After he had been tempted, tried,
By faith, by actions justified,
After a thousand conflicts past,
And Isaac sacrificed at last,
The image of his Lord he found,
And rose with late perfection crown'd.
Who in our father's footsteps tread,
He bids us gradually proceed,
Nor fondly for the promise hope,
Before we yield our Isaacs up;
He teaches his believing sons,
“The work is never done at once!”
Instructed after him we go,
And perfect holiness below,
And having patiently endured,
The blessing by our Lord procured
We humbly trust at last to' attain,
And purest love with Christ to gain.