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[Thou Man of griefs, remember me]

Who in the days of His flesh, when He had, &c. —v. 7, 8.

Thou Man of griefs, remember me,
Who never canst Thyself forget,
Thy last mysterious agony,
Thy fainting pangs, and bloody sweat,


When wrestling in the strength of prayer
Thy spirit sunk beneath its load,
Thy feeble flesh abhorr'd to bear
The wrath of an almighty God.
A taste of Thy tormenting fears
If now Thou dost to me impart,
Give the full virtue of Thy tears,
The cries which pierced Thy Father's heart;
Unite my sorrows to Thine own,
And let me to my God complain,
Who melted by Thy Spirit's groan,
Can save me from that endless pain.
Father, if I may call Thee so,
Regard my fearful heart's desire,
Remove this load of guilty woe,
Nor let me in my sins expire:
I tremble, lest the wrath Divine
Which bruises now my wretched soul,
Should bruise this wretched soul of mine
Long as eternal ages roll.
To Thee my last distress I bring:
The heighten'd fear of death I find;
The tyrant brandishing his sting
Appears, and hell is close behind!
I deprecate that death alone,
That endless banishment from Thee:
O save, and give me to Thy Son,
Who trembled, wept, and bled for me.
In Jesu's name and Spirit I
As dying call, My God, my God,


Attend our strong united cry,
And see me roll'd in Jesu's blood!
I arm me with His mortal pain,
Behind His wounds my soul I hide;
If Thou canst slay Thy Son again,
Transfix me now—through Jesu's side!

No! Sin does. J. W.