University of Virginia Library


[To-day, while it is call'd to-day]

To day if ye will hear His voice, harden, &c. —iii. 15.

To-day, while it is call'd to-day,
My willing heart I bow;
I harden it no more, but pray
And look for mercy now:
I look—till Thou my peace create,
My promised pardon seal,
And every solemn moment wait,
Thy sprinkled blood to feel.


Jesus, Thy sanctifying will
No longer I withstand,
But lie as clay, resign'd and still
And passive in Thy hand.
To-day before to-morrow come,
I yield to be renew'd,
My Saviour's mean, but constant home,
A temple fill'd with God.
Now, Saviour, now Thy servant bless,
Who always ready art,
And fully from this hour possess
My unopposing heart.
But if Thou dost not now come in,
I am not fit for Thee,—
Yet trust Thou wilt cast out my sin,
And fix Thy throne in me.