University of Virginia Library


[Could sufferings heighten or complete]

It became bringing many sons, &c. —ii. 10.

Could sufferings heighten or complete
His full essential holiness?
No; but they made our Captain meet
To save a lost, apostate race:
His sufferings laid the ransom down,
And bought mine everlasting crown.
His death completes the sacrifice,
And shows the consecrated way,
That we might on His cross arise,
By suffering, as by works, obey,
And while we all His pangs endure,
Expect His blood to make us pure.
Thy passion, Lord, and not our own,
Doth peace and purity impart;
Thy blood which did for sin atone,
Writes pardon on the sprinkled heart,
And by the Spirit of faith applied,
It perfects all the crucified.
Who daily bleed and die with Thee,
Thou dost with perfect patience bless,


Redeem'd from all iniquity,
Restored to all the life of grace,
And by this narrow way alone,
Thou lead'st us to Thy glorious throne.