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[Brightness of the' Eternal Glory]

Who being the brightness of His glory, &c. —i. 3.

Brightness of the' Eternal Glory,
Image of our God express'd,


Jesus, let Thy works adore Thee,
God supreme for ever bless'd!
Still upheld by their Creator,
Heaven and earth Thy power confess;
Lord of universal nature,
Take the universal praise.
From His heavenly throne descending
Son of God, and Son of man,
See Him on a cross depending,
By His sinful creatures slain!
O the depth of Love redeeming!
God His Spirit doth resign!
See the blood in pardons streaming,
Precious balm of blood Divine!
Flow'd from Him an open fountain
For the universal sin,
Wash'd away the' enormous mountain,
Made a world of sinners clean;
By His one complete oblation,
Jesus did the ransom find,
Quench'd His Father's indignation,
Purged the guilt of all mankind.
After His few days of mourning,
Rose our Lord no more to die,
To His heavenly realms returning,
To His seat above the sky,
Where He sat supreme, before
One of all His works was made,
In full majesty and power,
Rested our triumphant Head.


Object of their adoration,
Saviour, Thee Thine angel-train
Met with rapturous exclamation,
Welcomed to Thy courts again!
Still they shout, and fall before Thee,
Thee their great Creator own,
Re-install'd in all Thy glory,
Bright on Thine eternal throne!


[Which of the petty kings of earth]

Are they not all ministering spirits, &c. —i. 14.

Which of the petty kings of earth
Can boast a guard like ours,
Encircled from the second birth
With all the heavenly powers?
Myriads of bright cherubic bands
Sent by the King of kings,
Rejoice to bear us in their hands,
And shade us with their wings.
With them we march securely on
Throughout Immanuel's ground,
And not an uncommission'd stone
Our sacred feet shall wound.
No enemy shall our souls ensnare,
No casual evil grieve;
Nor can we lose a single hair,
Without a Father's leave.
Angels, where'er we go, attend
Our steps, whate'er betide,
With watchful care their charge attend,
And evil turn aside:
A sudden thought to' escape the blow,
A ready help we find:
And to their secret presence owe
The presence of our mind.


Their instrumental aid unknown,
They day and night supply;
And free from fear, we lay us down,
Though Satan's host be nigh.
Our lives the holy angels keep
From every hostile power;
And unconcern'd we sweetly sleep,
As Adam in his bower.
Jehovah's charioteers surround
The ministerial choir;
Encamp where'er His heirs are found,
And form our wall of fire.
Ten thousand offices unseen
For us they gladly do,
Deliver in the lions' den,
And safe escort us through.
But thronging round, with busiest love,
They guard the dying breast;
The lurking fiend far off remove,
And sing our souls to rest:
And when our spirits we resign,
On outstretch'd wings they bear,
And lodge us in the arms Divine,
And leave for ever there.


[His Son whom all heaven's host obey'd]

We see Jesus...crowned with glory, &c. —ii. 9.

His Son whom all heaven's host obey'd,
The Father did on us bestow!
Inferior to the angels made,
Made capable of human woe,
He tasted once the mortal pain,
The Lamb for sinners crucified,


For all and every child of man,
That was, or shall be born, He died.
But Him we now exalted see,
The Son of man to life restored,
And crown'd with glorious majesty,
His passion's infinite reward:
In heaven He doth for ever reign,
That we the way to heaven may find,
And suffering with our Head obtain
The joy He bought for all mankind.


[Could sufferings heighten or complete]

It became bringing many sons, &c. —ii. 10.

Could sufferings heighten or complete
His full essential holiness?
No; but they made our Captain meet
To save a lost, apostate race:
His sufferings laid the ransom down,
And bought mine everlasting crown.
His death completes the sacrifice,
And shows the consecrated way,
That we might on His cross arise,
By suffering, as by works, obey,
And while we all His pangs endure,
Expect His blood to make us pure.
Thy passion, Lord, and not our own,
Doth peace and purity impart;
Thy blood which did for sin atone,
Writes pardon on the sprinkled heart,
And by the Spirit of faith applied,
It perfects all the crucified.
Who daily bleed and die with Thee,
Thou dost with perfect patience bless,


Redeem'd from all iniquity,
Restored to all the life of grace,
And by this narrow way alone,
Thou lead'st us to Thy glorious throne.


[Can suffering purge my inbred sin?]

Can suffering purge my inbred sin?
No more than it can heaven procure:
But He, who brought this fire within,
By patience makes my nature pure,
But He, who with the suffering comes,
My dross in His own way consumes.
His love into the furnace cast,
His love attends and keeps me here,
That coming forth as gold at last,
Stamp'd with His name and character,
And perfected through sufferings I
May spotless to His bosom fly.


[Lord, while I in Thy name believe]

Take heed...lest there be an evil heart, &c. —iii. 12.

Lord, while I in Thy name believe,
My power I over sin maintain;
But when to Thee no more I cleave,
I sink into myself again:
My heart, though sprinkled once with blood,
Becomes an evil, faithless heart;
And losing my sure trust in God,
I from the living God depart.
Soon, if I cease to watch and pray,
The unbelieving heart returns,
Rebels against Thy gracious sway,
With pride, desire, or anger burns.


My heart a cage of birds unclean,
Its old corrupt affections feels,
Its strong propensity to sin;
And God in me no longer dwells.
O let me then Thy warnings heed
Throughout my pilgrimage below;
With jealous self-mistrust proceed,
And humbly in Thy footsteps go.
And if I always watch and pray,
Who dost my evil heart remove,
Thou, Lord, wilt keep it far away,
Till quite destroy'd by perfect love.


[Help me, Saviour, to hold fast]

We are made partakers of Christ, &c. —iii. 14.

Help me, Saviour, to hold fast
My confidence in Thee:
Art Thou not the First and Last,
Who loved, and died for me?
Thou on whom I dare depend,
Wilt fill me with the life Divine,
Love me still, when time shall end,
Through endless ages mine.


[To-day, while it is call'd to-day]

To day if ye will hear His voice, harden, &c. —iii. 15.

To-day, while it is call'd to-day,
My willing heart I bow;
I harden it no more, but pray
And look for mercy now:
I look—till Thou my peace create,
My promised pardon seal,
And every solemn moment wait,
Thy sprinkled blood to feel.


Jesus, Thy sanctifying will
No longer I withstand,
But lie as clay, resign'd and still
And passive in Thy hand.
To-day before to-morrow come,
I yield to be renew'd,
My Saviour's mean, but constant home,
A temple fill'd with God.
Now, Saviour, now Thy servant bless,
Who always ready art,
And fully from this hour possess
My unopposing heart.
But if Thou dost not now come in,
I am not fit for Thee,—
Yet trust Thou wilt cast out my sin,
And fix Thy throne in me.


[We preach a rest from sin and fear]

The word preached did not profit them, &c. —iv. 2.

We preach a rest from sin and fear,
(A rest to careless minds unknown,)
Experience of salvation here,
By Christ bestow'd through faith alone:
Peace, which the world can never give,
And life, the same that angels live.
But the blind world their pardoning Lord
Refuse by simple faith to gain;
Hardening their hearts against the word,
They hear the saving truth in vain;
They perish, with redemption nigh,
And ransom'd, in their sins they die.


[Whether the word be preach'd or read]

Whether the word be preach'd or read,
No saving benefit I gain


From empty sounds, or letters dead,
Unprofitable all and vain,
Unless by faith Thy word I hear,
And see its heavenly character.
Unmix'd with faith, the Scripture gives
No comfort, life, or light to me:
But darker still the dark it leaves,
Implunged in deeper misery
O'erwhelm'd with nature's sorest ills;
The spirit saves, the letter kills.
Most wretched comforters are they
Who bid “On the bare word rely!”
Physicians of no price, they say
I must the promises apply;
And destitute of inward sense,
Draw all my consolations hence.
Their counsels aggravate my grief,
(But never move the heart of stone,)
Insult my helpless unbelief
Who cannot find a God unknown,
While without eyes they bid me look,
And read the seal'd, unfolded book.
If God enlighten through His word,
I shall my kind Enlightener bless,
But void, and naked of my Lord,
What are all verbal promises?
Nothing to me, till faith Divine
Inspire, inspeak, and make them mine.
Jesus, the' appropriating grace
'Tis Thine on sinners to bestow;
Open mine eyes to see Thy face,
Open my heart Thyself to know:


And then I through Thy word obtain
Sure, present, and eternal gain.


[Weary of life, with guilt opprest]

Let us enter into that rest. —iv. 11.

Weary of life, with guilt opprest,
Labouring, I come to Christ for rest:
Author of faith, my Lord appear,
And bid me cease from sin and fear;
My restless diligence increase,
Till bid by Thee, I go in peace,
Thine utmost saving grace to know,
And all the heaven of love below.


[Rest to my soul I gasp to find]

Rest to my soul I gasp to find
In Jesu's meek and lowly mind,
In holy joy, and spotless love,
That foretaste of the rest above!
But ah, my flesh doth oft complain,
Tired with the long laborious pain;
And fainting in the vehement strife
I quit my hold of endless life.
Jesus, Thy feeblest servant fill
With power to labour up the hill,
With zeal toward the high prize to press,
With violent faith the crown to seize.
By Thee stirr'd up, I'll strive again,
I'll after full perfection strain;
Instant in prayer's strong agony,
Till pure in heart, Thy face I see.
Then, then my soul with rapid speed,
Shall labour up to grasp its Head;
All vigour, all activity,
I live, not I but Christ in me.


Passive, yet swift as light I fly,
Fill'd with the Power that fills the sky,
And draws me to that glorious throne,
To live with God, for ever one.


[Trusting in our Lord alone]

Seeing...we have a great high priest, that, &c. —iv. 14.

Trusting in our Lord alone,
A great High-priest we have!
Jesus, God's eternal Son,
Omnipotent to save,
With the virtue of His blood,
Ascending to the holiest place,
Pass'd the heavenly courts, and stood
Before His Father's face.
There He ever lives to plead
His suffering people's cause,
Let us then pursue our Head,
And bear His daily cross,
Hold our pure profession fast,
And faithful unto death remain:
Then the end of faith at last,
The crown of life we gain.


[We have not an High-priest above]

We have not an high priest which cannot, &c. —iv. 15.

We have not an High-priest above
Unmoved at what we suffer here:
In tenderest sympathy of love
He shares our pain, and grief, and fear,
Wounded with every wounded soul,
He bleeds the balm that makes us whole.
Hearing our feeble flesh complain,
He calls His days of flesh to mind,


The meek, afflicted Son of man,
To all His patient brethren join'd,
Adopts, and makes our woes His own,
With tear for tear, and groan for groan.
Tempted like us our Saviour was,
Divinely to the desert led,
Like us He languish'd on the cross,
Deserted at His greatest need,
Left to sustain our utmost load,
Abandon'd by His angry God.
Our sorrows, pure from sin, He bore,
Our tempted souls from sin to save:
And passing where He pass'd before,
Sad fellowship with Him I have,
And gasping on His cross depend,
Till pain and life together end.
No sooner was I call'd a son,
Than, lured into the wilderness,
I roved disconsolate, alone,
In want, temptation, and distress,
And long with the wild-beasts remain'd,
And all the' assaults of hell sustain'd.
The desert to the garden brought,
And fainting in mine evil day,
My heavenly Father I besought
To take the dreadful cup away,
In horrors, tears, and anguish found
With Jesus bleeding on the ground.
Jesus, with Thee Thy cross I share,
Till Thou repeat the word, 'Tis done,


The wrath of hell and heaven I bear,
The' unutterable grief unknown;
Ready to bow my head I cry,
And left of God in darkness die.
Yet now I feel a gleam of hope
(A pledge of glory) in my heart,
That when I yield my spirit up,
My spirit shall like Thine depart,
Into my Father's hands restored,
To reign triumphant with my Lord.


[Through Jesus our Divine High-priest]

Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne, &c. —iv. 16.

Through Jesus our Divine High-priest,
Who pleads the sinner's cause in heaven,
Father, presenting our request,
We humbly sue to be forgiven;
Mercy we ask in Jesu's name,
Who died for all our sins to' atone,
Who rose our purchased peace to claim,
And now appears before Thy throne.
There, at Thy throne of grace we meet,
United to the' incarnate God,
Boldly approach the mercy-seat,
Which Jesus sprinkled with His blood:
He paid the price on Calvary
For every sinful child of man,
And trusting in His death for me,
My pardon seal'd I now obtain.


[Father, I still His passion plead]

Father, I still His passion plead,
Which bought Thy love for all mankind,
And pardon'd, in this time of need,
I come, confirming grace to find;


Importunate in faithful prayer,
Thy promised succours I implore,
Power to withstand, and strength to bear,
Till sin destroy'd can tempt no more.
The grace I every moment want,
The fresh supplies of faith and love,
God of exhaustless mercy, grant,
In answer to my Friend above:
Increase my faith, confirm my hope,
Complete my love and purity,
And lo, I yield my spirit up,
And find the place prepared for me.


[Empower'd through Moses' hallowing hands]

No man taketh this honour unto himself, &c. —v. 4.

Empower'd through Moses' hallowing hands,
Aaron before the altar stands,
The consecrated priest of God!
Jesus His officers ordains:
And thus the Christian priest obtains
The gift by elders' hands bestow'd.
Ye that uncall'd the power assume,
Expect the rebels' fearful doom;
The pit its mouth hath open'd wide
For Jesu's sacrilegious foes!
Repent before its mouth it close
On all the harden'd sons of pride.


[Thou Man of griefs, remember me]

Who in the days of His flesh, when He had, &c. —v. 7, 8.

Thou Man of griefs, remember me,
Who never canst Thyself forget,
Thy last mysterious agony,
Thy fainting pangs, and bloody sweat,


When wrestling in the strength of prayer
Thy spirit sunk beneath its load,
Thy feeble flesh abhorr'd to bear
The wrath of an almighty God.
A taste of Thy tormenting fears
If now Thou dost to me impart,
Give the full virtue of Thy tears,
The cries which pierced Thy Father's heart;
Unite my sorrows to Thine own,
And let me to my God complain,
Who melted by Thy Spirit's groan,
Can save me from that endless pain.
Father, if I may call Thee so,
Regard my fearful heart's desire,
Remove this load of guilty woe,
Nor let me in my sins expire:
I tremble, lest the wrath Divine
Which bruises now my wretched soul,
Should bruise this wretched soul of mine
Long as eternal ages roll.
To Thee my last distress I bring:
The heighten'd fear of death I find;
The tyrant brandishing his sting
Appears, and hell is close behind!
I deprecate that death alone,
That endless banishment from Thee:
O save, and give me to Thy Son,
Who trembled, wept, and bled for me.
In Jesu's name and Spirit I
As dying call, My God, my God,


Attend our strong united cry,
And see me roll'd in Jesu's blood!
I arm me with His mortal pain,
Behind His wounds my soul I hide;
If Thou canst slay Thy Son again,
Transfix me now—through Jesu's side!

No! Sin does. J. W.


[How backward is our flesh and blood]

Though He were a Son, yet learned He, &c. —v. 8.

How backward is our flesh and blood
To learn the lessons of the cross!
Eager to work the works of God,
We shrink at suffering for His cause;
Before we in His death abide,
We fondly hope His life to prove,
And nature yet uncrucified
Would snatch the crown of perfect love.
But Christ, the co-eternal Son,
His Father's harshest will obey'd,
Drank the full cup of grief unknown,
Through pain a perfect Saviour made:
He did the work He came to do,
To us the bright example set:
Yet if He had not suffer'd too,
The' obedience had not been complete.
O might we thus our Head obey,
In active, passive, righteousness
Meekly pursue our heavenly Way,
And all His patient mind express!
Partakers of His shame and pain,
Obedient unto death endure,
And thus His spotless image gain,
And thus declare “our heaven is sure!”

No! J. W.



[What doth my gracious Saviour say?]

He became the Author of eternal salvation, &c. —v. 9.

What doth my gracious Saviour say?
“Repent, believe, endure, obey,
Humbly in all My footsteps move;
Be meek, be perfected in love:”
And if I thus fulfil His word,
Caught up to meet my heavenly Lord,
I soon shall see Him as He is,
Author of mine eternal bliss.


[Would my Saviour have me do]

Let us go on unto perfection. —vi. 1.

Would my Saviour have me do
What He commands, in vain,
Eagerly a shade pursue,
Which I can ne'er attain?
Nay, but I believe Thee, Lord,
Trust to prove Thine utmost will;
As I hang upon Thy word,
Thy word in me fulfil.


[“Go on? but how? from step to step?]

“Go on? but how? from step to step?
No: let us to perfection leap!”
'Tis thus our hasty nature cries,
Leaps o'er the cross, to snatch the prize,
Like Jonah's gourd, displays its bower,
And blooms, and withers, in an hour.


[Which of the old apostles taught]

Which of the old apostles taught
Perfection in an instant caught,
Show'd our compendious manner how,
“Believe, and ye are perfect now;
This moment wake, and seize the prize;
Reeds, into sudden pillars rise;”


Believe delusion's ranting sons,
And all the work is done at once!


[Who see the light of Jesu's face]

It is impossible for those who were once, &c. —vi. 4–6.

Who see the light of Jesu's face,
Enjoy the sense of sin forgiven,
Partake that Witness of His grace
The Holy Ghost sent down from heaven,
Who feed on your redeeming Lord,
Anticipate the bliss to come,
And taste the sweetness of His word;
Rejoice; but never dare presume!
Your humble confidence hold fast,
For daily grace on Jesus call,
But never boast your conflicts past,
But never dream, Ye cannot fall:
Ye may receive the faith in vain,
And forfeiting your peace and power,
May crucify your God again,
And fall from grace, to rise no more.
Ye will, unless ye watch and pray,
Wander out of the narrow road,
Rush blindfold down the spacious way,
And trample on your Saviour's blood;
Beyond the reach of pardoning grace,
Ye will your own damnation seal,
Intrude into the' apostates' place,
And fall at last from heaven to hell.


[Nature would the crown receive]

Be...followers of them who through faith, &c. —vi. 12.

Nature would the crown receive
The first moment we believe,
But we vainly think to seize
Instantaneous holiness:


Faith alone cannot suffice,
Patience too must earn the prize,
Both ensure the promise given,
Lead through perfect love to heaven.


[Abraham did for the promise stay]

And so, after he had patiently endured, &c. —vi. 15.

Abraham did for the promise stay,
He had not learn'd the shorter way,
But walking on before his God
In all the paths of duty trod,
Careful by works his faith to prove,
And waiting thus for perfect love.
After he had been tempted, tried,
By faith, by actions justified,
After a thousand conflicts past,
And Isaac sacrificed at last,
The image of his Lord he found,
And rose with late perfection crown'd.
Who in our father's footsteps tread,
He bids us gradually proceed,
Nor fondly for the promise hope,
Before we yield our Isaacs up;
He teaches his believing sons,
“The work is never done at once!”
Instructed after him we go,
And perfect holiness below,
And having patiently endured,
The blessing by our Lord procured
We humbly trust at last to' attain,
And purest love with Christ to gain.



[Let the winds blow, and billows roll]

Which hope we have as an anchor, &c. —vi. 19.

Let the winds blow, and billows roll,
Hope is the anchor of the soul:
But can I by so slight a tie,
An unseen hope, on God rely?
Steadfast and sure it cannot fail,
It enters deep within the veil,
It fastens on a land unknown,
And moors me to my Father's throne!


[Who labour'd by the law to live]

The law made nothing perfect, but the, &c. —vii. 19.

Who labour'd by the law to live
Did to its yoke in vain submit,
What it required it could not give,
Or make its votaries complete:
Their holiness was mix'd with sin,
Their happiness with doubt and fear,
The most advanced came short within,
Nor reach'd the perfect character.
But now, the gospel-plan supplies
Sufficiency of richer grace,
It points us to the glorious prize,
The pure consummate righteousness;
To all who trust in Jesu's name
It ministers the Spirit's power,
To make us free from sin and blame,
And all the life of God restore.
We find the better hope brought in,
And boldly to our God draw near,
For grace to serve Him without sin,
To love Him without slavish fear:
And while we to the summit press,
He will the root of sin remove,


Preserve our minds in perfect peace,
And fill our hearts with perfect love.
Through Him who did for sinners die,
We stand before our Father's throne,
Approach so intimately nigh,
That God and we in Christ are one;
One spirit with our spotless Lord,
The heavenly image we obtain,
In Him the life of God restored,
In Him the true perfection gain!


[Coming through our great High-priest]

He is save them to the uttermost, &c. —vii. 25.

Coming through our great High-priest
We find a pardoning God:
Jesu's Spirit in our breast
Bears witness with the blood,
Speaks our Father pacified
Toward every soul that Christ receives;
Tells us, once our Surety died,
And now for ever lives.
Christ for ever lives to pray
For all that trust in Him:
I my soul on Jesus stay,
Almighty to redeem:
He shall purify my heart,
Who in His blood forgiveness have,
All His hallowing power exert,
And to the utmost save.
Basis of our steadfast hope,
Saviour, Thy ceaseless prayer
Sanctifies, and lifts us up
To meet Thee in the air:


Yes, Thine interceding grace
Preserves us every moment Thine,
Till we rise to see the face,
And share the throne Divine.


[All that desperate sinners want]

Such an High Priest became us, who is holy, &c. —vii. 26.

All that desperate sinners want
In our High-priest we have,
Only such a sinless Saint
Our guilty world could save:
Christ, in the redeeming plan,
To us how strangely suitable!
Our reverse, as far from man
Removed as heaven from hell!
Impious, mischievous, unclean,
With sinners mix'd we live,
Fashion'd and brought up in sin,
Till Jesus we receive:
Jesus such as us became,
Our souls He only could secure
Holy, just, and free from blame,
In life, and nature pure.
Separate now from sinful men
Our Advocate above
Doth His brethren's cause maintain
Before the throne of love,
Pleads for us on earth who dwell
His one sufficient sacrifice,
Us to save from sin and hell,
He reigns above the skies.
Holy, innocent, and pure
Thou wilt Thy brethren make,


From an evil world secure,
And to Thy bosom take,
Us before Thy Father's face
Acknowledge for Thy flesh and bone,
Higher than the angels place,
And nearest to Thy throne.


[Engraven on my heart and mind]

I will make a new covenant, &c. —viii. 8.

Engraven on my heart and mind,
O that I could Thy precepts find,
Begotten from above,
The nature contrary to sin,
The' essential righteousness brought in,
The perfect law of love.
The law of glorious liberty,
When wilt Thou, Lord, impart to me?
My soul divinely pure,
Again in holiness create,
Restore me to my first estate,
And make the covenant sure?
Thy covenant of redeeming grace
Stablish with all the faithful race,
Eternally forgiven.
Redeem'd from inward pravity,
In every point conform'd to Thee,
And take us up to heaven.


[Not by the blood of bullocks]

Neither by the blood of goats and calves, &c. —ix. 12.

Not by the blood of bullocks,
Who purchased our salvation,
But by His own
Before the throne
He makes His supplication:


The Friend of pardon'd sinners,
Of each sincere believer,
In Christ we rest
Our great High-priest,
Our Advocate for ever.
He enter'd once the holiest,
And therefore I shall enter,
Who Jesus own,
On Him alone
For full salvation venture:
The earnest and the witness,
And seal of sins forgiven
He bought for me,
With purity,
And all the joys of heaven.


[The blood of goats and bullocks slain]

If the blood of bulls and of goats..., &c. —ix. 13, 14.

The blood of goats and bullocks slain
Had power to purge the legal stain,
And outward holiness restore,
Sprinkled from his impurity,
The sinner stood absolved and free,
And separate from the clean no more.
And shall not that atoning blood
Of Christ, the everlasting God,
A purer holiness impart,
Make the polluted conscience clean,
And purge our inmost soul from sin,
And sanctify our sprinkled heart?
Himself a spotless sacrifice
To His great Father in the skies
He offer'd up for all mankind,


Through the Eternal Spirit's power,
That cleansed from sin we never more
May soil with guilt our spotless mind:
That we may serve the living God
(When Satan's works are all destroy'd)
The merits of our Lord demand;
And we His merits shall receive,
The life of pure obedience live,
And bright in all His image stand.


[Enter'd the holy place above]

Christ is...entered into...heaven itself, now, &c. —ix. 24.

Enter'd the holy place above,
Cover'd with meritorious scars,
The tokens of His dying love
Our great High-priest in glory bears,
He pleads His passion on the tree,
He shows Himself to God for me.
Before the throne my Saviour stands,
My Friend and Advocate appears;
My name is graven on His hands,
And Him the Father always hears;
While low at Jesu's cross I bow,
He hears the blood of sprinkling now!
This instant now I may receive
The answer of His powerful prayer:
This instant now by Him I live,
His prevalence with God declare:
And soon my spirit in His hands
Shall stand, where my Forerunner stands!


[The sentence pass'd on Adam's race]

It is appointed unto men once to die. —ix. 27.

The sentence pass'd on Adam's race
I meekly in myself receive,


And thank Thee for the warning grace,
That here I have not long to live:
I hasten to my real home,
For no reprieve, or respite cry;
But when the fatal hour is come,
My only business be—to die.


[Jesus, Thy bleeding love]

Christ was once offered to bear the sins of, &c. —ix. 28.

Jesus, Thy bleeding love
Our thankful hearts approve:
Once a spotless Victim slain,
Thou did'st here Thy life resign,
Bear for every child of man,
Pacify the wrath Divine.
Our sins Thy body bore,
And justice asks no more;
Thy sufficient sacrifice
Did for all mankind atone:
Now Thou reign'st above the skies,
High on Thine eternal throne.
But while for Thee we mourn,
Thou wilt to us return,
Wilt the second time appear
Saviour of the faithful race;
I shall then behold Thee near,
I shall see Thy heavenly face.
God's everlasting Son
Shall on the clouds come down!
How unlike the Man of woe,
Him that groan'd on Calvary!
Him that tasted death below,
Him that purchased life for me!


Come then our heavenly Friend,
Sorrow and death to end,
Pure, millennial joy to give,
Now appear on earth again,
Now Thy people saved receive,
Now begin Thy glorious reign!


[The legal priests as servants stood]

Every priest standeth daily ministering, &c. —x. 11–13.

The legal priests as servants stood,
And brought their offerings day by day,
Faint shadows of that sacred blood
Which takes the general sin away,
That one sufficient sacrifice,
By Christ presented to the skies.
He offer'd up Himself entire,
And never need the death repeat
Justice can nothing more require;
The sacrifice is all complete:
And seated by His Father's side
He rests, for ever glorified.
The Son, at God's right hand He sits,
Expecting, in Divine repose,
Till earth to His command submits,
While trampling on His vanquish'd foes,
He mounts His great millennial throne,
And reigns o'er all His worlds alone!


[His mournful days of flesh are o'er]

For by one offering He hath perfected for ever, &c. —x. 14.

His mournful days of flesh are o'er,
Accomplish'd is His sacrifice,
Who suffer'd once, He dies no more,
Nor adds to that stupendous price
Which purchased for the faithful race
Pardon, and perfect holiness.


The souls whom separated for His
Out of an evil world He takes,
He renders meet for endless bliss,
Partakers of His nature makes,
And crowns with all the joys above
Their patient faith, and humble love.


[Who trust in our Redeemer's blood]

Having...boldness to enter into the holiest, &c. —x. 19.

Who trust in our Redeemer's blood,
With boldness we approach to God,
Boldness that dares not move,
Yet holds the God from whom it came,
And sinks us into holy shame,
The depth of humble love.


[Happy we, who humbly prove]

Happy we, who humbly prove
The true liberty of love,
Through the all-atoning blood
We have free access to God,
Enter the most holy place,
Stand before our Father's face.
Boldly we approach the throne
By a living way unknown,
Way of faith which Jesus made,
Through the veil of flesh display'd;
Through His rent humanity
God our Friend in heaven we see.
There we see our great High-Priest,
Enter'd His triumphant rest,
There He pleads His death below,
There He lives His wounds to show,
Offers up our prayers with His,
Claims for us eternal bliss.


Draw we then through Jesus near,
Saved from sin, and doubt, and fear,
In full confidence Divine,
Each assured, that Christ is mine,
Mine, O God, through Christ Thou art,
Mine I have Thee in my heart.
Upright now my heart and true
Lo, I offer to Thy view,
Lighten'd of its guilty load,
Sprinkled with my Saviour's blood,
Conscious of Thy pardoning grace,
Cleansed from all unrighteousness.
He that made my conscience clean
Still preserves from acting sin,
Pours His Spirit of purity,
Every moment waters me;
He shall wholly sanctify,
Take me sinless to the sky.


[Conscious of all that I have done]

Having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience. —x. 22.

Conscious of all that I have done,
Of evils to the world unknown,
My punishment I feel.
Driven out from my Creator's face,
A vagrant Cain, in every place
I carry my own hell.
Remembrance shakes her whip severe,
Her scorpion whip of guilty fear,
Of sad remorse and shame.
But from myself I cannot fly,
Or find one drop of comfort nigh
To cool this scorching flame.


Jesus, my only Hope Thou art,
Sprinkle Thy blood upon my heart,
And make its troubles cease:
Thy blood the wounded conscience heals,
Thy blood the sinner's pardon seals,
And bids me die in peace.
Faith in Thy blood if Thou bestow,
The sting of guilt no more I know,
The self-tormenting mind,
I plunge me in the' oblivious flood,
I wash away my sinful load,
And leave myself behind.
Help then my desperate unbelief,
Appear to end my sin, and grief,
With all Thy wounds confess'd.
Thy love on Calvary display,
And bear my ransom'd soul away,
To that eternal rest.


[Conscience of ill, how sharp the pain!]

Conscience of ill, how sharp the pain!
How deeply must a soul complain,
With harrowing guilt oppress'd!
That pain and deep complaint is mine,
A stranger to the blood Divine,
And faith's internal rest.
But say, Thou all-atoning Lamb,
Exposed to grief, and pain, and shame,
Extended on the tree,
Jesus, so lavish of Thy blood,
Why didst Thou pour that precious flood,
If not to sprinkle me?


Thy blood was shed for me in vain,
Unless, to purge my sinful stain
Its virtue to exert,
Unless by living faith applied,
It speak me freely justified,
And purify my heart.
Come then, and by Thy death release
My troubled heart, which seeks for ease,
For liberty, and love:
Touch me, and white as Salmon's snow,
And hallow'd by Thy blood, I go
To see Thy face above.


[Conscious of all that I have done]

Conscious of all that I have done,
Since first I would from God depart,
I cannot bear, I cannot shun,
The dire reproach of my own heart,
The stings of grief, remorse, and fear,
Presaging death and judgment near.
Memory severe, and secret shame,
With scorpion whips my spirit tear;
Caught in the toils of hell I am,
The pit of bottomless despair:
The gnawings of that worm I feel,
Which only Jesus' blood can kill.
O that I could in Him believe
And find the fountain in His side!
O that I could His blood perceive,
To this foul, faithless heart applied!
Saviour, from all my sins release,
And bid me now depart in peace.


Sprinkle, and make my conscience pure,
For this alone on earth I stay,
And humbly of Thy favour sure
Would hasten to shake off my clay,
With joy my hallow'd soul resign,
And plunge in depths of love Divine!


[Urged, surrounded with temptations]

Ye have need of patience. —x. 36.

Urged, surrounded with temptations,
Toiling on a stormy sea,
Saviour, we have need of patience,
Saviour, we have need of Thee:
Underneath Thy cross support us,
Sent with Israel's chariot down
Till the flaming guards escort us
To Thine everlasting throne.


[The promise here of perfect love]

That, might receive the promise, &c. —x. 36.

The promise here of perfect love,
Of glorious endless life above
May we not with more ease obtain,
And 'scape the toil, the strife, the pain?
Yes, if we to our flesh give ear,
Or the smooth daubing prophets hear,
We need not patiently endure,
Or work, before our hearts are pure.
Us, who would do the Saviour's will,
They teach, “be simple, and be still,
Nor mind the legal guides, that say
Ye must endure, ye must obey:
We bid you start, and win the race,
(For patience is a needless grace,)


Repose, before the work is done,
Before the fight, obtain the crown.”
But taught of God, we come to do
His will, we come to suffer too,
By patient faith continue still
In doing good, and bearing ill:
And after we have served our Lord,
We trust Him for the sure reward,
Expect His image to regain,
And then in bliss immortal reign.

Perfection; eternal life. Mr. J. W.'s Notes.


[Trusting in His faithful word]

Yet a little while, and He that shall come, &c. —x. 37.

Trusting in His faithful word,
I attend a moment's space,
Till the coming of my Lord
Brings me all His heaven of grace:
Yes, I steadfastly believe
Jesus will not long defer,
I the promise shall receive
First, and then the Promiser!


[But may the righteous man]

The just shall live by faith: but if he [Gr.], &c. —x. 38.

But may the righteous man
Who lives by faith Divine
Receive the saving grace in vain,
And from his God decline?
His God he can forsake,
With sin again comply,
Perdition's son he can draw back,
And unrepenting die.
How then shall I presume
Or rest in grace secure,


Or boast, the moment faith is come,
Of mine election sure?
Thy kind tremendous word
O may I rather hear,
And work out my salvation, Lord,
With agonizing fear.
If mercy let me go,
Though freely justified,
Deceitful as a broken bow,
I soon shall start aside;
My own infirmity,
Saviour, with shame I feel,
I shall, one moment left by Thee,
I must, draw back—to hell.
But on Thy guardian care
Assist me to depend,
With constant watchfulness and prayer,
Till life's sharp conflict end:
And I shall persevere
With humble caution blest,
And from the sin I always fear
Escape into Thy breast.


[What say the happy dead?]

He being dead yet speaketh. —xi. 4.

What say the happy dead?
They bid me bear my load,
With silent steps proceed,
And follow them to God;
Till life's uneasy dream
In rapture shall depart,
They bid me give, like them,
To Christ my bleeding heart.



[I want the witness, Lord]

Before his translation he had this testimony, &c. —xi. 5.

I want the witness, Lord,
That all I do is right,
According to Thy mind and word,
Well-pleasing in Thy sight:
I seek no higher state,
Indulge me but in this,
And soon, or later then translate
To Thine eternal bliss.


[With simple faith like his]

He went out, not knowing whither he went. —xi. 8.

With simple faith like his,
At Thy command I go,
In quest of future bliss,
Which here I cannot know,
To mine inheritance above
With swift obedience tend:
Whate'er my earthly journey prove,
I trust Thee for the end.


[Happy might I the grace receive]

These all died in faith. —xi. 13.

Happy might I the grace receive
The life of faith in Christ to live,
On Him in all events rely,
And leaning on His bosom die!
Then, then, while soul and body part,
Let faith its strongest life exert,
Surround me with celestial light,
And die itself in Jesu's sight.


[We first beheld the promise made]

They were persuaded of them, and embraced, &c. —xi. 13.

We first beheld the promise made,
Far off, yet to believers sure;


Nor murmur at the bliss delay'd,
But hoping to the end endure;
And wait our pardon seal'd to prove
Our souls renew'd in perfect love.
By faith persuaded more and more,
That God His promise shall fulfil,
We see the peace and saving power
Nearer approach and nearer still,
Till full partakers of His grace,
We, and the word in Christ embrace.


[I too have done the same]

By faith he forsook Egypt. —xi. 27.

I too have done the same;
Yet not, O Lord, to me,
The praise be to Thy name
Which set the captive free:
Free from sin's Egyptian yoke,
To the' Invisible I look,
And see my great Redeemer stand,
My Leader to the heavenly land.


[The moment we begin our race]

Let us run with patience the race that is set, &c. —xii. 1.

The moment we begin our race,
We must the Saviour's cross embrace,
Must daily take it up, and run
With patience, till the race is won,
Our nature's flattering hope resign,
In pomp of ghostly gifts to shine,
Nor dream, when saved from slavish fear,
We need no longer suffer here.
While after Jesus we proceed,
Patience we every moment need,


By a whole world of sinners tried,
Conform'd to Jesus crucified;
The patience of unwearied hope
Must bear our fainting spirits up,
Comfort, till all our deaths are pass'd,
And give the' immortal crown at last.
Were all the race already run,
And one short step remain'd alone,
To take that one short step behind,
We need be arm'd with Jesu's mind;
For if we rest as now secure,
And do not to the end endure,
If patience fail, we fall from grace,
And drop the cross, and lose the race.
But Thou on whom our souls depend,
Wilt keep us patient to the end,
And still with passive grace supply,
Daily with Thee to bleed and die;
Till strengthen'd by Thy Spirit's power,
We meet that last decisive hour,
And mingle with the' immortal dead,
From pain and death for ever freed.


[O that I could look to Thee]

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher, &c. —xii. 2.

O that I could look to Thee,
Jesus, lifted up for me,
Me a wounded Israelite,
Me expiring in Thy sight!
Guilt the serpent's sting I feel,
Anguish inconceivable,
Bleeding, gasping on the ground,
Dying of the poisonous wound.


But with a believing eye
If I can my Lord espy,
Hanging on the sacred pole,
I, even I, shall be made whole.
Give me now to find Thee near,
Now as crucified appear;
Life is through Thy wounds alone,
Mine to heal, display Thine own.


[Lord, to Thee I feebly look]

Lord, to Thee I feebly look,
Thou my cause hast undertook,
Author of my faith Thou art,
Stamping pardon on my heart.
But that every moment I
May on Thy dear cross rely,
Still the mystery reveal
Of Thy love unspeakable.
What Thou gav'st me once to know,
O continue to bestow;
Give me, every moment give
By Thy precious death to live.
This my sole employment be,
Station'd here on Calvary,
Let me on Thy passion gaze,
See Thee dying in my place.
While I thus my Pattern view,
I shall bleed and suffer too,
With the Man of sorrow join'd
One become in heart and mind.
More and more like Jesus grow,
Till the Finisher I know,


Gain the final victor's wreath,
Perfect love in perfect death.


[Can it mercenary be]

Who for the joy that was set before Him, &c. —xii. 2.

Can it mercenary be,
Saviour, to endure like Thee,
Thy example to pursue,
Thy reward to keep in view?
For Thy glory in the sky,
Daily, Lord, with Thee I die,
Fasten'd to Thy cross I am,
Feel the pain, and slight the shame.
Thou by that immortal hope
Bear'st Thy suffering servant up,
Thou at God's right hand sat down,
Reachest out to me the crown.
Let me then Thy cup receive,
With Thy every sorrow grieve,
Share Thy last severest load,
Languish for an absent God;
Dying to my Father look,
Till my final hour forsook,
On the ignominious tree
Hang, and bleed to death with Thee:
Sure, when I my soul resign,
Life, eternal life, is mine,
When into Thine arms I fall,
Heaven will make amends for all!


[Jesus, I look to Thee]

Jesus, I look to Thee,
A guilty, sin-sick soul,


I look Thy healing wounds to see,
I look, to be made whole;
I look for peace, and more,
I look for perfect grace,
And then to see the heavenly shore,
And then to see Thy face.


[I do consider Thee]

Consider Him. —xii. 3.

I do consider Thee
Who didst the cross sustain,
Grieved with our misery,
Afflicted with our pain!
Ashamed to faint I am
Beneath my lighter load,
Contemplating the Lamb,
The silent Lamb of God!


[Chastised by an indulgent God]

Despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, &c. —xii. 5.

Chastised by an indulgent God,
I would the kind chastisement feel,
But never faint beneath the rod,
Nor desperate, nor insensible:
From each extreme divinely kept,
The trouble coming from above
I would with thankful awe accept,
And bless with tears my Father's love.


[The children's mark I surely bear]

Whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth. —xii. 6.

The children's mark I surely bear,
And bless Thee, Father, for the grace,
Because Thou lov'st, Thou dost not spare,
But chide and scourge me all my days:
'Tis thus Thou dost Thine own receive,
And seal the children for Thine own,


'Tis thus Thou call'st us up to live
Co-partners with Thy glorious Son.


[Vain man, who dost dispute the need]

What son is he whom the father chasteneth not? —xii. 7.

Vain man, who dost dispute the need
Of suffering by a Father's love,
And blindly the exemption plead
Peculiar to the saints above,
With lighten'd eyes thy calling see,
And take the cup prepared for thee.
Whoe'er their heavenly Father fear
His loving chastisements sustain,
Not one of all His children here
Is privileged from grief and pain,
Not one but feels in deep distress
This token of paternal grace.


[Who never hast affliction known]

If ye be without chastisement,...are ye...not sons. —xii. 8.

Who never hast affliction known,
Or smarted by a Father's rod,
Sinner, thou art not yet a son,
Thou art not truly born of God,
Howe'er thou may'st thy soul deceive,
Thou never didst in Christ believe.
The steadfast word of God and sure
This mark of our adoption gives:
And he who doth not pain endure
The sinful life of nature lives;
And if he still at ease remain,
Shall soon inherit endless pain.


[The children every one partake]

Chastisement whereof all are partakers. —xii. 8.

The children every one partake
The chastisement for all design'd,
Their God doth no exception make
Impartially, severely kind,


No favourite uncorrected leaves,
But scourges all whom He receives.
To none of the believing race
This mark their Father's love denies:
But when he sees the light of grace
The babe in Christ that moment cries,
And of the heavenly Spirit born
Begins at once to breathe, and mourn.
In sorrow, as in grace, we grow,
With closer fellowship in pain,
Our Lord more intimately know,
Till coming to a perfect man
His sharpest agonies we share,
And all His marks of passion bear.
Partakers of His bitterest cup,
And burden'd with His heaviest load,
We fill His after-sufferings up,
Conform'd to an expiring God;
And only such our Father owns,
And seats on our appointed thrones.


[Father, that we are truly Thine]

Chastened us...He for our profit,! that we might, &c. —xii. 10.

Father, that we are truly Thine,
By Thine afflicting hand we know,
Enter into Thy kind design,
Partakers with the Man of woe,
And bear our lot of sacred pain,
Thy nature, and Thy throne to' obtain.
Though slow of heart, we comprehend
The gracious meaning of Thy rod;


Who dost in every stroke intend
Our spiritual, eternal good:
We bless Thine acceptable will,
Which scourges and afflicts us still.
The good, which we could never find
Untroubled, unchastised by Thee,
We feel, in pain and grief resign'd,
The patient, meek humility,
The mind which in our Saviour was,
And all the bearers of His cross.
Then let us still His cross sustain,
A Father's chastisements receive,
And waiting thus the prize to gain,
We shall the life Divine retrieve,
And put Thy sinless image on,
Pure members of Thy perfect Son.


[Afflicted by a gracious God]

No chastening for the present seemeth to be, &c. —xii. 11.

Afflicted by a gracious God,
The stroke I patiently sustain,
Grievous to feeble flesh and blood;
Unable to rejoice in pain,
Beneath a Father's hand I bow,
And groan to feel the chastening now.
But when He hath my patience proved,
And sees me to His will resign'd,
His heavy hand and rod removed
Shall leave its bless'd effects behind,
The sure, inviolable peace,
The fruit of finish'd righteousness.
This pain, this consecrated pain,
With which my soul and flesh are fill'd,


His instrument if He ordain,
The pure and perfect love shall yield;
But by whatever means 'tis done,
The work, and praise is all His own.


[That finish'd holiness]

Follow...holiness. —xii. 14.

That finish'd holiness,
My calling's prize I see,
Consummate love, and perfect peace,
And spotless purity.
The nature and the mind,
And image of my Lord,
I follow on with Christ to find,
With paradise restored.
In all the works of faith
My object I pursue,
And strive in duty's narrow path,
To keep the prize in view.
In sure and patient hope
I grasp the crown above,
And strain to reach the mountain top
In all the toils of love.
I urge the race begun,
The cross of Jesus bear,
And fight, and strive, and wrestle on
In agony of prayer;
In Jesu's footsteps tread,
Hard following after God,
Partake the travail of my Head,
And sweat His sweat of blood.
A thousand times I faint,
Yet rise with spirit new,


With warmer zeal, and keener want,
My Saviour to pursue.
Saviour, my all Thou art,
Enter this struggling breast,
And bid me now in peace depart
To love's eternal rest.


[Throughout my fallen soul I feel]

Without which no man shall see the Lord. —xii. 14.

Throughout my fallen soul I feel,
Salvation is impossible!
A stranger to His grace,
Unchanged, unhallow'd, unrestored,
I cannot stand before the Lord,
Or see Jehovah's face.
That finish'd holiness alone,
That image of the God unknown
A sinner qualifies
For fellowship with Christ above,
And gives the perfected in love
To meet His glorious eyes.
O would my Lord to me impart
The spotless purity of heart,
For which so long I pine!
Jesus, my true Perfection be,
And swallow up my soul in Thee,
The depths of love Divine.
Then let me see my Saviour's face,
Then let me on those beauties gaze
Which angels fall before;
And feasting on the rapturous sight,
With all the dazzled sons of light
Eternally adore!



[O that I could]

Ye are the blood of sprinkling. —xii. 22–24.

O that I could
Approach the blood
Which quench'd His indignation,
Satisfied a righteous God,
And purchased my salvation.
Sprinkled on me
Now let it be,
The blood that cries in heaven,
Loud as when it stain'd the tree,
And spake a world forgiven.
Faith is the grace
Which gives access,
And through that open fountain,
Brings me to my Father's face
On the celestial mountain.
Faith lends an ear,
The blood to hear,
For sinners interceding;
Banishes my guilty fear,
And gives me back my Eden.
In pity give
Me to believe,
Jesus, my faith's Beginner;
For Thy own dear sake receive
A poor, despairing sinner.
O might the blood,
Which speaks to God
With ceaseless intercession,
Now remove my sinful load,
And blot out my transgression.


Now, Lord, reveal
Thy love, the seal
Of all my sins forgiven,
Then receive me up to dwell,
And share Thy throne in heaven.


[Sinner, thy lost condition see!]

Whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. —xiii. 4.

Sinner, thy lost condition see!
Thy lot among the goats shall be—
Unless thou judge thyself, and know
Thy merit is eternal woe;
Unless thou hate those foul desires
Which rouse the everlasting fires,
And groan beneath the curse of God,
And plunge in the all-cleansing blood!


[The same I yesterday did prove]

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to-day, &c. —xiii. 8.

The same I yesterday did prove
I find to-day, that God is Love:
And such as Thou art now in me,
Jesus, Thou wilt for ever be.


[A city we seek from above]

We seek a city to come. —xiii. 14.

A city we seek from above,
Our proper and permanent home,
From whence we shall never remove,
A heavenly city to come:
And while we are travelling on,
The King of the place we shall spy,
And mount, as the city comes down,
And meet in the midst of the sky.


[Come, let us obey]

Come, let us obey,
For He calls us away,


Who in mercy attends,
And delivers His own, wheresoever He sends.
We have nothing to fear
With Jesus so near,
Our invisible Guide,
We are guarded by Him, and in Him we abide.
By sea and by land,
Conceal'd in His hand
From all dangers and snares;
He covers our head, and He numbers our hairs.
We may sing as we go
Through the valley of woe,
For our lives are above,
And we rest in the arms of Omnipotent Love.
Till He knows it is best,
We are never distress'd;
Till His pity ordain,
We are never afflicted with sickness or pain.
The terrible king
No alarum can bring;
His threats we defy;
Though his quiver is full, not an arrow can fly.
We are safe in His hands
Who all nature commands,
And hath number'd our days,
And will order our lives as is most for His praise.
Will o'errule and defend
Till our pilgrimage end,
And in Christ we remove
With a flaming escort to our country above.



[O God of peace, and pardoning love]

Now the God of peace, that brought, &c. —xiii. 20, 21.

O God of peace, and pardoning love,
Thy bowels of compassion move
To every sinful child of man;
Jesus our Shepherd great and good,
Who dying bought us with His blood,
Thou hast brought back to life again:
His blood to all our souls apply;
His only blood can sanctify,
(Which first did for our sins atone,)
The covenant of redemption seal,
The depths of God, of love, reveal,
And speak us perfected in one.
O might our every work and word
Express the tempers of our Lord,
The nature of our Head above!
His Spirit send into our hearts,
Engraving on our inward parts
The living law of holiest love:
Then shall we do with pure delight
Whate'er is pleasing in Thy sight,
As vessels of Thy richest grace;
And having Thy whole counsel done,
To Thee, and Thy co-equal Son
Ascribe the everlasting praise.