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[Love, only love Thy law fulfils]

The end of the commandment is charity. —i. 5.

Love, only love Thy law fulfils,
And doth whate'er its Author wills;
Breathe it into my heart, and I
Shall with Thy perfect will comply,
While all my words and actions prove
The end of the command is love.


[Jehovah manifest below]

This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all, &c. —i. 15.

Jehovah manifest below
Without Thy robes of majesty,
Thou cam'st into our world of woe
To save our sinful world, and me,
Me, me out of the flames to save,
And ransom from the' infernal grave.
A Man of griefs Thou didst appear
On earth, and pour out all Thy blood,
Me to redeem from guilty fear,
From sin, the world, and Satan's rod,
To change my soul, by grace forgiven,
And snatch me quite from earth to heaven.
The faithful saying of my Lord
With cordial gladness I embrace,
And wait to' experience all Thy word,
Saved to the utmost, saved by grace;
While on the eagle wings of love
I mount, to take my place above.


[Such, Lord, did Thine apostle know]

Of whom I am chief. —i. 15.

Such, Lord, did Thine apostle know
Himself? how could it be?


Explain it to my heart, and show
The sinners' chief in me.


[Lord, we with joy Thy word obey] made...for kings. —ii. 1, 2.

Lord, we with joy Thy word obey,
Who dost the power impart,
And now his sacred burden lay
On every faithful heart:
The man who fills the British throne
We now present to Thee,
Anoint, and seal him for Thy own
Through all eternity.


[My hands, and lips, and heart impure]

Lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting. —ii. 8.

My hands, and lips, and heart impure
I offer up to Thee,
Whose offering did from God procure
Atoning grace for me:
And while Thou dost my conscience cleanse,
And purge my guilty load,
I wash my hands in innocence,
I wash them in Thy blood.
Soon as Thou hast the pardon given,
To' approach Thy throne I dare,
I lift up holy hands to heaven,
In strong effectual prayer;
My powerful Advocate above
With confidence I find,
I find my heart enlarged in love
To God and all mankind.
Lord, when I am of Thee possess'd,
Thy Spirit prays in me,
And offers up my bold request
In faith and charity:


When love hath cast my hatred out,
To wrath I cannot yield,
I cannot of acceptance doubt,
When every prayer is seal'd.


[God in mortal flesh reveal'd]

Great is the mystery of godliness: God was, &c. —iii. 16.

God in mortal flesh reveal'd,
Explain the mystery,
Show it still on man fulfill'd,
Be manifest in me;
Thou who didst on earth appear,
By faith conceived Thyself impart,
Pitch Thy tabernacle here
In my believing heart.
Thou, who didst so greatly stoop
To a poor virgin's womb,
Here Thy mean abode take up,
To me, my Saviour come;
Come, and Satan's works destroy,
And let me all Thy Godhead prove,
Fill'd with peace, and heavenly joy,
And pure eternal love.
Then my soul with strange delight
Shall comprehend and feel
All the length, and breadth, and height
Of love unspeakable;
Then I shall the secret know,
Which angels would search out in vain,
God was man, and served below,
That man with God might reign.


[Stay, thou too happy sinner, stay]

She that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth. —v. 6.

Stay, thou too happy sinner, stay,
Smooth-gliding down the flowery way,
The broad frequented road;


Gay wretch, that dost in pleasure live,
And all thy joy from earth receive,
Thy soul is dead to God.
When death thy soul and body part,
If dead to God even then thou art,
Excluded from the skies,
Shut up in darkness palpable,
And justly left to its own hell,
Thy soul for ever dies.


[Doth the Lord for oxen care]

Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth, &c. —v. 18.

Doth the Lord for oxen care,
And will them to be fed,
Thoughtless of His minister
Who dies for want of bread?
Jesus, pity my distress,
Thou know'st for Thee alone I pine,
Hunger after righteousness,
And thirst for love Divine.
Nothing of desert I claim,
Who without comfort mourn,
If by Thee employ'd I am
For treading out the corn:
O might I the grace receive
With which Thou dost Thy church supply,
Sharer of Thy gospel live,
Or now accepted die.


[A few may scruple to confess]

Supposing that gain is godliness. —vi. 5.

A few may scruple to confess,
That gain is the true godliness;
But all who know the world proclaim
That good and wealthy is the same.



[See the fruit of worldly cares!]

They that will [Gr. are willing to] be rich fall, &c. —vi. 9.

See the fruit of worldly cares!
They that will be rich or great
Fall into ten thousand snares,
Fall at last into the pit,
Drown'd in bottomless perdition,
Cursed with their own heart's desire,
Banish'd from the blissful vision,
Plunged in everlasting fire!


[Is that cursed root in me]

The love of money is the root of all evil. —vi. 10.

Is that cursed root in me
From whence all evils grow?
Thou the vile idolatry,
And Thou alone canst show:
Searcher of the treacherous heart,
To me, O God, discover mine,
Then the' idolater convert,
And fill with love Divine.


[Man of the world, O God, am I?]

Thou, O man of God, flee these things. —vi. 11.

Man of the world, O God, am I?
To Thee, O God, if I belong,
From all the happiness I fly
Of the poor, blind, deluded throng;
What men esteem I cannot prize,
I cannot wish what men desire,
Or coolly plunge with open eyes
In unextinguishable fire.


[Soldier of Christ, in His great might]

Fight the good fight of faith. —vi. 12.

Soldier of Christ, in His great might
A warfare at His cost I go,


'Gainst sin, the world, and Satan fight,
Till nature meets her latest foe;
Patient I wait my Lord's command
To lay my arms and body down,
And then receive from Jesu's hand
The labourer's hire, the victor's crown.