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Sec. 495(4). A-1 residence district uses.

Within any A-1 Residence District, as indicated in the Building
Zone Map, no lot, building or structure shall be used, and no
building or structure shall be erected which is intended or designed
to be used, in whole or in part, for any industrial, manufacturing,
trade or commercial purpose, or for any other than
the following purposes:

(1) Any use hereinbefore permitted in A Residence Districts.

(2) A detached or semi-detached residence for two families
or two housekeeping units.

(3) A residence for three or more families or housekeeping
units, or apartment houses.

(4) Dormitories, boarding houses, lodging houses and clubs;
including restaurants accessory to any of the foregoing.

(5) Hotels not catering to transient guests and not carrying
on any merchandising.

(6) Lodges and fraternal, social, recreational and community
center organizations, provided that any such establishment shall
not be conducted primarily for gain.

(7) Garages, only for the purpose of housing private automobiles
owned or operated by the tenants of any building permitted
in this subsection, providing no business is conducted other than
the leasing of space; will be permitted in the basement of such
building, or in the rear and adjacent thereto, or detached.