University of Virginia Library



“There's a ‘Tendency making for Righteousness:’ True! which abundantly proves
A ‘Supreme Moral Power’ exists; all the more that so slowly it moves,
So accords with the gradual processes physical Nature so loves.
If to physical Harmony—Order, the Universe wins as a whole,
May not Order and Harmony Moral be fixed for its loftier goal?—
Now the thinkers and feelers—those best and profoundest, sincerely declare
With such Power—of Reason all perfect and Will the divinest—to share
Inexpressible inner communion, purifies, elevates most
The Spirit that yearns to be like it. We know too, the pride and the boast
Of their race—the magnificent Souls who have loftiest towered through Time,
By the depth of their love of that Power have been stirred up and strengthened to climb—
And through faith in Immortal Existence, have soared to that climax sublime!
What! did Man o'er those animal cycles to royal pre-eminence rise
But by stimulants—impulses true—true outer and inner supplies,
Yet by means that are false and illusive to moral perfection must tower—


True Sun and true Air make the plant, mock Sun and sham Air make its flower!
Are not forces through Nature the nobler, to nobler productions that tend?
And shall Man by the false and deceptive, most truly the lower—ascend?
Can His upward be really Her downward? one refluent wave can he be—
Flowing back 'mid the millions that run right-ahead in the Universe-Sea?
Is he placed topsy-turvy, as 'twere, with harmonious Nature at strife—
Like a slide set by chance upside-down in the rich Magic-Lantern of Life?