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The Shepherd's Garden

By William Davies

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Good neighbours old and young, who love this jovial season,
Cast all your care aside and join the feast with reason:
The shrilly pipe doth sound, each rustic beats the ground
With many a leap and bound; such jolly hearts are found:
For merry Christmas comes but once a year.
All things do find a place to guard them from the weather,
Whilst we with ancient use do trip it all together:
The weary beggar old doth shield him from the cold,
The sheep are in the fold, the dormouse snugly roll'd:
For merry Christmas comes but once a year.
Money is a good if that we do spend it,
Time doth bid us use, the whilst his grace doth lend it;
Favour will decay, youth will soon away,
The wisest sage doth say, Be happy whilst you may:
For merry Christmas comes but once a year.