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Hymns and Poems

Original and Translated: By Edward Caswall ... Second Edition

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Yes, there are times
When through my being's depth,
Shoots an ecstatic thrill


Of bounding gratitude for mercies past;—
To think that now,
From sophistry's black web,
From deadly subtle snare
Of Heresy, I am escaped at last!
O, happy I!
Who, spent by baffling surge,
Have now at length my foot
Upon the Rock of Peter firmly set;
Round which the waves
Tumultuous rage in vain;
Vainly have raged of old,
And still in vain shall rage through ages yet.
Now let the hills
Be swept into the sea;
Let the floods lift their voice;
And mountains shake before the roaring deep;—
I on the Rock
Of ages safe from harm,
Will lay me down in peace,
And all amid the wrack securely sleep.
Thou o'er my head
Lulling the fretful sea,
Star of the deep! shine down,
Still evermore the same in storms or calms!
And send sweet dreams
Of Paradise to me,
Taking my happy rest
Safe in my everlasting Father's arms!