University of Virginia Library


Bishop Goodwin.

NOVEMBER 25TH, 1892.
Here in the land of shepherds let him rest—
Chief shepherd he of Cumbria's ancient wild—
And lay his bones beside his well-loved child,
And strew the snow-white flowers upon his breast;
For he with childhood's joyousness was blest,
With manhood's calm; to any weakling mild,
Fierce only to the wolves; and unbeguiled
By soft vale voices sought the mountain crest,
And on the peaks of duty, not of fame,
Wrought out his shepherd's calling. Now he lies
In sight of Skiddaw, and the hearts that burn—
Remembering all the deeds of Kentigern—
Know, since, till this man taught us, none more wise
To lift the cross, beside the Derwent came.