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Alexander Pope: Minor poems

Edited by Norman Ault: Completed by John Butt

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III. To my Ingenious Friend, the Author of the Key to the Lock.

Tho' many a Wit from time to time has rose
T'inform the World of what it better knows,
Yet 'tis a Praise that few their own can call,
To tell Men things they never knew at all.
This was reserv'd, Great Barnivelt, for Thee,
To save this Land from dangerous Mystery.
But thou too gently hast laid on thy Satyr;
What awes the World is Envy and ill Nature.
Can Popish Writings do the Nations good?
Each Drop of Ink demands a Drop of Blood.


A Papist wear the Lawrel! is it fit?
O Button! summon all thy Sons of Wit!
Join in the common Cause e'er 'tis too late;
Rack your Inventions some, and some in time translate.
If all this fail, let Faggot, Cart, and Rope,
Revenge our Wits and Statesmen on a Pope.