University of Virginia Library

Her Presence.


The Gods of old, which to our mortal View
Came down, and stay'd, could do no more than you,


Myriads of Blessings then were shed
Upon th'astonisht People's Head;
No less your Presence I am sure can do,
You are my Doctress and my Med'cine too.


One touch of Yours stops the fierce flux of Pain,
One piercing Glance baffles the strongest chain;
In your Bright Looks I fairly see
Th'exactest Emblem of Divinity.
If I gaze long, my Parts can't hold entire,
Like melting Wax they drop before the Fire.


In vain from Books can I expect Relief,
Philosophy's dull Rules can't cure my Grief,
Like Oyl put to my raging Fire,
They but increase my vain desire;
These cheat me all; but in their Looks I see
My Fate resolv'd, and I will follow thee.