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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Tercium remedium contra originale peccatum fuit sacrificii immolacio.

The thrid remedy ordeynt was
aȝeynus our forme-fader syn,
was sacrifice to gete vs gras
of bestaile, as I shal ou myn,
As Noe did after þe flode
to plese God withe, as rede we,
& Abraham als that was so gode,
to God obedient thai wold be,


& his son, that he loued most,
At Goddes byddyng wold haf slayn,
Agaynus him he wold not bost,
bot at his biddyng ay be bayn.
therfore God heghut him, leue ȝe me,
that of this sed shuld cum a floure,
thurgh which all men shuld blesset be,
Ihesu Crist our sauioure.