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The seuin Seages

Translatit out of prois in Scottis meter be Iohne Rolland in Dalkeith, with ane Moralitie efter euerie Doctouris Tale, and siclike efter the Emprice Tale, togidder with ane louing and laude to euerie Doctour efter his awin Tale, & ane Exclamation and outcrying vpon the Empreouris wife efter hir fals contrusit Tale ... Edited, with introduction, notes, and glossary, by Geo. F. Black

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How Dioclesiane on the Emprice complenit,
And him excusit of all maters scho menit.

Efter that the seuin Maisters all about
Had sauit this Chyld of all danger and dout
Be gude ressounis, of storeis red and sene,
Vpon the morne togidder did conuene
To ane counsall, to se how weill thay micht
Conuoy this Chylde vnto his Fathers sicht,
And fra presoun how best thay suld him bring,
All to consult thay past for the same thing.
Sa to presoun thay come with ane consent
To speik this Chyld befoir the none thay went
His opinioun and counsall for to heir,
Quhat he wantit that thay seuin suld him leir.
Richt weill besene in honest Ornament,
Of his Maisteris twasum befoir him went.
And on Ilk syde of him Maisteris ȝeid ane,
And thre behind, and sa fordwart ar gane.
And fourtene men in thair companie went


Ilk ane playing on diuers Instrument.
And euerie ane was Maister in Musick,
For Melodie and mirth thair was nane sick.
To the Palice this Chylde thay did conuoy,
With greit blyithnes, mirth melodie and Ioy,
Sa that the sound of all the Instrumentis
And the greit noyis in at the windois wentis.
Quhat was the noyis, the Empreour did demād
Thay said it was his sone cūming at hand,
Vnto ȝour grace, for to excuse him sell,
Of part of plaintis, quhilk sum did to ȝow tell,
The Empreour said thay tythandis lykis me,
My sone speiking gif I micht heir or se.
In the Palice this ȝoung Chylde tuik entres
Quhairof mony maid mirth and mirrines.
And quhen he come to his Fatheris presence,
He hailsit him with dewlie reuerence
With honour fauour, and all humilitie,
As him become, or culd of courtasie.
The companie, and all about was glaid.
With greit blyithnes to his Father he said.
Hale Father deir, helth honour and weilfair
Be to ȝour grace, for now and euer mair.
Sa sone as he of his sone hard the vois,
Into his hart it did him sa reiois:
That his greit lufe his wittis it did confound,
That he for Ioy flatlingis fell to the ground.
Than vp agane his sone tuik him in haist,
And diuers times in his armes he him braist.
Sa with sweit wordis and cōfortabill brasing
Fra swoun agane he did his Father bring.
Als sone fra swoun the Empreour did walk,
The Chylde began to his Father to talk.
Zit of pepill thair was sic confluence,
The Chylde to speik micht scarse get audience.
The Empreour he causit cassin be,


Greit sowmes of gold out throw the hail Cietie
To that effect to draw the pepill away,
That he micht heir what thīg his sone wald say
Of the money ȝit sum tuik small regaird,
That the yoūg man sa fane thay wald haif hard
The Empreour he cryit giue audience,
In pane of deith Ilk man to keip silence.
Thā was all clois, to speik thair durst na man
Sine for to speik Dioclesiane began.
My Father deir humblie I ȝow beseik,
That ȝe will caus or I ma wordis speik,
Zour awin Emprice with hir fair Ladeis gent
At my sermon Ilk ane to be present.
The Empreour Incontinent gaue command,
That the Emprice suld hidder cum fra hand.
With hir Ladeis of hir Chalmer Ilk ane,
To hir belyue the Messinger is gane,
And in all haist the Message tald hir till,
And schew to hir the Empreouris minde & will
Scho heiring that scho tuik ane felloun feir,
Was na remeid, bot all thay did compeir.
Than did the Childe desire the Empreour,
That all the Ladeis of the Emprice bour
Suld stand on raw, Ilk ane at vtheris syde,
In pane of deith that nane thame self suld hyde
That the pepill micht all thame planelie se
Thair trim makdome, and als thair honestie.
Thair fauour, yair face, yair fame & yair fassoū
Thair braue hauingis, and thair paintit persoū
Vpon the deis thay damis quhē yai war dreuin
Thay war maist like Angellis cū furth of heuin
Thay war sa sweit sū said thay war all sanctis
Trew men thame callit als trim as termigantis
Than stude thay vp all into plane presence,
And to the Childe gaue oppin audience.


Than said the Childe Father lift vp ȝour Ene,
Behald how lang that ȝe haue blindit bene
With ȝour Emprice that is ȝour Maryit quene
And that ȝoung wenche that all is cled in grene
Quhilk is bour Mayd vnto ȝour awin Empres
Quhome scho hes mair in fauour and kindnes,
Than euer scho had I dar weill tak on me
Sen thay first met than to ȝour Maiestie.
Quhome I desire gif it plesit ȝour grace
To be vncled befoir ȝow in this place.
That being done, richt weill ȝe sall persaue,
Sic ane bour Mayd, and sic Emprice ȝe haue.
To quhome answerit this Nobill Empreour,
Thow knawis sone it is not my honour,
It will be schame to me and to vs all,
Ane naikit Mayd befoir vs for to call.
Than said the Chylde ane Maydin gif scho be
All the greit schame thairof beis laid on me,
Gif scho be not ane ȝoung Mayd as ȝe tell,
Than let all schame remane still with hir sell.
The Empreour than commandit that be done,
The Officers thay vnbecled hir sone.
The clais of tane, it weill appeirit than
It was na Mayd, bot alwayis was a man.
And be all signes of memberis naturall,
Quhairof mony had wonder greit meruall.
Than said the sone with all humilitie,
The verray treuth now Father ȝe may se,
Of the falset, and the greit subtelnes
Of this Rebald, and als of ȝour Empres,
How day and nicht hes ȝow in blindnes led,
Quhen thay best thocht hes ay defoulit ȝour bed
In ȝour Chalmer ay vsit sic harlatrie,
Fornicatioun, Huredome, and Adulterie.
Not regarding Goddis Law nor conscience
Nor ȝour dreddour, ȝour lufe and reuerence:


Bot euer mair thair lust and thair plesour,
Tuik quhen thay list, to ȝour greit dishonour.
Quhen the Empreour saw all the veritie
How this ȝoung man was clad as ane Ladie,
And vsit nichtlie in Chalmer with the Quene,
For verray wraith, Impatience and tene
His Ene thay glowrit, and als his face it swellit
His greit anger thair is na man can tell it.
He commandit thame baith Incontinent
Without mercie to be condampnit and brint.
Than said the sone Father remane a time,
Quhill I reprufe hir of the cruell crime
Scho laid on me, and falslie on me brocht,
The thing yat I had neuer in minde nor thocht
The Father said that thing and all the rest
Is in ȝour handis, do with it as ȝe think best.
Than said the sone, ane lier gif scho be,
Than let the Law correct hir for hir lie.
Bot ȝe sall knaw quhen ȝe first for me sent,
My self I past and spyit the Firmament.
Quhairin I saw, ane word gif that I spak
Within seuin dayis, that I with schame & lak
Suld thoill the deith with all greit crueltie
Be ony way that culd deuisit be.
And that alone be the greit foirthocht feid
Of the Emprice, Imagining my deid.
That was the caus Father I durst not speik,
Thairfoir pardoun at ȝow now heir I seik.
And quhair scho sayis that I wald hir opprest
That is in treuth ane lesing manifest.
Bot trewlie scho did all that in hir was
In all kin sort to bring that thing to pas.
And quhen scho saw that I refusit sic thing
And answerit not, Incontinent did scho bring
Paper and pen, with Ink scho had reddie
Prayit me to write my minde thair quyetlie.


And quhen I wrait, and all hir minde refusit,
And praying hir for to hald me excusit:
For I wald not defoull my Fatheris bed,
Than the wryting vnder hir feit scho tred.
Sine raif hir face, and all hir robbis rent,
And with loud voice scho cryit Incontinent.
And ȝit that crime scho laid alone on me,
Father in treuth this is the veritie.
Quhen the Empreour this tail hard til him tald
The Quenes face greitlie he did behald,
With awsum vult, angrie and als austeir,
And not but caus, saying on this maneir.
O maist filthie and schameles creature:
Micht thow na way stancheit thy foull nature
With my bodie, and with thy Rebald knaif,
Bot in like sort my awin sone thow wald haif.
O wickit wife neuer taking regaird
Of thy awin schame, nor of heuinlie rewaird.
Had thow tane heid quhome of yu was discendit
Thow wald neuer sa far to me offendit.
Thow wrocht alwayis that euer thow culd Inuent
On the Gallous to gar my sone be schent.
And ay thy minde with falset was Infectit,
Traisting all time sic wald not be correctit.
Bot God is Iust, howbeit he thoill a time,
As he thinkis caus he will puneis the crime.
Thairfoir becaus of sic thow had na schame,
Vpon thy self sall ly baith wite and blame:
That me sa lang thy bedfellow hes blindit,
Thairfoir thy flesche for sic faults now sall find it
Thā gruiflings swyith scho fell vpō hir face
Doun at his knie, and at him cryit for grace.
Saying gude Lord, for thy Princelie pietie,
To me maist vile thow wald grant sum mercie.
For my greit gylt heir planelie I confes,
Grant me sum grace for thy greit gentilnes.


Than till hir said this Nobill Empreour,
Quhilk was fulfillit of sturt and displesour.
O vyle woman for mercie thow dois craif,
Quhilk be na way is not worthie to haif.
The cruell deith thow hes deseruit thrise,
Quhilk I sall schaw planelie in thre kin wise.
First thow hes done the sin of Adulterie,
To the greit schame and contemptioun of me,
Quhilk be the Law, expres is na remeid
(Ane Princes bed for to defoull) bot deid.
Than secundlie, my onlie sone and Air
Thow did prouoke to be ane Adultrair.
To that effect to the Chalmer him led,
With the to ly, and to defoull my bed.
Quhilk seruis deith, as na man can excuse,
Albeit in treuth the same he did refuse.
Thridlie Ilk day with fals taillis tystit me,
Aganis Iustice, to gar my awin sone die.
Becaus thow knew his Clergie and cunning,
Thy foull baudrie & filthines wald furth bring
Thairfoir be Law thow seruis puneist be,
And of the Law to haue extremitie.
Than said the sone, Father richt weill ȝe knaw
How scho daylie tystit ȝow (not be Law)
Bot with hir taillis and fenȝeit fals lesing,
Vpon Gallous but mercie me to hing.
War not throw help of my gude Maisters seuin
And first supplie of the greit God in heuin:
Quhilk will euer the Innocent defend
And into neid will to thame succour send.
Quhilk presentlie now he to me hes done,
Into my neid hes send me succour sone.
Alswa Father I traist it was ȝow tald
Be ȝour Emprice, that I purpoist and wald
Depriue ȝour grace fra this Nobill Impire,
Quhilk neuer was ȝit trewlie my desire.


And als scho said that it was my Intent,
Zow to destroy with my Maisteris consent,
And be that way ȝour rowmes for to obtene,
Quhilk trewlie ȝit my minde did neuer mene.
Sic for to do I pray God me defend,
Or ȝit think sic vnto my liues end.
For of ȝour grace my leuing all I haif;
Ze ȝit on liue, I aw na mair to craif.
I am ȝour sone, and ȝe my Father deir,
Wald I ȝow want for ony warldlie geir.
Nay, nay, not sa for I sall ay laubour
For to vphald ȝour weilfair and honour.
At my power and vtter diligence,
With hart and hand, and all gude reuerence.
At ȝour plesure, ȝour bidding and command,
Lesting ȝour life, ay constant sall I stand.
Bot ȝour emprice scho wrocht baith nicht & day
In all kin sort to wirk betuix vs tway
As the Father kest the sone in the sie,
Becaus the sone said him for veritie:
That he suld be abone his Father Lord,
To the quhilk taill the Father did not cord.
Than the Father kest the sone in the sie,
Bot the greit God gaue him help and supplie
And wald not thoill that time he suld be deid,
Bot throw his grace he send him sone remeid,
Zit the sonnis taill it come trewlie to pas,
And the Father ane myte not war he was.
To the Father quhat hinderance culd it be,
Howbeit the sone had obtenit dignitie.
Not hindering the Father in na sort,
I think it suld haue bene to his comfort.
And God willing Father my gouernance
Ze sall persaue sall be na hinderance,
Nor preiudice in na sort to ȝour grace,
Bot alwayis salbe mirth Ioy and solace.


Than said on heich this Nobill Empreour,
To God alone be louing and honour,
That sic ane sone vnforseruit hes me send,
To gyde this Realme efter my dayis end.
Sa wise, sa gude, sa verteous in all thing,
To greit weilfair sa abill his Realme to bring.
Now my deir sone hartlie I the requeir,
Tell me sum taill that all about may heir.
Quhairthrow yai may thy wisdome vnderstād
Quod he Father that sall I tak on hand.
Sa ȝe command all men to keip silence,
Quhill I haue done, and giue me audience.
Quhen I haue done as ȝe think expedient
On ȝour Emprice giue furth thā ȝour iudgemēt
Than silence was commandit to all man,
Dioclesiane thus gaits his taill began.
Eftir Tytan had tane his staf in hand
And lichtlie lap as Lord out ouir the land
Becaus the day was baith sweit soft and fair,
Than vp I rais, and past to my Librair.
And studyit thair, a quhyle as I thocht gude
Becaus it was my vse and conswetude.
And sa efter my lessoun was compleit,
Than to refresche, I recreat my spreit.
As for that tyme I laid on syde my buke,
And in my hand ane vther Volume tuke,
Of lychter dyte, and storyis of the ald,
That seir auld men befoir in tymes had tald
In quhilk Volume diuers storeis ouir kest,
That plesand was, bot ȝit amang the rest
Ane fyne fabill in that volume I fand,
Quhilk at this tyme to our purpois may stand.
This was the Mairch of the mater in deid,
As ȝe sall heir this Tale and I proceid.


Befoir this tyme thair was ane nobill knicht
Manlie in mynd and aboundant in micht.
Ane gay Lady he had vnto his wyfe,
And betuix thame thay led ane Godlie lyfe.
Onlie ane Sone he had na barnis mo,
Quhome of yai tuik, greit mirth blyithnes & Io
And him delyuerit in far and strange countrie,
Him to Instruct and for to leir Clergie:
Of cunning men that Clergie had perqueir,
As ȝe haue done to me this mony ȝeir.
Sa this ȝoung man as he in persoun grew,
Sa daylie did in cunning and vertew.
Sine efter that he was seuin ȝeir at lair,
Considdering he was his Fathers Air.
And had na ma to bruik his heritage,
At seuin ȝeiris end he send for him Message.
Chargeing him sone for to cum hame fra hand
Quhilk he obeyit his Fathers haill command.
And quhen he come to his Fatheris presence,
He hailsit him with all gude reuerence.
As him effeirit, with greit humilitie,
His Mother als in semblabill degre.
Quhairof thay had baith game gle & blyithnes
That thair ane sone was cūmin to sic grace.
For not alone in vertew he Increst,
Bot also was of bodie the liklyest.
Manlie and stout weill maid at all fassoun,
Weill fauourit of face and gude proportioun.
Gentill, humane, courtes, Nobill and fre,
All man him lude for his humanitie.
Sa on a time it chancit vpon ane day,
His Father and Mother at tabill sat thir tway
The sone seruing thame baith richt courtaslie,
Fra the Kitching the coursis brocht cumlie.
In the meane time on ane tre lichtit doun,
At the windo, and sang with heuinlie soun,


Ane nichtingail, quhilk sang with noitis sa cleir
Sa wonder sweit, that all hir noitis did heir.
Aucht dayis in ane thay wald neuer thocht lāg
To heir that bird, sa done sweit was hir sang.
Than said the Knicht weil war he all his dayis
That vnderstude quhat ȝone bird singis or sayis.
Than said the sone Father with ȝour honour
Sa that it be to ȝow na displesour,
The birdis sang I sall declair to ȝow,
Bot I am feirit that ȝe tak sturt thairthrow.
The Father said sone for my bennesoun,
Quhat the bird singis mak Interpretatioun.
Say on bauldie, for na persoun tak feir,
For I thairat sall na wayis change my cheir.
Than said the sone this is the verray taill,
That ȝe Father heiris of the Nichtingaill.
That I sall be sic ane man of greit micht,
And honourit be with Lord Barroun & Knicht
And sall cum to, that ȝe my Father fre
The water plait that ȝe sall hald to me.
And my Mother befoir me scho sall stand,
Besyde ȝour self with towell in her hand:
Waitting quhill I wesche my handis in ye plait
This is the sang that the bird sang of lait.
The Father said thow fals misleirit knaif,
Thow sall of vs sic seruice neuer haif:
Nor neuer sall cum to sic dignitie,
That we twa sall mak sic seruice to the.
Sa in malice, and into greit wodnes,
In greit furie, and vnnaturall kindnes.
He led his sone, and kest him in the sie,
In displesour, Inuy and crueltie.
Saying efter in the sey he him flang
Ly thow thair still, gessar of birdis sang.
The Chylde culd swym, and sa chancit to land
With heill and quert helpit be Goddis hand.


And fastit thair as the historie sayis,
But meit or drink be the space of four dayis.
On the fyft day be chance ane schip come by,
Quhairon schairplie richt loud the chyld cā cry.
Skipper of schip for lufe and cheritie,
Fra this perrell I pray ȝow to saue me.
The skipper hard, and belyue drew to land,
And saw the Chyld, and in quhat stait culd stād
On him thay had reuth and compassioun,
Seing he was ane liklie gude persoun.
The chance of deith sa narowlie eschewit,
All in ane voice thair hartis vpon him rewit.
And in on burde belyue did him ressaue,
And in far landis to thair countrie did haue.
Than to ane Duke of that countrie him sauld,
For ane greit sowme of money to thame tauld.
And as this Chylde grew daylie into age,
In like maner he grew in personage.
Meik and humane, in maners comfortabill,
Gentill, Iocund, and to all game richt abill.
Sa to all men he come in sic fauour,
The Duke him lude, and tuik at him plesour,
Into sa far, he had the haill credence
Of all his hous, and the preeminence.
In the same tyme the King of that countrie,
All his greit Lords, and counsall callit he.
His greit Barrouns, his knichts and nobill men
That of his mind sum part that thay micht ken
Amang the rest euin did this Duke also
To the counsall preparit him for to go.
And with thame tuke this Chyld in companie
For his wisdome, and his greit courtasie.
All thir Lords come with full greit reuerence
Befoir the King gaue dew obedience.
Thay being all togidder sa conuenit,
To yame in plane ye king schew quhat he menit


Saying my Lords and my trew Barrounis all
Now to counsall for this I did ȝow call.
The mater is sa greit I haue to tell,
Thairfoir I wald ȝe keipit all counsell
Gif ony man the treuth will me declair,
I him promit my douchter and myne Air:
Into spowsage, and efter me be king,
Quhen I am deid, for ay to bruke my Ring.
This is the treuth, and mater mufis me,
About this place resorts Rauins thre:
And followis ay quhair euer I gang or lyis
Rowpand in ane, and euer on me cryis.
Quhylis me behind, & quhylis thay cum befoir
With siclyke luks, as thay wald me deuoir.
Thay leif me not bot ay continuallie,
Thay rowp thay rair, and euer schouts on me.
Scraipand the eird and waffand wt yair wings
Dawbing thair nebbis & at the windois dings
Thairfoir I send gif ony of ȝow did knaw,
The caus heirof, that ȝe wald to me schaw.
His gude rewaird he sall not neid to craif,
As I haue said the same thing sall he haif.
Sa he deuoyd the Rauins fra me all clene,
And in my sicht that thay na mair be sene.
Quhen this was mufit to all the counsall thair
Thair was na man the questioun culd declair.
Than said this Chyld to his maister the Duke
The man on hand that ȝone same questioū tuke
For to declair wald he get his promis
Fra the Kings grace, ȝea, quod the Duke I wis.
Than said the Chylde gif it plesit ȝour grace,
To schaw the King, I sall declair the cace,
Under the pane to put my heid in pledge,
As he hes said, for to fulfill the wage.
Quhē ye Duke hard this tail he was richt glaid


Incontinent past to the King and said,
And pleis ȝour grace thair is ane ȝoung mā heir
Ane cunning Clerk, in Clergie richt perqueir.
Wise and wittie, and of Ingine richt hie,
Quhilk promisis that he sall satisfie:
All ȝour desires and the samin fulfill,
Tuitching the Rauins, sa that it be ȝour will,
For to compleit the thing that ȝe haue said,
Faith (quod the King) thairof I will be glaid.
Than brocht the Duke this Chyld into presēce,
Befoir the King with all gude reuerence.
Than said the King, ȝoung man can ȝe declair
The questioun that I proponit air:
Befoir my Lordis, tutching the Rauins thre.
Than said the Chylde that sall I do trewlie,
Sa that ȝour grace ȝour promeis will fulfill.
Than said the King but dout trewlie I will.
Quha euer will this questioun declair,
He sall mary my douchter and mine Air.
Than said the Chyld this is the caus and quhy
That thir thre Rauins dois daylie on ȝow cry.
Thair was twa Rauins, ane female & ane male
That had clekkit the thrid withouttin fale.
Quhair thay clekkit into that Ilk countrie,
Was greit hounger, derth and penuritie,
For fault of fude, wemen and men deceist,
In lyke maner sa did baith foull and beist,
Than this ȝoung Rauin being intill hir nest,
The Mother flew ouir feilds quhair scho thocht best
Seiking hir fude, in lād out ouir all quhair
And of hir bird scho tuik na sturt nor cair.
Than the Male Rauin seing that displesour,
Vpon him self he tuik daylie laubour
With panis and pine, and greit penuritie,
Fed this ȝoung Rauin quhil it had strenth to fle
And fend the self out ouir the feildis fair,


Sa of Mother it tuik na sturt nor cair.
Now is past by the skant time of the ȝeir.
Meit grew at large, and vittaillis was not deir
Men beist and foull, had meit aboundantlie,
The Female Rauin come hame than haistelie.
And wald haue had sic freindschip & kindnes
To the ȝoung Rauin as he quhilk in distres
Fed him with fude quhill he culd fend him sell,
The Female Rauin thairof tuik na trauell,
Than the male Rauin tuik weil into his thocht
How he his bird had nureist and vpbrocht,
In time of derth, penuritie and skant,
He thocht na way his bird that he wald want
For the Female out ouir the feildis flew,
And left hir bird but help or ȝit reskew
Still in the nest quhilk thairfra culd not fle,
Bot thair on force for to ly still and die.
Thairfoir the male thocht he had mair kindnes
To the ȝoung Rauin, that in neid and distres
Out of perrell it nureist and vpbrocht
Nor the Female that flew and fed it nocht.
Thairfoir the Male sayis that he suld posseid
His awin ȝoung bird that helpit it in neid.
Rather than scho quhilk in necessitie,
Left it alone but help in point to die.
Than the Female alledgis this agane,
That in the birth of hir bird had mair pane:
Mair laubour, sorrow, and penuritie,
Mair hounger than the Male had be sic thre.
Thairfoir of him scho aucht to haue mair mirth
That had of him sic sorrow in hir birth.
For this Ilk caus my Souerane Lord the King
Thir Rauins cryis, and for nane vther thing.
Desiring ȝow to Iudge be ȝour wisdome,
Quha this ȝoung bird sall bruik in time to cum


Thairfoir will ȝe on this thing giue sentence,
Thay will na mair cum in ȝour grace presence.
Than said the King becaus that the Female
Left hir awin bird into sic neid and bale,
And in na sort wald nureis it nor feid,
Bot fra it fled quhen that it had maist neid.
I think alwayis with ressoun it suld stand,
The bird suld be at bidding and command:
With the Male Rauin, and in his companie,
Becaus he fed it in necessitie.
And quhair that scho alledges hir agane
To haue mair sturt, sorrow trauell and pane
In his clekking, furth bringing and his birth,
I say to ȝow all that was turnit in mirth,
Sa sone as scho hir awin bird quick culd se,
Scho quyte forȝet hir greit aduersitie.
And als the male is caus of productioun,
And Instrument of all generatioun,
I say also in time of hir greit neid,
He did his bird with pane nureis and feid:
Quhen the Female it left into the nest,
In greit hounger, and als with cald opprest.
Thairfoir I giue diffinitiue sentence,
That the Male Rauin sal ay haue still presence
The fellowschip and als the companie
Of the ȝoung bird, quhair euer he gang or fle.
And the Female his fellowschip sall want it,
Except the Male vnto the Female grant it.
Than quhen ye Rauins hard the King sa declair
Incontinent thay flew vp in the air,
With sic ane noyis, as it had thunder bene,
And was na mair into that Regioun sene.
This being done, in schort time efter than,
Incontinent the King callit this ȝoung man:
And said gude freind ȝour name to me ȝe schaw
Alexander (quod he) Schir thay me caw


Than said the King ȝe sall tak nane bot me
For ȝour Father and ȝe my sone sall be.
For ȝe sall haue my douchter in spowsage,
And efter me sall bruik hir heritage.
And euer still sall heir be Lord and King
And all this Realme sall haue in gouerning.
Than Alexander in houshald still he baid,
Daylie seruice vnto the King he maid.
All men him lude for his greit courtasie,
His gentilnes, and his humanitie.
He was sa soft, sa humbill and mansweit,
Courtes, cunning, debonar and discreit.
In all gude games him self he did frequent,
In hors, harnes, Iusting and turnament.
And all gude games ganit for ane gentill man,
Daylie exercit, and ay the praise he wan
Abone all thame that dwelt into Egypt,
He far excellit, and had the Maisterschip.
In all that Realme nouther be far nor neir,
In manlie actis thair was nane found his peir
Nor ȝit thair was na greit obscure questioun,
Bot he thairto wald giue solutioun.
Sa he gydit in all thing and weill prufit,
With ȝoung and auld wonder weill he was lufit.
In this meane time Tytus the Empreour
Quhilk was a man of greit micht and honour
Of gentilnes, and als of courtasie,
In all vertew he was A per se.
Ouir all the warld sa far rang his renoun,
That he precellit all vther that bure Croun.
Into sa far, that ouir all quhair did fle
His nobill name of Liberalitie.
And round about into all partis him by,
Baith far and neir oppinlie gart he cry:
Gif ony man in maners and wisdome,


And gude Ingine, vnto his Court wald cum
Suld be Intreit into thair awin degre,
And rewardit efter thair facultie.
Quhen Alexander hard tell of sic ane thing,
He past fra hand to his Father the King.
And said to him kneiling vpon his kne,
And pleis ȝour grace my Nobill Father fre.
The Nobill Court and courtasie is knawin
Of the Empreour, and to ȝour grace is schawin
That euerie man delites thair to abyde,
That hes knawledge outher to gang or ryde.
Leirning sall leir, maners and manlynes,
Prettick of weiris, gude gyding and proues.
Dew Intreitting, with honour laude and gloir
And greit rewaird he sall obtene thairfoir.
And pleis ȝour grace I wald desire hartlie,
Into that Court and companie to be.
That I micht wit and vertew daylie leir,
My self exerce in Nobill actis of weir.
This of ȝour grace richt humblie I desire,
Na wayis mening that of ȝour grace I tire.
For God willing I sall returne agane,
To ȝour plesure, quhilk is my Souerane.
Than said the King, ȝour talking plesis me,
Bot laith war I to want ȝour companie.
Zit not the les caus ȝe sic thing desire,
I will glaidlie grant it that ȝe require.
Bot or ȝe pas se that ȝe furneist be,
In all behalfis, gold, clais, hors and monie.
That ȝe want nocht that is neidfull to haue,
That ȝe yairthrow may baith our honours saue
Siclike I think it war expedient,
That ȝe suld spous my douchter or ȝe went.
Or ȝe returne perchance ane barne furth bring
Than wist this Realme outher of quene or king.
Alexander than said vnto the King,


And pleis ȝour grace to spair me of that thing
Till my returne, than sall I with honour
Zour douchter spous with ȝour graces plesour
Than said the King of that I am content,
Euin as ȝe will, thairto I do consent.
And grantis ȝow heir with all beneuolence,
To pas ȝour time quhair that ȝe pleis licence.
Than Alexander at the King tuik gude nicht,
And all ye Lords, baith Barroun squire & knicht
Sine last of all he past to the Ladie,
Tuik his gude nicht, and gaue hir knifes thre,
Bad hir be blyith, for lang he thocht not byde.
Scho said gude schir I pray God be ȝour gyde.
Sa furth he fairis, ane liklie man to luik,
And lap on hors, and on his veyage tuik.
And with him went ane honest companie,
With gold, siluer, furneist at all plentie.
Vnto the Court quhair that the Empreour was
He takis Iornay, and sa fordwart can pas.
And quhen he come befoir the Empreour
Vpon his kneis he hailsit him with Honour:
Greit reuerence and all humilitie.
Bot sa sone as the Empreour culd him se,
Quhair that he sat, out of his sait he rais,
To Alexander but mair tary he gais.
And kissis him, as was of Court the gise,
And in his armes he him Imbrasit twise.
Sine him inquirit quhat was his name fra hād
Quhairfra he come, quhilk was his natiue land
Siclike he speirit quhairfoir that he was cum.
Tell on he said, the treuth of all and sum.
He said and pleis ȝour Nobill Maiestie,
Alexander men vsis to call me.
The King of Egypts sone and Air I am,
I wait his grace will ratifie the same.
And is cum heir vnto ȝour Maiestie,


To do seruice, gif ȝe will accept me.
Ze ar welcum the Empreour said than,
Ze seme to be ane Nobill gentill man.
To his Stewart than ane command he gaue,
That in houshald Alexander he suld ressaue.
The Stewart than to ane Chalmer him led,
And schew him quhair that he suld haue his bed
Weill perfurneist into all necessaris,
With pertinentis thairto in all effaris.
Alexander behauit him sa wiselie,
With all the Court and Ilk mānis lufe wan he
Sa in schort time for his weill behauing,
Maister Keruour he was maid to the King.
Not lang efter the Kingis sone of France,
To do seruice and daylie obseruance.
In like maner come to the Empreour,
Quhome he ressauit with blyithnes & honour.
And speirit siclike at him quhat was his Name
He said Lodwik all men callis me at hame.
And am cum heir to do ȝour grace seruice,
Gif that ȝe pleis witchaif on me office,
The Empreour said Alexander trewlie,
Is my Keruour, my copper ȝe sall be.
For that office I think ȝe be maist abill,
To do seruice daylie befoir my tabill.
Committit he to the Stewart Lodwik,
To do to him, as to Alexander siclike.
Sa the Stewart to Lodwik did assing
That Ilk Chalmer was Alexanders ludgeing
Quhairof thay war baith verray weill applesit
That thay war twa into ane Chalmer esit.
Thir twa ȝoung men Alexander and Lodwik,
In all kin sort thay war sa wonder like:
In face, fauour, in forme and fassoun,
In stature, visage, speiche and conditioun,
That Ilk man said ane was the vthers brother


Skarslie micht nane knaw the ane be the vther
Bot Alexander in deidis was mair actiue,
Than was Lodwik, and far mair scientiue.
For Lodwik was schamefull and feminine,
And Alexander peirt, furthie and Masculine.
Of mair curage, mair manlie to behald,
Than Lodwik was (sum said) be the thrid fald
Thir twa ȝoung men Ilk ane sa lufit vther
Nane wald haue said, bot ane was vthers brother
The empreour quhilk Tytus hecht to name
Had ane douchter of fassoun fair and fame.
Hecht Florentine, ane gracious gay Ladie,
Quhilk neirest air to hir Father suld be.
Quhome hir Father lufit sa abone measour,
And till hir gaue aboundance of treasour.
Hir awin seruandis scho had with hir to dwell
And keipit Court and houshald be hir sell.
To quhome daylie the Empreour vsit to send
Of his dainteis, his douchters meis to mend
In signe of lufe, daylie ane dische or tway,
And Alexander to hir bure thame away:
To this Ladie, befoir hir thame presentit,
Sa in hir sicht Ilk day he was frequentit.
Quhairthrow fauour of this Lady he wan,
For his wisdome, abone all vther man.
Throw besines it chancit on ane day,
At dennar time Alexander was away
Fra his seruice, and nane in his absence
His fault suppleit, nor ȝit gaue attendence.
Than Lodwik come, and that persauit sone,
Did sic seruice as Alexander suld haue done,
And stude for him into the samin steid,
His fault he did supplie and als remeid.
And quhen dennar neir hand it was at end,
The Empreour tuik vp ane dische and send


To his douchter as he had wont to do,
And bad Lodwik the same dische beir hir to,
Beleuing weill Alexander it had bene,
Few culd discerne thir twa visages betwene.
Than went Lodwik his way to the Ladie,
Presentit hir the dische vpon his knie:
With reuerence, as he in hart best thocht,
For he befoir that time hir sene had nocht.
Incontinent quhen he the meit hir brocht:
Scho persauit that Alexander it was nocht,
Quod scho gude schir to me ȝe schaw ȝour name
He said Lodwik, it is surelie Madame.
Quhais sone ar ȝe tell me but circumstance,
My Father is (quod he) the King of France.
Quod scho gude schir I thank ȝow of ȝour pane
Ze ar welcum to pas or ȝit remane.
Thank my Father of the meit he hes send,
Quod he I sall, and sa furth can he wend.
And tuik his leif with all gude reuerence,
And past agane to the Empreours presence.
In this meane time Alexander come to tabill,
Did his seruice as he was wont and abill.
The dennar done, Lodwik to Chalmer past
Richt seik at hart, and laid him doun bedfast.
Quhilk Alexander persauit Incontinent,
And to Chalmer to Lodwik is he went,
And said to him, O my gude companȝeoun
Quhat is the caus that ȝe ar now line doun?
Than said Lodwik, I feill my self trewlie,
Vext at the hart with sair Infirmitie.
Greitlie I feir without I get remeid,
It haldis me sa, that it sall be my deid.
Alexander said the treuth I traist to ges,
The principall caus of all ȝour sair seiknes.
For this Ilk day quhen that the meit ȝe bair
To ȝone Lady, quhilk that ȝe thocht sa fair.


Ze hir beheld sa verray feruentlie,
Hir gude maners, hir visage and bewtie,
That ȝe thairwith is hangit in hir lufe,
Fra hir ȝour hart na way ȝe can remufe
Than said Lodwik, O my gude brother deir,
The verray treuth but dout ȝe haue gane neir.
All Phisitians in warld thay culd not ges,
Nor Iudge mair trew the caus of my seiknes.
Quhairof but dout I tak ane felloun feir,
Get I na help, that it sall do me deir.
Than Alexander bad him be of comfort,
At my power I sall ȝour pane support.
Lift vp ȝour hart and be of gude curage,
Sturt in na way ȝour seiknes can asswage.
Than Alexander bethocht him on ane cast,
Incontinent to the market he past:
Ane precious claith with his awin gold he bocht
Quhairof Lodwik knew na way nor wist nocht
All set about with precious stanis coistlie,
And presentit vnto the fair Ladie:
Quhen scho it saw, scho askit him in hy:
Quhair he culd get sic coistlie claith to by.
Quod he the sone of the maist Christin King,
Hes for ȝour lufe Madame send ȝow this thing.
Bot for a sicht that he saw of ȝour face,
He is sa fast lynkit in lufis lace.
That he lyis seik without he get remeid,
Appeirandly thair is nathing bot deid.
And for ȝour lufe suffer ȝe him to die,
It sal degraid ȝour honour gretumlie.
Alexander scho said, wald ȝe now counsal me
That I suld lois my clene Virginitie.
Considdering I am of blude Royall
Discendit doun of stock Imperiall
And secundlie, as ȝe knaw weill in deid
Be apperance, to this Croun suld succeid.


Gif I did sa as ȝe to me declair,
Than war I tynt: but dout for euer mair.
Beleue ȝe weill that ȝe for sic Message
Sall haue na thank nor wyn of me na wage.
Thairfoir pas ȝe fra hand out of my sicht,
Zour message is nouther ressoun nor richt.
He saw the Mayd was sum thing discontent
Furth of hir sicht he past Incontinent.
On the nixt day past Alexander agane
To the market, and playit the counterpane.
To this Lady he bocht ane fyne heid geir.
Aboue the claith it was thre tymes mair deir.
And present it vnto the Lady gent,
On Lodwyks name, thairwith vnto hir went:
Quhen the Lady this coistlie gift had sene,
Scho meruellit greit quhat Alexander did mene
And said to him I meruell of a thing,
That ȝe to me sic coistlie gifts suld bring
Fra ony man, bot gif it war ȝour sell,
Deferring ay ȝour awin erand to tell.
And sa oft times ȝe haue had my presence,
And for to speik ȝe micht haue had licence.
Sic thing I se in ȝour heid neuer sank
Quhairfoir but dout I cun ȝow the les thank.
Quod he Madame ȝe mon hald me excusit,
I durst not speik perchance ȝe had refusit.
And mairatouir my birth it is to law,
Sa heich maters I durst not to ȝow schaw.
Quod scho it is ane Prouerb of the ald,
Quhilk I oft times in mirrines hes hard tald.
Let ane ȝoung man quhidder he speid or nocht
Hane not his speich, but speik furth & spair nocht.
Into my hart (quod he) sic was not groundit
Nor with sic thing my hart was neuer woundit
And gif sic thing perchance had happinnit me,


I wald haue chargeit ane of mair law degre
Nor is ȝour grace, bot my gude freind Lodwik
Is the greit air of the maist cheif Kinrik:
Of all the warld, and the maist Christin King,
The mair baulder he durst desire sic thing.
Rather nor I, quhilk may be na compair,
Vnto ȝour grace, for ȝour blude singulair.
Quod scho this word in remembrance ȝe tak,
Lufe quhome ȝe like, thay say lufe hes na lak.
Quod he quha hes into his companie,
Ane gude fellow, as Lodwik now hes me:
And in him traistis, am I not bound agane
To wis him gude quhair that he lyis in pane
At my power, in sa far as I may,
Doutles Madame I culd not say him nay.
Thairfoir I think ȝe Lady traist and threw
Wald ȝe witchaif vpon Lodwik to rew,
And on him haue compassioun and pietie,
That is sa sair woundit in ȝour bewtie.
Ane word of ȝouris wald mak him haill agane,
And him releif of all seiknes and pane.
Let him na way his deid be on ȝow laid,
For that thing sall ȝour honour greit degraid.
Gif ȝe absent fra him ȝour gude kindnes,
Ilk man will say that ȝe ar mercyles.
Scho said gude schir forsuith ȝe serue greit crime
Of me ȝe get na answer at this time.
Thairfoir ȝe may pas on fair weill adew,
Ze ar to blame sa shairplie to persew:
For ony man, bot gif it war ȝour sell,
Pas on ȝour way, as now na mair I tell.
He tuik his leif, and departit anone,
The morne agane to the market is gone.
And bocht ane belt, quhilk ten times was mair deir
Nor was the claith, & als the gay heid geir.
And presentit vnto the Ladyis sicht,


On Lodwiks name, the wofull woundit wicht
Quhen scho persauit the giftis sa coistlie was,
Into hir self scho kest and did compas
Seir diuers thochts yat neids not to be schawin
Nor to Ilk man in na kinde to be knawin.
Thairfoir as now I think best let thame be,
Ilk man suld not knaw Ladeis preuitie.
Bot at the last to Alexander scho said,
I wait not weill for to be mufit or glaid
At ȝour Message, bot wonder laith war me
In my default that ony man suld die,
A mannis life to lois for laik of lufe,
Gif I sa did I war greit to reprufe.
Thairfoir ȝe sall in this point haue credence,
In my Chalmer I will giue him presence.
At the thrid hour that past is ouir midnicht,
My Chalmer dure he sall find oppin richt,
Schaw ȝe him sa this is my minde and will.
Zour minde (quod he) Madame I sall fulfill.
Of this answer Alexander was glaid,
Past to Chalmer, and to his fellow said.
Lodwik ly not, ȝe lurk ouir lang for lufe,
I haue not hanit to hant for ȝour behufe:
The companie of ȝone fair Ladie gent,
Howbeit sum time scho stude not all content.
Zit not the les sum grace I haue obtenit,
To ȝour Intent, sa far to hir I menit.
Hir greit fauour to ȝow I haue purchest,
And I beleue all is cum for the best.
Thairfoir be blyith, and tak ȝow gude comfort,
With clene curage now get ȝe vp at schort.
And in secreit I will ȝow schaw ane thing,
To hir Chalmer this nicht I sall ȝow bring.
Quhair that ȝe sall richt wonder welcum be,
And weill Intreit with that fair gay Ladie.


Fra he that hard he was curageous,
Baith haill and feir, Iocund and Iolyous.
Als blyith at hart, and sturt away was worne,
As euer he was, fra first day he was borne.
Was neuer bird sa blyith of hir brydgrome,
Was neuer bird sa blyith to licht on blome.
Nor ȝit Sparhalk sa blyith to get hir pray,
Nor ȝit the Lark, in fresche morning of May.
Neuer Menstrell sa blyith of his rewaird,
As was Lodwik, quhen he thay tythings hard
Bot for to speik of perfite Potingaris,
Fyne Phisitians, meruellous Medicinaris.
Clerkis of cunning, and counsallouris of hele,
Charmers of chafts and giuers of Liblele.
I neuer red into na buik nor place,
As Alexander was to Lodwik in this cace.
For luik how sone that Lodwik hard him speik
He said him self he was na langer seik.
Ze knaw Lechis will haue ane lang proces,
Gude Intreitting, rewardis and als kindnes.
Bankettis making quhair euer it may be socht
With Alexander be na way sa was nocht.
Alexander debursit his money ay,
Not being knawin to Lodwik in na way.
Quhairthrow to him he conqueist this Ladie,
Be coistlie giftis coft with his awin monie.
Now let vs schaw how Lodwik vp he rais,
With curious corps, and cleikit on his clais.
Sine Alexander his minde vnto him schew,
How the Ladie all his maladie knew.
And how scho was of his cūming content,
And how that he did purches hir consent.
Alexander conuoyit Lodwik that nicht,
To the Chalmer of that fair Ladie bricht.
With quhome he was in Ioy and mirrines,
And fra thine furth euer keipit kindnes.


In sic ane sort, quhair that anis Intent
Without contrair that vther gaue consent.
Sa still thay vsit in vthers companie,
Beleuing weill all was done quyetlie.
Zit not the les, it come vnto the eiris
Of all the Court, amang Knichtis and squyeirs
How that Lodwik sa stude in greit kindnes,
With that Ladie wrocht sa in quyetnes.
Sa amang thame thay did conspire his deid,
Not regarding the Ladeis fauour nor feid.
And Alexander thairof gat knawledgeing,
He armit his cors for to ganestand that thing.
And quhē thay knew that Alexander tuik part
Him to persew fra thine furth thay tyne hart.
Into sa far, fra all sic thay did ceis,
And sufferrit weill Lodwik to ga in peis.
Howbeit oft times into greit Ieopardie,
For Lodwikis saik Alexander was trewlie.
Bot to Lodwik sic was not knawin a deill,
Bot the Ladie it knew richt wonder weill.
Than in schort time thair was a message send
Out of Egypt, be writing makand kend,
That of the lait was new deceissit thair King,
Quhilk abone thame mony ane ȝeir did Ring.
Requiring hame Alexander to cum,
And with honour ressaue his awin Kingdome.
For his Ladie the Kingis douchter and Air
Of his absence tuik baith greit sturt and cair.
Becaus the Realme was desolait of ane heid
Vnto that hour, sen hir Father was deid.
Quhilk sone he schew to Ladie Florentine,
And thairefter to Lodwik schew it sine.
Than he in haist behuifit to depart,
Quhairof thay war baith wonder sad in hart.
Also he past vnto the Empreour,
And said plesit ȝour graces greit honour.


Furth of Egypt I haue ressauit writing,
Makand it kend my Fathers departing.
And it behuifis me to pas and ressaue,
The Croun thairof, be richt thairto I haue.
Gif that ȝour grace will licent me to pas,
Without ȝour favour I will na licence as.
For but ȝour leif or I suld licence take
I had rather baith Croun and Realme forsake,
In thir effairis, quhat euer plesis ȝour grace,
Of verray treuth as standis euin the cace.
The Empreour said ȝe sall knaw verralie,
Of ȝour depart my hart is richt heuie.
For I held ȝow amang my seruandis all,
Into my hous euer the principall.
Bot it becūmis not to ane Empreour,
Into na sort, nor ȝit is his honour
To his seruandis to mak Impediment,
Quhat time thay be promouit to ony rent:
Bot far rather to help thame and supplie
To greiter giftis, and hier dignitie.
Thairfoir ga ȝe fra our Stewart ressaue
Als mekill gold as ȝe pleis for to haue:
With my blissing, and with my Inwart hart,
In Goddis Name I leif ȝow to depart.
And bad fair weill and sa he tuik gude nicht
At the Empreour, sine at Lord squire & Knicht.
Quha was sorie of his schort departing,
For he was lude baith with the auld and ȝing.
Than past Lodwik, and with him Florentine,
And on gaitward conuoyit him myles nine
Alexander wald let thame na farther go,
Bot for to se the dolour and the wo:
Quhen thay departit, quhairto suld I say mair
It wald haue maid ane haill mānis hart richt sair.
For verray wo to ground all thre fell doun
And Florentine for wo scho fell in swoun.


Alexander than tuik hir vp agane,
Comfortit hir of hir dolour and pane.
And richt sa did to his fellow Lodwik,
Comfortit him with mony wordis siclike.
And said to him, now my fellow and brother,
Quhome I lufe best of men abone all vther.
In time cūming for to keip ȝow fra skaith,
This I ȝow say, and to my Lady baith:
Tuitching secreitis that is betwene ȝow two,
Keip thame quyet or ȝe will suffer wo.
Thairfoir tak heid, and tent richt weill about,
Do ȝe not sa, ȝe stand baith in greit dout.
For weill I wait ane vther in my steid
Sall cum but dout, and haue ȝow at sic feid.
With greit haitrent, dissait and als Inuy,
Baith day and nicht sall ȝow chak and espy.
To se gif thay can chalange ȝow with crime,
Thairfoir be war and tak gude tent in time.
For gif thay can reproche ȝow ony way,
And ȝow rebuke, swyithlie thay will assay.
With the Emperour in fauouris ȝe do stand,
Thairfoir the mair thay will cast at ȝour hand
Than said Lodwik in sa far as I may,
I salbe war, baith be nicht and be day.
Bot wo allace thairin quhat sall I do,
Quhen I haue nane that I dar lippin to.
That I suld want ȝour treuthfull companie.
I can not mend, thairfoir full wais me.
Zit hartlie I require ȝow of a thing,
Ze will ressaue fra me this litill Ring.
Betuix vs twa to be in remembrance,
Of twa Princes of Egypt and of France.
Alexander said the Ring I will ressaue
In remembrance of ȝow still for to haue.
Bot ȝit howbeit the Ring I had not tane,
Zour remembrance fra me na way had gane.


And sa ather about the nek Imbrasit,
With greit kindnes, and sine about the waist.
Bot Florentine was sa confound in Spreit,
Scho culd do nocht, bot sat hir doun to greit.
Alexander said amendis now na greting,
Bot I pray God send vs mirrie meting.
And sa partit with hartis wonder wo,
Vnto thair hame, Ilk ane thair gait did go.
Not lang efter the Kingis sone of Spane
Come to the Court in seruice to remane.
Namit Gwydo: and gat that Ilk office,
That Alexander had into seruice.
Als the Stewart to him he did assing,
That samin hous, the Chalmer and ludgeing,
That Alexander and Lodwik dwelt intill,
Quhilk was but dout all aganis Lodwiks wil
Howbeit the same na way he culd amend it,
Bot ȝit his hart thairwith was sair offendit.
Lodwik to Gwydo culd keip na fellowschip,
As he did to Alexander of Egypt.
Thairfoir Gwydo aganis him tuik Inuy,
Howbeit thay baith in ane Chalmer culd ly.
And Lodwik had of Gwydo sickin feir,
That he durst not to the Ladie ga neir:
In auenture that Gwydo suld espy
Of his secreitis, and thame in oppin cry.
Zit not the les of hir he had sic thocht,
Hir companie to abstene culd he nocht.
Nor ȝit scho culd his companie weill want,
Sa he agane sum times to hir did hant.
Than Gwydo that persauing was not sleuth,
On thame to wait, quhill that he knew ye treuth
That Lodwik had with Ladie Florentine,
Sa greit kindnes, that he thocht efter sine:
Considdering weill the treuth sen he did knaw,


Sum time vnto the Empreour he suld schaw.
Sa in his minde he held it quyetlie,
With fals dissait, quhill he his time micht se.
Vpon ane time the Empreour in his hall
Talking about amang his Nobillis all.
Praising greitlie the wit and gentilnes
Of Alexander, the wisdome and kindnes.
And said he was baith trew verteous and wise
To gyde ane hous richt weill he culd deuise.
Than said Gwydo, and pleis ȝour Maiestie,
Sa far praisit he aucht not for to be.
Nor for to be commendit as ȝe wene,
Ane greit tratour in ȝour hous he hes bene.
The Empreour said, tell on how that can be.
Than said Gwydo, I sall ȝow tell trewlie,
To ȝour douchter ȝe haue ane Ladie fair,
The quhilk suld be appeirandlie ȝour Air:
And be the help of falset and supplie
Of him, Lodwik hes done hir velanie.
And sa nichtlie quhen Lodwik takis delite,
He hes his will of that fair Ladie quhite.
And all this come be the fals subtell slicht
Of Alexander, that he wrocht day and nicht.
Quhen the Empreour this tail hard til him tald
Into his minde was muifit monyfald.
In that same time Lodwik come throw ye hall,
And vpon him the Empreour sone did call.
And said quhats this that I heir tell of the,
Gif it be trew thow salbe hangit hie.
Than said Lodwik and pleis ȝour nobil grace
Ze will me schaw thairof how is the cace.
Than said Gwydo in oppin audience,
Heir I auow in ȝour graces presence:
That Lodwik lyis with Ladie Florentine,
Als sure as standis on craig this heid of mine,
And sa he hes defoulit the blude Royall,


Quhilk I sall preif on him in plane battall:
On his bodie, and thairat sall I stand,
Defend it now, gif thow dar tak on hand.
Than said Lodwik plesit ȝour Maiestie,
I am saikles of ȝone he sayis on me.
And richt falslie he layis on me sic crime,
Quhilk I sall preif, quhen euer he thinkis time
Sa into God I traist to find remeid,
All his falset sall fall on his awin heid.
Than kest Gwydo his gluif doun for a trane,
Lodwik lowtit, and tuik it vp agane.
Saying I will that Ladeis fame defend,
With hart and hand vnto my lifes end.
The Empreour than to thame baith did assing
Ane certane day of battell and fechting,
And to thame baith he bad silence and rest
And bad thame pas quhair that thay plesit best
Than past Lodwik to the Ladie fra hand,
And all the cace he gart hir vnderstand.
And how he was accusit in presence
Of hir Father, in oppin audience.
And how that he assignit the fechting day,
And vnto hir in this maner can say.
Now Florentine my Ladie fair and gent,
It me behuifis to wirk with auisement;
With ȝow alwayis, for sa the mater standis,
I can not chaip vndeid of Gwydois handis.
For quhy gif I had nayit to him battall
Than had I ȝald my self all criminall.
And of the crime grantit my self gyltie,
Thairfoir force was to counterfute mellie.
Alswa Gwydo is wonder stout and strang,
In fait of armes he hes bene vsit lang.
I neuer knew in na companie heir,
Bot Alexander to fecht can be his peir.
For I am waik and febill of persoun,


And to his strenth hes na comparisoun.
Gif I him meit in feild quhat salbe than,
Without refuge, I am bot ane deid man.
And sa on me sall ly the caus and blame,
And ȝe for ay sall thoill sclander and schame.
Than Florentine to Lodwik this can say.
Sen sic ane chance is cum betuix vs tway.
And I feill ȝow dispairit in ane part,
And in this cace ouir waik spretit in hart.
Zit not the les quhair twa Illis dois approche
I think it best fra the greitest to foche.
The first Ill is, fra ȝe ȝow gyltie grant,
Than sal I ay baith welth and worschip want
And ȝe also be put to cruell deid,
And I for ay my life in langour leid.
The secund is, gif ȝe to battell boun,
Ze ar sa waik and febill of persoun.
And Gwydo is sa strang and als hardie,
That ȝe dow not ganestand him straikis thre.
And sa alwayis I can find na remeid,
How euer it go thair is to ȝow bot deid.
Thairfoir heirin ȝe sall my counsall do,
Ze sall but let my Father sone pas to:
And schaw to him on ȝour maist humbill wise,
That ȝour Father vpon his deid bed lyis.
Quhairof thair is new writings cum ȝow till,
Desiring him, gif that it be his will:
To prorogat the day of battell set,
That ȝe may gang, and cum agane but let.
And in meane time with ȝour Father to speik,
Be the ressoun he lyis sa wonder seik.
And for to ken his perfite latter will,
That in all pointis the same ȝe may fulfill.
And for to speik with him twa wordis or thre,
Furth of this warld or he depart and die
And that ȝe may his bennesoun obtene,


With his awin mouth, sine ȝe to lowk his ene,
And quhen ȝe haue obtenit his licence,
To Alexander in all gude haist pas hence.
And secreitlie to him the mater schaw,
How all thing standis, perfitelie let him knaw
And him require into this extreme cace,
That he wald cum and to supplie ȝour place.
Contrair Gwydo, with him in battell fecht,
Becaus ȝour self to do the same hes hecht.
This counsall than it plesit Lodwik weill,
Euin as scho said, sa did he euerie deill.
Licence obtenit, and als prolongit the day,
To Alexander Lodwik tuik his Iornay.
Small rest he tuik, bot raid on day and nicht
To Egypt land, quhill he come vnto richt.
To the Castell than come he on in hy,
Quhair that the King gude Alexander culd ly.
Quhen the King gat of Lodwik knawlegeing
He meruellit greit the caus of his cūming.
Incontinent to meit him is he gane
As his brother, euin sa with him hes tane,
With all honour he did him thair ressaue,
As him become, or he lykit to haue.
Than said Lodwik my deir brother and freind
In times bygane, and euer ȝit hes bene.
Now at this time I let ȝow vnderstand,
My life and deid lyis baith into ȝour hand.
He said brother mak knawin to me ȝour querrel
Zour life salbe God willing in na perrell.
Than said Lodwik, ȝe remember ȝe schew,
At our parting, sum wordis quhilk I find trew
Saying I suld in fellowschip ane haue
Into ȝour steid, perchance wald me dissaue.
And ly in wait my secreitis to espy,
Quhilk now in deid richt wonder weill find I.
Ze said without I war mair circumspect


In quhilk my self in sum part did neglect.
For ane Gwydo the Kingis sone of Spane,
Into ȝour steid with me he did remane.
And be ressoun my secreitis he not knew,
To my Lady I durst not lang persew.
And sa at lenth I culd not lang abstene,
It chancit him knaw the secreitis vs betwene:
And me accusit befoir the Empreour,
Quhilk vnto me was vtter displesour.
And hes promeist in battell to mak gude,
That I defoullit the hie Imperiall blude.
Sa hand for hand in battell we mon fecht,
To counter him be my hand I haue hecht.
This day aucht dayis the battell suld be done,
Quod Alexander forsuith that is ouir sone.
Als quod Lodwik Gwydo is stout and strang,
And hes bene vsit in actis of weiris lang.
And I am waik and febill as ȝe kend,
Fra his greit dyntis I dow not me defend.
And Florentine thairfoir gaue me counsall,
Zow for to schaw the caus and mater haill.
For scho beleuis ȝow ay hir faithfull freind,
And hiddertillis sa euer mair hes bene.
And traistis doutles ȝe will help and supplie,
Baith me and hir in this necessitie.
Than Alexander to Lodwik can he say,
Is thair ony knawis ȝe come heir away?
Bot Florentine (quod he) forsuith not ane,
For ilk man trowis that to France I am gane
For to vesie my Father lyand seik,
Thir same wordis to the Empreour I did speik,
To that effect he did prolong the day,
And I at poist to ȝow am cum away.
Quod he schaw furth quhat Florentine bad desire
Or quhat at me is thing scho bad require.
Or quhat counsall gaue Florentine to ȝow,


That I suld help, in quhat maner and how.
Than Lodwik said, O my maist cōstant freind
This stands the cace I traist that scho did mene
Considdering we twa be sa done like,
That ȝe suld cum with Gwydo battell strike,
And nane knawing bot Florentine allane,
The battell done, ȝe to cum hame agane.
And I siclike in Court to present me,
As I had done the Act and Ieopardie.
Alexander said the battel ȝe haue set,
This day aucht dayis to fecht withouttin let,
It is to schort, for euin this stands the cace,
I can not weill be reddy in sic space.
For tary I the morne withouttin mair,
I can not find that I may weill be thair.
Thairfoir but dout quhat I sall say heirto,
I can not tell, nor wait not how to do.
And my subiectis I haue commandit haill,
That thay be heir the morne at my brydaill,
Keip I Iornay, thocht I ryde at the poist,
Of my wedding the day is tynt and loist.
Gif I ga not, and keipis not the battaill
Than Florentine and ȝe ar loist but faill.
Thairfoir Lodwik quhat think ȝe best to do,
Quhat ȝe deuise heir I apply thairto.
Lodwik heiring the excuse ressonabill,
To fall in swoun quhair that he stude was abil
Began to sich, and sorrow monyfald,
For to his hart catchit was cairis cald.
Saying all tray and tene to me betydis,
Sorrow and cair now cūmis on all kin sydes.
Persauing that Alexander till him said,
Let be sic sturt, tak comfort and be glaid.
For I will not forsaik ȝow this veyage,
Thocht I suld baith tine wife and heritage.
Bot ȝe sall heir in thocht quhat I haue tane,


Into sa far as we twa ar like ane.
And as ȝe ken it is not lang ago
The Empreours Court hidder sen I come fro.
Zit I am not weill knawin in this countrie,
Mony my Lords as ȝit hes not sene me.
And for that caus thay ken not my presence,
Thay will tak ȝow for me in my absence.
Thairfoir heir sall ȝe tary and abyde,
And in my steid ȝe sall Mary my bryde.
And hald the Feist with greit solempnitie,
And gar all thing be done that done suld be.
Howbeit my self in bodie be absent,
Let nathing want mair than I war present,
To my Renoun pertenis or honestie,
Gif I for ȝow, do ȝe siclike for me.
Except onlie quhen that ȝe pas to bed,
With my awin wife, howbeit that ȝe hir wed.
Into my Name, and my Authoritie,
Into that cace se that ȝe faithfull be
And sa but baid, I sall Incontinent
Loup vpon hors and to the battell went.
And set my cors for ȝouris into the feild,
And ȝour actioun debait with speir and scheild
And gif that God grantis me the victorie,
For to vincus Gwydo ȝour Enemie.
Without tary I sall returne agane,
And ȝe siclike in Court for to remane,
As ȝe had done the principall act ȝour sell,
Sa with honour in Court still sall ȝe dwell.
This being done Alexander tuik gude nicht,
Latting na wit vnto his Ladie bricht.
Vnto the Court fra hand tuik his Jornay,
Na man knawing the mater bot thay tway.
Sa Lodwik baid at hame still with the Quene
Into Egypt, as Alexander it had bene.
And on the morne Lodwik with noueltie,


Past to the Kirk in greit solempnitie.
As it had bene Alexander the King.
And spousit his wife at the Kirk with ane Ring
Na man knawing bot Alexander it had bene,
That had spousit with greit honour the Quene
And held the Feist with mirth and mirrines,
Greit honour, gloir, triumph laude & blyithnes
All menstralie of Musick was yair thair.
Wantit nathing of mirth quhat wald ȝe mair
Of meit and drink it neidis not for to speik,
That neidfull was thair was nathing to seik.
All the greit Lords and Nobills that was yair
Thay maid greit mirth and solace singulair.
Sine quhen nicht come all men bownit to rest
To ga to bed the bryde scho thocht it best.
Bot quhen Lodwik past to bed with the quene
Ane naikit sword he laid thame twa betwene.
Quhairof scho had ane greit meruell & wonder
On the first nicht, that thay suld ly asonder.
Sa he Ilk nicht with the Quene did remane,
Hir bedfellow quhill hir King come agane.
Nathing scho said, bot ȝit mekill scho thocht,
Be the ressoun the treuth that scho knew nocht.
Now let Lodwik and the Quene byde at hame
And we will speik of Alexanders fame.
Than come belyue the day of Tornament,
Alexander to the Empreour he went.
And said O maist redoutit Souerane,
Vnto ȝour grace now I am cum agane:
Left my Father in greit Infirmitie,
Douting nathing bot schortlie he sall die.
And to debait this battell with my blude,
And with my handis my querrell to mak gude
For God willing to all it salbe kend,
That I Iustlie my querrell sall defend.
The Empreour said ȝe do all that ȝe can,


According to ane Nobill gentill man.
And beleue gif ȝour querrell be richt,
Ze sall triumph like ane kene cruell Knicht.
Fortoun will fauour ȝour querrell and actioun,
Howbeit ȝe fecht contrair ane Campioun.
Than quyetlie he past in vnder cure,
To Florentine the hie gait fordwart fure.
Of quhais cūming scho was richt wōder glaid
Scho him Imbraist, sine kist and efter said:
Blist be the time that ȝe ar cūmin heir,
Fra all dolour to mirth hes changeit my cheir.
Ze ar als welcum to me now ȝour allane,
As ony man on life excepting ane.
For ay with me ȝe tuik sa trew ane part,
Quod he Ladie I thank ȝow with my hart.
Quhair is Lodwik, I pray ȝow to me schaw,
And how he dois, I wald ȝe leit me knaw.
He said Lodwik was into greit blyithnes,
In mirth and Ioy, and in greit mirrines;
Thair is na man leuis in mair lustie life,
For he hes now maryit ane gay ȝoung wife.
Maryit (said scho) I think that can not be,
It is for treuth forsuith Madame said he.
Euin on the morne efter I tuik veyage,
It was assignit the day of Mariage.
The Banket was prepairit richt weill I ken,
And callit thairto was mony Nobill men.
All thing was drest, thair was na mair ado,
Bot on the morne the Kirk for to ga to.
The Ladie said, quhat woman may that be.
He said forsuith scho is ane gay Ladie,
Lustie of lufe, richt bounteous and fair,
Of that countrie scho is appeirand Air.
Quod Florentine schort kindnes thair hes bene
Or ellis auld lufe that hes bene thame betwene
Bot gif sic thing that Lodwik now hes wrocht


Zour cūming heir I think it is for nocht.
Hir countenance to keip bad fill the cop,
Howbeit I trow scho list not drink ane drop.
Than Alexander persauing hir patience,
Hir lawlynes, and gentill countenance.
Na langer he wald hald hir into noy
Bot turnit hir sturt Incontinent to Ioy.
Quod he Ladie be blyith and mak na cair,
All he hes done is done for ȝour weilfair.
Ze knaw richt weill is nane in warld mair lyke
In all fassouns nor I am to Lodwyk.
Sa quhen he come and tald me his erand,
Euin on the morne my brydall suld haue stand
And be ressoun I culd not keip dyet,
Nor ȝit to byde the day of byrdall set.
Becaus on him sa strangelie come the cace,
Kindnes causit me to put him in my place.
Sa I causit him in my place for to pas,
Na man knawing bot the same man I was.
And wed my wife as it had bene my sell,
And I to tak the chance of the battell,
For gif that I quhill the brydall was done
Had biddin at hame, I had not cum sa sone
To the first day of battell that was set,
Zit than I thocht my brydall suld not let.
Sa I him left in my Realme to be King,
Quhill I returne, and ȝow to honour bring.
Gif scho was blyith it neidis not for to talk,
He tuik his leif, and to Chalmer did walk.
Bot Florentine thair was nane that culd tell,
Of verray treuth, bot it was Lodwiks sell.
Sa on the morne the day of battell was,
And Alexander vnto the feild can pas.
Into sic geir as than to him effeirit,
And on his steid sa stoutlie he him steirit.
Sine lichtit doun like ane kene cruell Knicht,


To the Empreour the hie way raikit richt.
Befoir Gwydo thir wordis to him he said.
My greit Souerane ane crime is on me laid
Be this Gwydo, falslie befoir ȝour face,
He me accusit befoir ȝour Nobill grace,
Saying that I had carnall knawledgeing
Of ȝour douchter, and hir flesche defouling,
Quhilk to ȝour grace it war greit dishonour,
And I siclyke to ȝow ane greit Tratour.
Bot heir I sweir, and als affirmes surelie,
Be the greit God that bled his blude for me.
Be the Euangells that our Sauiour spak,
And all the michts that God in warld did mak.
That I neuer in na maner of way,
Knew ȝour Douchter, as Gwydo did ȝow say.
My mynd was not to do hir dishonour,
Into na way, to ȝour grace displesour.
And I this day be help of Goddis grace,
Vpon Gwydo, sall preif befoir ȝour face,
That he has leid, in dispyte of his hart,
And all his kin, and quha will tak his part.
Than said Gwydo, ȝit I say anis agane,
Befoir ȝour grace, thow art a Tratour plane.
And als I sweir be God Omnipotent,
With thy awin flesche, his Douchter thow hes schent,
To thy plesour, and thy foull appetyte,
Ay quhen thow lyst, or thairin had delyte.
Euerilk nicht had hir at thy plesour,
Quhilk was to hir greit schame and dishonour.
And als vnto the Empreours Maiestie,
Oppin tressoun, quhilk I sall preif on the,
Vpon thy heid, in contrair all thy kin,
Cum and defend, gif thow wald worschip win.
Than Heralds cryit with loud voce hie on hicht
Ga togidder, we pray God schaw the richt.
Incontinent thay stendit on thair steids,


Lyke vailȝeant men, into thair weirlyke weids.
As twa bald Bairs, togidder baith thay ran,
Ilk ane was lyke to ding doun hors and man.
Speirs sprang like sparks as fyre dois of ye flynt
Thair docht na man Indure yair doutsum dynt
Quhē speirs was past yair schynīg swords drew
Quhill plait and maill all into flenders flew.
thair swords yai swāg quhil yair steids swat at syds
the giltin spurs ye cheual skin throw glyds
Froith ran fra fronts of the feirs forsie steids,
Quhill hors and man baith at the basnet bleids.
Styf straiks they stryke of vthers stude nane aw
Quhill Alexander at last ane wantage saw.
On Gwydois nek ane nakit place he spyis,
Quhair at gude speid he stryks twyse or thryis.
Quhill at the last, thair at he straik sa lang,
All the harnes was thair away he dang.
And thairefter bot ony mair delay,
He put Gwydo intill ane feirfull fray.
Gwydo that seis, agane vpon him setts
Of his Gorget ane buckill or twa he fretts.
And straik his Gorget doun vpon his breist,
Alexander ane vther straik waillit neist:
Vpon his nek quhilk he persauit was bair,
With all his strenth, ane straik he laid on thair.
Quhill baith thair steids stakkerit at the stound
And Gwydois heid it hoppit on the ground.
Syne lychtit doun and tuke it in his hand,
To the Lady it send into presand.
Quhairof scho was richt wōder blyth and glaid
To hir Father the same scho bure and said.
Father behald, the heid quhilk vpon me,
Sa falslie leid, sic feid vnfaithfullie.
Quhilk ȝow and me at his power defamit,
Bot the blameles him self hes maid vnblamit.


The Empreour said the vailȝeand victorie
Be Lodwik wrocht, is now schawin patentlie.
And said Lodwik it may be hard and sene,
Beleuing weill that Lodwik it had bene.
For ȝe haue saift this day fra schame and skaith
Zour awin honour, & als my douchters baith.
And fra thine furth the mair ay sall ȝe stand,
In my fauour, I hecht ȝow be my hand.
And heirefter quha euer dois ȝow defame,
In that behalf, he sall Incur my blame.
And at my hand salbe accusit of crime,
That sic thing talkis of ȝow in ony time.
Than Alexander said vnto the Empreour,
The victorie is ay at Goddis plesour.
Quha traistis in him na way he will thē wrak
Nor thair Iust caus he will not thraw abak.
Bot will alwayis defend the Innocent,
And will not thoill the saikles to be schent.
Sen he hes send to me the victorie,
Thanks euer mair to him alanerlie.
Bot now my maist redoutit Lord and King,
Humblie ȝour grace I require of a thing.
Fra my Father quhen I last did depart,
He was sa vext with seiknes at his hart,
That we beleuit nathing bot standand deid,
And now this cace as ȝe knaw come on heid,
That I micht not at that time weill remane,
Now I wald haue licence to pas agane.
To vnderstand in quhat stait all thing standis
And thairefter to put reule in my landis.
And gif he be of seiknes conuolest,
Quhill I returne I sall tak lytill rest.
The Empreour said ȝour langage liks me weill
Bot I wald not, sa mot my saull haue seill:
Want ȝour seruice, nor ȝour daylie presence,
Zit not the les I grant ȝow gude licence.


For sic effairis as ȝe haue schawin to me,
To pas agane into ȝour awin countrie.
Than he tuik leif, and bad Ilk ane gude nicht
To his awin Realme raid hame ye gait ful richt
In this meane time Lodwik he thocht greit lāg
To luik about, to the wall heid did gang.
And persauit ane hors man cūming fast,
Sine Alexander he knew weill at the last.
Quhome quhen he saw he was baith blyth and glaid,
And hartfullie ressauit him and said.
O maist trew freind, of all my freinds on liue,
Quhais greit kindnes my wittis cā not discriue
Ze ar welcum sa far heir as I may
How haue ȝe done, and sped in ȝour Iornay:
Or quhat kin end that ȝe haue brocht it to.
Quod he Lodwik now ȝe haue les ado.
Nor of befoir, for Gwydo is departit,
Thairfoir be blyith and wonder mirrie hartit.
I wait I send his heid to Florentine,
To hir Father scho it presentit sine.
Thairfoir ga ȝe vnto the Empreour,
For now ȝe stand far mair in his fauour:
Nor euer ȝe did befoir in ony time,
And als ȝe ar maid clene of all kin crime,
That Gwydo laid vpon ȝone fair Ladie
Tuitching hir fame, and ȝour awin honestie.
Than said Lodwik it neidis me say no moir,
My life oft times ȝe haue preseruit befoir.
And now my life and als my honestie,
Siclike preseruit the fame of ane Ladie.
Quhilk be na way I can not recompence,
Bot quhill I leif, all the beneuolence
Of my hart rute ȝe salbe euer sure,
Sa lang as I into this lyfe Indure:
Togidder als with all my Gold and geir,
Sa lang as I on lyfe is lestand heir


Than thay Imbraist, at vthers tuik gude nicht
And Lodwik raid vnto the Empreour richt.
Na man knawing Alexanders absence,
For all his Court beleuit his awin presence.
Siclyke this Quene, nathing the mater knew,
For na man was, that sic thing to hir schew.
Syne quhen nicht come, Alexander him sped,
Without tary vnto the Quenis bed.
Sone in his armis he hynt hir in all haist,
With fair sweit wordis richt tenderlie Imbraist
With all plesure that thairto did pertene,
Or into bed ane King do to ane Quene.
Quod scho quhairfoir sen first ȝe did me wed,
And euerie nicht I lay into ȝour bed.
Ze neuer schew lufe nor kindnes to me,
Nor na freindschip quhil now how may this be
For I beleue ȝe had Iudgeit sum crime,
In my contrair, quhilk neuer in my time
I committit vnto ȝour Nobill grace,
Quhairof I am astoneist in this cace.
Out of my minde it can not weill depart,
Bot still remane at the ruitis of my hart.
Quod he thairat quhy ar ȝe discontent,
All that I did was done in gude Intent.
In gude Intent (quod scho) thair I say nay,
For euerie nicht ȝe laid betuix vs tway
Ane naikit sword, and neuer couet moir
Of my persoun, and knew na caus quhairfoir.
I did all that (said he) for probatioun,
And als of lufe ane greit confirmatioun:
Betuix vs twa of euerlasting lufe,
On sic ane sort I thocht I wald ȝow prufe.
In all my dayis ȝe sall not find agane,
Ane naikit sword in bed betuix vs twane.
Zit not the les the Quene said in hir thocht,


In all my dayis forȝet it sall I nocht.
That lufe thow trowis for to obtene of me,
In thy dispite I sall it wraik on the.
Zit nocht scho said, bot thocht it in hir minde,
How scho micht turne hir lufe in vther kinde.
Thair was ane Knicht that scho lude of befoir.
And fra thine furth scho lude him moir & moir.
At last thay twa bethocht thame of ane thing,
How thay micht best sla and distroy the King.
Betuix thame twa ane consait sone thay fand,
Gaue him poysoū, and thocht that he fra hand
Suld be bot deid, and ȝit his complextioun
It was sa stark, it tuik na Infectioun
In his entrales, bot brak furth fra his hart,
Into the flesche, and schew the self outwart.
Sa be wirking within ane schort proces,
It was conuert in vther sair seiknes.
Vncurabill ay haldin amang vs,
And turnit intill ane Lipper Laȝarus.
Quhill that na man with patience micht him se
And all his Lordis dispysit his companie.
Saying it is ane thing richt odius,
Ane laith Lipper for to Ring abone vs.
For all his barnis, and all his haill offspring,
Withouttin faill sall haue the samin thing.
And sa at schort him of all dignitie,
Thay quite denude, for his Infirmitie.
Out of his Realme as ane beggar him draif,
Quhill he behude to beg amang the laif.
In this meane time of Rome the Empreour,
Payit his dew det, quhairof was greit dolour.
Quha was Father to Florentine sa fair,
Of the Impire scho was appeirand Air.
And with auise of his counsall did wed,
Lodwik hir lufe, and brocht him to hir bed.
Quhairthrow he was maid principal empreour


And gat the Croun thairof with greit honour.
In the same time of France the Nobill King,
Lodwiks Father in likewise maid ending.
And payit his det as naturall cours him gaue,
As dois all thing that euer did life ressaue.
And sa Lodwik come Empreour throw chance
Siclike he was the michtie King of France.
Abone thame baith atanis sa did he Ring,
And baith atanis he had in gouerning.
Than Alexander quha was laitlie deposit,
Fra his Kingdome the quhilk he suld haue Iosit
Hard tell for treuth Lodwik was Empreour,
And King of France and thairof possessour.
Vnto him self he said and tuik in minde,
I will ga se gif that Lodwik be kinde.
For diuers times I haue Ieopard my life,
Baith for him self, and siclike for his wife.
Now will I go and till him mak my mane,
He will me help I am sure and certane.
Sa on ane nicht Alexander vp rais,
And as he micht, purelie put on his clais.
And steppit furth with his staf in his hand.
With cop and clapper vnto the Empreours lād
Quhen he come thair he sat doun at his ȝet,
Amang the lipper sum Almous for to get.
The Empreour come furth vpon ane day,
Of his Palice to sport him and to play.
Efter his play agane to Palice past,
And to dennar Ilk ane thay bownit fast.
All the Lipper thay clappit and thay cryit,
Bot at that time all Almous was denyit,
And Alexander clappit as did the rest,
Thocht thay gat nocht, to bide ȝit he thocht best
Vnto the time the Empreour was set,
Beleuing weill sum Almous for to get.
And vp he rais, and neir the ȝet he went,


Thairat knokit with meik minde and Intent.
The porter said quhais that that knoks sa bald
Quod he ane pure with ȝow sum erand wald.
Requiring ȝow for lufe and cheritie
That ȝe will do sum small message for me.
The Porter said quhome to is that message,
Few is heirin of quhome ȝe haue knawledge.
Alexander said, gude freind with ȝour plesour,
My erand is vnto the Empreour.
The Porter said dois ȝour erand pertene
To the Empreour, I wait not quhat ȝe mene.
Schaw me the mater and quhat is ȝour Intent
And I sall tell ȝour taill Incontinent.
He said I ȝow require for Goddis lufe,
And for his saik that sittis in heuin abufe:
Ga ȝe and tell vnto the Empreour,
Ane man is heir in seiknes and dolour.
Ane laith Lipper, ane Laȝarus ȝe se,
Requiris his grace for part of Cheritie.
For Goddis lufe that creat hes all thing,
And Alexanders saik of Egypt King.
That he will grant me licence in his hall,
To eit his meit befoir his Nobillis all.
The Porter said I wonder of ȝour wit,
Within his hall that ȝe desire to sit,
For all his hall of Nobill men is fow,
And thay at meit forsuith gif thay saw ȝow:
Thay suld abhor, and eit that time no moir,
I think it best ȝe hald ȝow still thairfoir.
Quod Alexander I pray ȝow of gudnes,
For Goddis saik, and of ȝour gentilnes.
To ȝour Maister ȝe wald schaw my Message
Get I almous ȝe sall not want ȝour wage.
The Porter said, sa far as ȝe require,
For Goddis saik, and hartlie ȝe desire.
Zour erand do, the same I tak on hand,


Quhill I returne, se still heir that ȝe stand.
Than the Porter past to the Empreour,
And hailsit him with reuerence and honour.
Did his Message, as he had gottin command
The Empreour hard, and vnderstude fra hand
And quhen he hard namit Alexander King,
Quod he in haist that man to me ȝe bring.
How horribill or vgsum that he be,
In all gude haist ȝe fetche him heir to me.
That he may eit his meit into my hall,
In my presence befoir my Lordis all.
Than the Porter vnto the ȝet is gone,
And Alexander he brocht to hall anone.
And ordanit him into the hall ane place,
Quhair he micht eit befoir the Empreours face
Quhen he was weill refreschit at his awin wil
Ane gentill man belyue he callit him till.
And said gude Schir, require the Empreour,
Gif that it be his will and his plesour:
For Goddis lufe first, and king Alexanders sine
He wald me giue ane Coup full of his wine.
The gentill man said that I will do to the,
Bot I beleue that sic thing sall not be.
For gif ȝe anis of his Coup tak ane drink,
To drink thairin he sall na mair I think.
Zit nor the les the erand I sall do,
Auise him self gif he consentis thairto.
The Message than to the Empreour he schew,
And als sa sone as he the erand knew:
For Alexanders saik the Coup he send
Full of the wine that for the best was kend.
Drank his plesure, and sine he put the rest
In his Bottall, that time he thocht it best.
Of his finger ane small gold Ring he drew
Quhilk the Empreour lang time befoir he knew


Becaus the same he had him geuin befoir,
In takin of lufe and freindschip euer moir.
Quhilk Alexander into the Coup leit fall,
And bad the copper beir it vp throw the hall:
To the Empreour, and the same leit him se,
Quha said my freind, I sall it do trewlie.
The Coup and Ring withouttin proces mair
To the Empreour the copper sone it bair.
The Empreour than how sone the Ring he saw
Incontinent full weill he did it knaw.
And wist richt weill it was the samin Ring,
That he had geuin to Alexander King.
Into freindschip quhen ather did depart,
Out of the Court, quhairof he at his hart:
Was sorrowfull, for he knew na remeid,
Bot Alexander his companioun was deid.
Or ellis he thocht this pure man meruellouslie,
Had gottin this Ring at sum greit Ieopardie.
He commandit the Lipper not depart
Quhill he had hard mair secreitis of his hart.
For he not knew be fauour na vther thing,
Quhat man it was that had send him yt Ring.
Efter dennar he tuik him quyetlie,
And said tell me the treuth and veritie:
And fenȝe not to tell to me this thing,
Quhē, quhair, & how happinnit ȝe on this Ring
Alexander said, and pleis ȝour Maiestie,
Quhat is the caus ȝe speir sic thing at me?
Ze haue knawledge of this Ring I persaue,
Gif it was ȝours, ȝe knaw quhair ȝe it gaue.
The Empreour said richt wonder weill I knaw
The Ring and man siclike gif I him saw.
Alexander said I meruell that can be,
Ze knaw the Ring, and na way knawis me.
For Alexander I am of Egypt King,
Sum time I was quhome to ȝe gaue this Ring.


Quhen he that hard to his hart straik ane stoūd
For verray sturt fell flatlings to the ground.
And rent his robbis, and kest his clais him fra,
Quhen he persauit Alexander was sa.
With sair sichingis and sobbings to him said,
My deir fellow how is this on ȝow laid.
Sic sair seiknes, and greit Infirmitie,
My hart it brekis sic thing on ȝow to se.
Ze ar my life, my saull and my weilfair,
My onlie freind and fellow but compair.
Quhair is ȝour cors that was sa clenelie cled,
Zour bauld bodie that was sa finelie fed,
Zour puissant pith [and stait] that was sa stout
Zour māly strenth, quhairof Ilk man had dout
Quod Alexander this greit Infirmitie,
And vnclenes that ȝe se now on me:
For the greit faith, trew kindnes & freindschip
That ȝe schew quhen I left ȝow in Egypt:
To wed my wife, thair ȝour fidelitie
Causit this seiknes sa to chance vpon me.
For into bed, with my wife when ȝe lay,
Ane naikit sword ȝe laid betuix ȝow tway
Scho beleuing it was not ȝe bot I,
Sa fremmitlie with hir in bed culd ly.
And for that caus had me at sic haitrent,
Ane vther Squyer scho cheisit in luferent.
Betuix thame twa purposit to poysoun me,
Quhilk is conuert in this Infirmitie.
Furth of my realme yai haue me dreuin & chaist
And to returne thairto I haue na traist.
The Empreour than tuik him about the nek,
For verray lufe, and said in this effeck.
O my maist best belouit trew brother,
Quhome euer mair I lude abone all vther.
I sorrow sair in sic sort ȝow to se,


Without remeid maisterit in miserie.
Bot ȝe mon thoill and tak in patience,
And gif thair may be found ony defence:
Help or remeid that may ȝour seiknes saue,
For gold or geir, but dout ȝe sall it haue.
We sall not faill to fetche fine Phisitians,
With cūning Clerkis, and perfite practicians,
Nor ȝit sall mis for mony Medicinars,
Nor for payment to preif all Potingars.
With counsallis of Maisters and doctours fine
For all seiknes that can giue Medicine.
Into this neid gif thay can ȝow supplie,
It sall not want for gold, geir nor monie.
To get ȝow help we sall not spair to spend,
Thocht we suld seik vnto the warldis end.
Thairfoir be blyth, and tak nathing in thocht
Throw all the warld ȝour help it salbe socht.
Except ȝour helth heir nathing ȝe sall want,
Quhen plesis God he will that to ȝow grant.
To ane Chalmer belyue thay culd him bring,
Was weill preparit, wanting na kind of thing
Of honestie, nor ȝit was necessair
For eis or helth, quhair his bed was and lair
In this meane time the Empreour gart prepair
His Messingers to pas and seik all quhair,
Cūning Doctouris, and Phisitians profound
That was expert in ony land or ground.
Of quhome thair come to him in oulkis thre,
Threttie Doctouris cunning in all degre.
The maist expert, and had experience,
In sic effairis, belanging that Science.
Of sure supplie pertening Phisick fine,
And was extollit Maisters in Medicine.
To quhome anone the Empreour than said,
Of ȝour cūming Maisters I am richt glaid.
This is the cace quhy I send to ȝow all,


I haue ane freind the quhilk lyis seik and thrall
Vncurabill, quhilk onlie I suspect,
As is Lipper, quhairwith he is Infect.
Quhairof gif ȝe culd mak him haill and sound,
I wald giue gold mony ane thousand pound.
All the riches I haue and vther geir,
I wald it giue to haue him haill and feir.
The Maisteris said we sall do diligence,
Be Airt, Phisick, and naturall science:
Togidder with all possibilitie,
Him to recure of his Infirmitie.
Pleisit ȝour grace ȝe mon vs all pardoun,
We mon haue sicht of the principall persoun.
Quhilk all threttie at anis quhen thay him saw
Incontinent his seiknes thay did knaw.
And said it was ane seiknes vncurabill,
And to remeid to mortall man not abill.
Quhen the Empreour hard thame deliuer so,
At his hart rute he was richt wonder wo.
Remittit all to the help and calling
Of God abufe, that can help all sic thing.
The Empreour callit to him godlie men,
Furth of all partis, quhair that he culd thē ken,
That war deuoit with minde & thocht Inwart
Desiring thame richt humblie with his hart:
That thay wald pray to God of his gude grace
Throw thair prayer gif thay culd helth purches
To Alexāder quhilk was ane King with croun,
Be thair fasting, and als deuotioun.
And als him self fastit and prayit daylie
That God micht haue of his gude freind pietie.
Vpon a day Alexander alone,
Lying in bed, in hart all wo begone.
Praying to God for sum help and supplie,
He hard ane voice saying to him on hie.


Alexander gif that the Empreour,
Desiris thy helth, thy help and thy succour:
Let him ga sone with his awin handis twa,
His twa ȝoung sonnis Incontinent he sla.
The quhilkis his wife at ane burding thē bair,
At the last time scho was in Childbedlair.
Wesche thy bodie with the twa babeis blude,
Thy flesche salbe als fair, als clene, als gude.
As euer it was in ony time beforne,
Or as the flesche of ane babie new borne.
Alexander hard, and this said to him sell.
I think it not neidfull this taill to tell.
Nor to be schawin is not expedient,
Nature thairto be na way will consent.
Na wonder war his hart for to be wa,
For ane stranger his awin twa sonnis sla.
Thocht I be now in sic extremitie,
Sic ane vane voce sall not be schawin for me.
Zit not the les the Empreour nicht and day
Continuallie at his deuotioun lay:
Praying to God to send help and supplie,
To Alexander King of Egypt suld be.
Sa at the last come to the Empreour,
Ane voce saying quhy makis thow mair labour
For to get help to Alexander King,
Sen to him self is schawin the samin thing.
The Empreour than to Alexander went,
Saying be blyith and mirrie in Intent.
O my gude freind, sen God of his gudnes,
Hes schawin remeid and helth for ȝour seiknes
Vnto ȝour self alone sa secreitlie,
I pray ȝow schaw quhat fassoun it salbe.
God is remeid for all vpon him cawis,
To thame supplie in sindrie sort he schawis.
And sen sa is, sic secreitis hes ȝow schawin,
I wald the same ȝe sa mak to me knawin.


To get our helth gif I micht help thairin,
And to weilfair agane we micht ȝow win.
I cure na Gold, nor counts na warldlie geir,
Sa I agane micht haue ȝow haill and feir.
I count na coist, nor ȝit na vther thing.
Sa ȝow agane to helth it micht ȝow bring.
Hele not ȝour mynd into na sort fra me,
In ony thing that may ȝour helth supple.
For micht I deill ȝour seiknes into thre,
Ze suld not haue sa greit Infirmitie.
My wyfe and ȝe the twa part ȝe suld haue,
And the thrid part, my self it suld ressaue.
Knew I as ȝe, quhair ȝe may haue support,
It to ressaue, the tyme suld be richt schort,
Thairfoir feir not for to tell me the treuth,
To help ȝour self, se na way ȝe be sleuth.
Than Alexander answerit with mynd sa meik,
Howbeit that I fyftene tymes war mair seik:
And at the poynt of the maist cruell deid,
I can not schaw the caus of my remeid.
Nor I wald not that sic ane thing war schawin
Nor I wald not to ony mak it knawin.
For to be schawin it is sa odious,
And to nature sa done contrarious.
In to this case ȝe mon hald me excusit,
To haue my helth, sic way quyte I refuse it.
The Empreour said my onlie freind and brother
Quhome with my hart I lufe abone all vther.
Haue me in traist, haue me in na dispair,
Bot the haill treuth I pray ȝow me declair.
The thing is not possibill to be done,
Zow for to cure, bot it salbe had sone.
Thairfoir I ȝow requyre of brother heid,
Hyde not fra me, that may be ȝour remeid.
Alexander said, sen euin sa is ȝour will,


The haill fassoun I will declair ȝow till.
With hartlie minde, hūblie praying ȝour grace
Sen ȝour will is, that I schaw ȝow the cace:
That ȝe will tak my wordis in patience,
And pardoun me quhair that I mak offence.
For ȝe will think my wordis far by ressoun,
Neid war thairfoir ȝour grace grant me pardoū
Wit and ressoun my talk will baith Impoung
Best war thairfoir in time to hald my toung.
The Empreour said for his saik that ȝow bocht
Withouttin feir schaw me ȝour minde & thocht
Ze sall me find to ȝow trew and constant,
And ȝow to helth, thair is nocht ȝe sall want.
Thairfoir schaw furth ȝour minde gif it ȝow pleis
For ȝe sall say nathing sall me diseis.
Alexander said I will pleis ȝour Intent,
As it was schawin to me in verament.
Zit anis agane ȝour grace I will protest,
That my schairp wordis ȝour minde nathing molest
Be ane greit voice it was to me reuelit,
Be ane strange way, how that I may be halit.
Zour awin twa sonnis ȝour self thame for to sla
And my bodie wesche with the blude of tha.
This is the way quhairthrow I mon be haill,
Quhilk is ane thing to ȝow vnnaturall:
That the Father his awin twa sonnis suld keil
With his twa handis, for ony strangers weill.
And is contrair the course of naturall Law,
This was the caus sic thing I durst not schaw.
The Empreour said ȝe faill far to me thair,
That callis ȝour self to be heir ane strangair.
For in trew faith, and sa my saull haue seill,
As my awin self I lufe ȝow euin als weill,
For gif I had ten barnis perchance and ma,
To get ȝour helth, thair suld not ane of tha
Sone be vnslane, I schortlie ȝow declair.


Of this mater now we will speik na mair.
Ga ȝe to rest and mak na mair ado.
With help of God all to gude sall cum to.
The Empreour he waittit day and nicht,
And watchit about quhat time yat he best micht
Cum to his chak, his awin twa sonnis to sla.
Sa on ane day the Emprice furth culd ga
With hir Ladeis airlie in ane morning,
To tak pastime into ane grene garding.
The Empreour saw, and to Chalmer him sped
Quhair the twa babis lay sleipand in thair bed
Incontinent his quhinȝear furth he drew
With his twa hands his awin twa sonnis slew
Cuttit thair throttis, and sine keppit the blude,
Howbeit the same contrair his hart it stude.
Na meruell was howbeit his hart was wo.
He thame begat, and was his children two.
Sine with that blude, Alexander did wesche,
With his awin hands, all his body and flesche.
Quhilk was als fair Incontinent and clene,
As ony time befoir had euer bene.
And als gude lyke in parsoun and visage,
As quhen he was bot twentie ȝeir of age.
The Empreour than knew weill be his cullour,
Be his fassoun, his face and portratour.
It was but dout Alexander trewlie,
Quhairof in hart richt wonder blyth was he.
For of befoir he knew bot this and so,
Quhider gif it wes Alexander or no.
Bot doutles Alexander he knew,
Without dispair it was Alexander trew.
Kist him and said, O my gude tender freind,
Sen first we knew and euer mair hes bene.
Of ȝour persoun now I haue gude knawledge,
Of ȝour fauour ȝour fax and ȝour visage.
Quhilk mony time I delytit to se,


To eit and drink, and be in companie.
Blyst be the time, sic childring I begat,
That hes ȝow brocht to the stait ȝe ar at.
Bot ȝit nane wist that the Childring was slane,
Bot Alexander, and the Empreour allane.
The Empreour said, sen God of his gudnes,
Hes maid ȝow haill of all ȝour sair seiknes.
I sall ordane for ȝow richt quyetlie,
To pas ane space, ane honest companie.
Out fra this place bot aucht or myles ten,
To that effect, that nane heir sall ȝow ken.
And on the morne ȝe sall send me message,
Of zour cūming, making to me knawledge.
Than sall I cum with blyth and merie spreit
Into all haist, cast me ȝow for to meit.
Than still with me alwayis ȝe sall remane,
Quhill we auise to get ȝour Realme agane.
Of this counsall Alexander was content,
As thay talkit, was done Incontinent.
On the nixt day come to the Empreour,
Ane Messinger, quha hailsit him with honour.
Schawing to him, as he had gottin command
King Alexander of Egypt was at hand
The emprice hard and was richt wonder glaid
To the Empreour scho haistit hir and said.
O my gude Lord, be blyth and mak gude cheir,
King Alexander thay say is cūming heir.
Quhome with we oft in greit blythnes hes bene
This mony day bygane hes not him sene.
And wald ȝour grace be sa gude to mak gait
Him for to meit, he wald be blyth I wait.
I and my Ladeis into our best array
Sall pas with ȝow, and meit him be the way.
This being done, as ȝit nathing scho knew
That the Father his awin twa sonnis slew.
The Empreour said, gif that it be ȝour will,


That Ilk Iornay blythlie I wll ga till.
Than raid thay furth ane honest companie,
Lords, Knichts, Ladeis, with greit solempnitie
And as thay raid sa Royallie throw the streit,
In the midway King Alexander culd meit.
Quha hailsit vther with all humilitie,
With laude & gloir, and honour that micht be.
Thair was kindnes & thair was greit kissing,
Thair was blythnes, yair was in armes brasīg
Thair was kneilling, and thair was courtasie
With reuerence and greit solempnitie.
Efter talking with gude and trew Intent,
All togidder vnto the Palice went.
Quhair that he was ressauit with blythnes,
With greit honour, with Ioy and mirrines.
Time come of meit, all was at Tabill set,
Nathing wantit that neidfull was to get.
Alexander was set at the hie deis,
With the Emprice, and the Empreour at meis.
As thay war talking into mirrines,
The Empreour said to his awin Empres:
O Florentine, my awin gude wife and lufe,
I think my hart in Ioy exalt abufe.
That ȝe do mak King Alexander sic cheir,
And is sa blyth, that he is cūmin heir.
Scho said forsuith culd I it better make,
It suld be done, for Alexanders sake.
Suld not to vs his cūming be glaidnes,
And in speciall to ȝow ane greit kyndnes.
For ȝe had not cum to this Dignitie,
Quhair ȝe ar now, forsuith had not bene he.
And diuers tymes als he hes sauit ȝour lyfe,
And was principall, that gat me to ȝour wyfe.
The Empreour said, ȝour wit weill I allow.
That thinks on thame that was sa gude to ȝow
Than I pray ȝow tak gude heid quhat I say,


Into this hall saw ȝe not the last day,
Ane laith Lipper befoir our Tabill sat,
Baith meit and drink, as ȝe saw sum he gat.
Sine for Goddis lufe, & King Alexanders sake,
Desirit ane drink, quhilk I gart till him take
Scho said my Lord that man richt weill I saw
Ane mair vglie ȝit did I neuer knaw.
The Empreour said, a thing I ȝow demand,
Quhilk I beleue ȝe will discus fra hand.
I put the cace that Lipper man had bene,
King Alexander that ȝe se with ȝour Ene.
And his remeid and helth in ȝour hand lay,
And with the blude of ȝour ȝoung sonnis tway
Behude for to be bathit all about,
Wald ȝe not than with ane styf hart and stout;
Richt weill consent that baith thair bludes war sched
To the Intent, yat his helth micht be had.
Thair throtts cuttit, and do thame baith to deid
Sa Alexander thairthrow micht get remeid.
And mak him haill, euin as ȝe se him now,
That I wald do (quod scho) God I auow:
Had we ten Sonnis gottin vs twa betwene,
I wald consent to se thame with myne Ene:
Incontinent to se thame deid and slane,
Into that case to get his helth agane.
Thay being slane with my power and pith,
My awin twa hands suld wesche him weil yair with
Rather than I suld leif him in sic neid,
I wald not cure to se thair throttis bleid.
For God agane micht send him barnis anew,
Bot neuer agane ane freind sa traist and trew.
Quhē the Empreour thir words of hir hard said
Into his hart he was baith blyth and glaid
And said to hir gude Florentine my wife,
Had ȝe rather saue Alexanders life:


And helit of sair nor haue ȝour sonnis leuand.
Trewlie (quod scho) that heir I tak on hand,
Becaus thairfoir ȝe ar to him sa kinde,
I will ȝow schaw the Inwart of my minde.
The laith Lipper quhilk sat into my haw,
That I and ȝe baith eit and drink we saw.
Scho said he was maist Lipper Laȝarous,
That euer come within ane Nobillis hous.
I meruellit greit quhairfoir yt thing was wrocht
Within ȝour hall sic ane beirne suld bene brocht
To ȝow I trowit it suld haue done offence,
That sic persounis suld cum in ȝour presence.
Bot sen ȝour grace sufferit sic thing to be,
I was content, and weill allowit with me.
The Empreour said, had ȝe the treuth thā kend
As I beleue, ȝe had not bene offend.
Gude Florentine now I will mak ȝow sure,
Quhilk man it was that sat on our hall flure.
I will ȝow schaw but ony fenȝeing,
Alexander it was of Egypt King.
Quhilk at our Tabill now sittis presentlie,
Quod scho my Lord, I think that can not be.
Alexander that now sittis at our Tabill,
That is ane thing not likelie to be abill.
For Alexander that sittis heir presentlie,
Is haill and feir, plesand to luik and se.
Without seiknes of bodie sound and clene,
Blyth of visage, with twa fair Cristall Ene,
Curious of cors, ane cumlie Creature,
Sa was he not that sat into the flure.
Bot of his lyre was laithlie and horribill,
And had seiknes quhilk was vncurabill.
And sa is not now Alexander King,
And I meruell ȝe suld say sic ane thing.
My hart (quod he) God hes send him remeid
Throw me and ȝow be our sonnis deid.


My hart nor hand forsuith na aw I stude,
To cut thair throttis, & bath him in thair blude
Sa be Goddis grace he is maid haill and feir,
Ane clene persoun, as ȝe now se him heir.
Than scho began to murne and to mak sorrow
As nature wald, howbeit scho said beforrow:
That scho had rather se all hir Children deid,
Into that cace, or he wantit remeid.
Zit not the les the naturall cours and kinde
In this behalf, changeit baith thocht & minde
The hartlie lufe, and motherlie pietie,
Quhilk nature geuis in the Mother to be.
Culd not suffer, nor ȝit na way sustene
Bot with sair hart scho grat with baith hir ene
And maid sorrow, as it was na meruall,
Throw kindlie cours, and als lufe naturall.
The Empreour persauit hir tak pine,
To stanche hir sturt said O gude Florentine,
Thocht ȝe be wo, I can na way ȝow wite,
For weill I knaw ȝe had lufe and delite:
Inwart kindnes vnto ȝour sonnes two,
I can weill think that ȝour hart suld be wo.
Zit not the les I pray ȝow ceis of sorrow
All will be weill I find ȝow God to borrow.
The Nurisis heirand of sic tythands,
For greit hart brek thay cryit & wrāg yair hāds
Thay wist nathing quhat for to do or say,
Past to Chalmer quhair that the barnis lay,
Beleuing weill of na vther remeid,
Bot find the barnis in thair bed lyand deid.
Thay fand thē baith at thair pastime playing
In greit blyithnes, and geuing God louing.
Neuer mair blyth sen first hour thay war borne
Nathing knawing that thair twa throtis was schorne
The Nurisis to the Empreour went,
And how all was thay schew Incontinent


How his twa sonnis was leuand blyth & gla
And how about baith thair twa nekis yai had
Ane cirkill of gold quhair yt the knife had gane,
Quhilk knife sa sone fra thame the life had tane
Quhairthrow thair was greit mirth in ye Cietie
In the Palice, and all the companie.
That God sic grace to hir twa babs had grātit
Thay being slane, thair lifes ȝit not thay wātit
Quhairfoir thair was throw the cieteis & tounis
Greit prayers maid with mony Orisounis.
Louing the Lord life to thir babeis lent,
And grantit helth to seik and Impotent.
Bankettis thay maid with Ioy and mirrines,
Menstrallis maid mirth, ceissit was all sadnes.
Quene Florentine scho blist that samin day,
Scho did consaue and beir sic sonnis tway.
Nathing was thair the space of fourtie dayis
Bot al kin mirth, with blythnes sports & playis
Greit tornamentis, with hardie hors rynning,
Sum vther dayis wt grew houndis deir hunting
This being done the Empreour did prepair
Ane greir armie of manheid singulair,
And past away with all thair fellowschip
With Alexander agane into Egypt.
Set him agane into his Royaltie,
In his awin Realme with greit solempnitie.
Restorit him haill to all his possessiounis,
With dew seruice of his Lordis and Barrounis
That gude Iowell King Alexanders Quene
In Adultrie that sa done lang had bene.
With hir luifer, quhat he was Knicht or squire,
As thay deseruit, was baith brint in ane fire.
In this meane time ye Empreour chācit to haue
Ane fair sister, quhome in to wife he gaue
To Alexander, and fortifeit the band
Of greit kindnes, quhilk euer mair did stand:


Betuix thame twa, of hartlie minde and thocht
Quhat that ane did, the vther wald haue wrocht
Sa Alexander being set doun at rest,
In his awin Realme, the Empreour thocht best
For to returne agane to his Impire,
And tuik gude nicht at thair awin hartis desire
Thay war richt wa to pairt ȝe may considder,
Bot ȝit ay still freinds may not bide togidder.
Sa departit with mirrines and Ioy,
Alexander on gait did him conuoy.
Sine after this Alexander him drest,
To gyde his Realme alwayis as he thocht best
With manlines and wisdome in him sell,
He vincust all contrair him did rebell.
His enemeis about him all he dantit.
Sa throw wisdome of his will nocht he wantit
Quhen he was in all his gloir peice and micht,
Into his minde it come vpon ane nicht.
How his Father in the sey did him fling,
Becaus he schew quhat the wilde bird did sing.
And his Mother thairto did weill consent,
Thairfoir he send Message Incontinent.
Howbeit thay did ane far way fra him dwell,
The Messinger ȝit he bad to thame tell,
That Alexander quhilk was King of Egypt,
Wald to thame cum with ane greit fellowschip.
Eit and drink, and with thame mak gude cheir
In that countrie sum new nowellis to heir.
The Messinger blythlie thay did ressaue,
And riche rewardis siclike thay to him gaue.
Saying thair seruice at euerie time and hour
Suld be reddy at that greit Kingis plesour.
Howbeit thay war not worthie for sic thing,
For to ressaue with thame ane crownit King.
Zit not the les and pleis his grace to cum,
With all our hartis he salbe richt welcum.


The Messinger to the Empreour is went,
As thay him said he schew Incontinent.
And quhat reward with blythnes yai him gaue
And how blythlie the King thay suld ressaue.
And how reddy thay war at his command,
Him for to serue all time at hart and hand.
Quhat euer his grace gaue thame cōmandemēt
Quhairof the King was blyth and weill cōtent
The day become the King tuik his Iornay,
With diuers Lordis to pas the reddy way
Quhair his Father and mother maid dwelling
Vnknawin to thame of ony vther thing:
Bot he was King of Egypt and nane vther,
Nor ȝit nane knew of his Father and Mother.
Except him self quha knew weill all the cace,
And quhē thay drew neir hand his fathers place
As thay come furth rydand in thair Iornay
The Knicht his Father met him be the way.
And quhen he saw the King cūming with croun
Incontinent of his hors lichtit doun.
With all honour and all gude reuerence,
Vpon his kneis making obedience.
And quhen he saw his Father tak sic pane,
He tuik him vp, and bad him ryde agane.
Sa cheik for cheik, to his Castell thay raid,
Quhair thair was cheir wt all aboundance maid
And quhen thay come vnto the Castell ȝet,
His Mother come, and with blythnes him met.
Kneilling to him, he lichtit and hir kist,
Bot quhat he was the suith nathing scho wist.
Scho said to him sen it plesis ȝour grace
To vesie vs at this time, and our place.
Ze do to vs ȝour seruandis greit honour,
And we blyth ar that it is ȝour plesour.
And is welcum to all that ȝe find heir,
And as we may we sall mak ȝow the cheir.


The time of day drew neir all bownit to dine,
His Father come with ane siluer Basine:
With Rois watter vpon his knie kneilland,
And his Mother with Towell in hir hand.
Saying meiklie, plesit ȝour grace to wesche,
And thairefter with sum meit ȝow refresche.
It is reddy the cheir we dow ȝow mak,
Praying ȝour grace in patience it to tak.
The King this saw he smylit and sine he said
Vntill him self, thair is nane can auaid,
Nor set on side the godlie prouidence
He will haue done be his perfite prudence.
The Nichtingaillis sang now I persaue is trew
Quhilk lang ago to my Father I schew:
Quhen that scho come to his windo and sang,
That thay suld baith be richt glaid for to gang
With the Towell and Basine in thair handis,
Me for to serue as thay war my seruandis.
Gif I wald thoill thame sic thing for to do,
Now the same thing and mater is cum to.
This in him self he said, and na man knew,
Nor to na man as ȝit sic thing he schew.
Sa he wald not thame thoill to do sic thing,
Howbeit that time he was ane Crownit King,
Saying schir Knicht, I will honour ȝour age,
Ze nor ȝour wife sall do me sic homage.
It becūmis not sic twa agit to bring,
Water to wesche, howbeit I be ane King.
Tak in patience, forsuith I say ȝow trew,
For I haue heir vther seruandis anew.
Than said the Knicht to vs it war honour,
Sa that it war vnto ȝour grace plesour.
Bot sen cace is, ȝe will not thoill vs do,
Be ressoun we ar not worthie thairto.
Than said the King, I dude to honour age,
Sic office ganis to ȝounger personage.


Than to dennar was this gude King set doun,
And thairefter his Lordis of greit Renoun.
Quhen he was set he gart set doun his Mother
On his ane side, his Father on the vther.
Quhome Inteirlie beheld ay his visage,
Gif thay culd haue of him ony knawlege.
Bot nane thay had, seiknes, eild and laubour,
Causit thame misken his fassoun and fauour.
The dennar done, the King to Chalmer went,
For his Father and Mother efter sent.
Quha come to him with all obedience
Randering to him seruice and reuerence.
He commandit all persounis pas on side,
Nane bot the Knicht and his wife to abide.
At quhais command, as he bad sa was done,
Than was the dure on thame thre closit sone.
Than said the King to the Knicht and his wife
Haue ȝe na barnis, quod thay nane vpon life.
Sone nor douchter at this time haue we nane,
And to get ma, we traist the time be gane.
Than said the King I speir for time bygane
Had ȝe ony, or had ȝe neuer ane.
Than said the Knicht for a sone we had ane
Bot it is lang sen he was deid and gane.
Than said the King, in quhat deid deit he.
Than said the Knicht ane naturall deid trewlie
Than said the King be that not trew but faill,
Ze fault to me, and dowbillis to me ȝour taill.
Then said the Knicht, ȝour grace now I require
Quhat is the caus sa feruentlie ȝe desire,
And to sic thing quhat causis ȝow tak heid,
With sic effect to speir efter his deid.
Thā said the King, without caus do I it nocht
How ȝour Sone deit, schaw me ȝour minde and thocht.
Gif ȝe will not schaw furth the veritie,
Ane schameles deid but dout ȝe sall baith die.


Quhen thay yt hard thay fell doū on thair knie
Asking him grace forgiuenes and mercie.
Than said the King, ȝit I will honour age,
I couet not of ȝow sa greit homage.
I grant ȝow leif befoir me for to stand,
And sa he raist thame baith vp be the hand.
To that Intent I come not in ȝour place,
Zow to betrais in ony sort or cace,
For it is geuin me weill to vnderstand
Ze put ȝour sone to deid with ȝour awin hand.
And gif sic thing cum to the Iudgement,
Ze will be baith condampnit Incontinent.
Thairfoir to me the verray treuth ȝe schaw,
It is danger for sic to byde the Law.
Schaw me the treuth, and I sall saif ȝow baith
Fra all perrell, and keip ȝow fra all skaith.
Than said the Knicht, my life schir to me grāt
Of the trew treuth ane word ȝe sall not want.
Than said the King feir not the treuth to say,
And on credence heir I sall saif ȝow tway.
Than said the Knicht ane sone we had trewlie,
Quhilk was weill sene in cunning and Clergie
Sicker cunning he had in science seuin,
In all Planetis that mouit vnder heuin.
He knew the cours, and all thair strāge aspectis
Thair pith, power, and all thair firme affectis.
All herbis and treis richt wonder weill he knew
Quhat strēth yai had, quhat pith, & quhat vertew
Thair was na foull yt euer flew wt wing,
Bot he knew weill quhē yai yair sāg wald sing.
Into sa far, thair was na herb that sprang,
He knew the pith, and als the foullis sang.
Vpon ane day befoir vs he culd stand,
With Basine, Towell, and watter in his hand
In the meane time that bony foull of flicht,
The Nichtingaill, at our windo did licht.


And sa began to sing hir noitis gude,
Weill war the man (quod I) that vnderstude
Zone sweit singing, & quhat the bird dois mene
Quod he Father sa ȝe will not be tene:
I suld ȝow schaw quhat ȝone bird sings sa sweit
And euerie note I sall ȝow Interpreit.
Quod I deir sone, I pray the to me schaw,
To say the suith of na man stand thow aw.
Quod he Father, forsuith I tak greit feir,
It sall ȝow craib, hir sang quhen ȝe it heir.
Nay, nay, (said I) of that haue thow na dout,
The birds sang I pray the tell me out.
Quod he ȝone bird scho menis into hir sang,
My Mother and ȝe ar abill to leif sa lang,
Quhill that ȝe stand befoir me as seruandis,
And to be blyth hald watter to my handis.
Gif that I will ȝow suffer sic to do.
Quod I that day thow sall neuer cum to.
And sa at schort or euer I tuik rest,
Into the sey for to drowne I him kest.
Than said the King, to ȝow had bene na skaith
Vnto his hands ȝe had haldin watter baith.
I think it had bene to ȝow baith plesour,
That ȝour ane sone had cum to sic honour.
Than said the Knicht, that same thing I cōfes
In greit furie I did it and wodnes.
Wit and wisdome was went, will was ouir mā
Richt and ressoun and reuth quyte fra me ran.
Sa quhen wit wants and strenth of ressoun leist
I count a man na better nor ane beist,
That rynnis on heid and lukis to na ressoun
And sa did I quhen I my Sone did droun.
Than said the King, I think it was folie,
Zow for to wyrk contrair the Maiestie
Of God alone, and his greit prouydence,
His wit his will, and michtie Ordinance


Ze micht weill wit, God of his Sapience,
That to ȝour Sone had send him sic Science:
To knaw the voce of the byrds in the Air,
And it was God that causit hir to cum thair,
To sing that sang, as God had hir directit,
For in na sort scho micht na way neglect it.
Thairfoir lat nane the man maist michtiest,
Cast him to wyrk contrair quhilk God hes drest
For it passis wit power and puissance,
To wyrk contrair his michtie Ordinance.
Now ȝe sall knaw the treuth and veritie,
I am ȝour Sone quhilk ȝe kest in the sie.
And the greit God of his michtie Godheid,
Hes me preseruit fra all danger of deid.
And be his grace hes brocht me to this stait,
As I am now and for me did debait.
For his foirsicht na way can be doun smorit,
Bot euer mair the same will be decorit.
As worthie is for nane can wyrk contrair,
His prouydence, that schairplie I declair.
Than the Father and Mother heiring that,
For feir and Ioy fell to the eird doun flat.
Quhome he tuke vp with all humilitie,
Saying Father and Mother feir not me.
Haue ȝe na dout of all that I haue said,
Rather be blyth, Ioyus, merie and glaid.
With help of God na danger sall ȝow deir,
Quhat euer ȝe think, I pray ȝow tak na feir.
Ze sall nocht aill in geir nor in persoun,
Of all bygane, I grant ȝow plane pardoun:
For ȝe sall fynd, that my micht and weilfair,
Salbe ȝour gloir, for now and euer mair,
Into this lyfe, sa lang as I Indure,
I haue ressoun, ȝe twa me gat and bure.
Sa with blythnes, with hat into his hand,
He kist them baith, with merie hart lauchand.


Than the Mother scho grat richt pieteouslie,
And the Father the teir fell in his Eye.
Than said the King, be still and weip ȝe nocht,
For in my Realme with blys ȝe salbe brocht
And with all gloir thair sall ȝe honourit be
With all blythnes, worschip and Dignitie:
Aboue my self, except my Kinglie Croun,
Quhilk is preseruit bot to my awin persoun.
Sa in that place he left certane seruands,
To reule & gyde yair rowmes yair rents & lands
Tuke his Father and Mother with him hame,
Quhair thay leuit still in honour and gude fame
All thair life tyme quhil God to deid thame drest
Gydit the Realme in Iustice peice and rest.
Vnto the tyme cours was past of nature,
Endit thair lyfs onlie to Godds plesure.
How the Emprice was condampnit to deid.
With hir Luifer, but mercie or remeid.
Than Dioclesiane said to the Empreour
Father this Tale I tald to ȝour plesour,
Quhilk I beleue richt weill ȝe vnderstand.
Ze euerie word (quod he) Sone I warrand,
It is ane taill to be notit I say,
Not ane better I hard this mony day.
Than said the Sone and pleis ȝour Maiestie,
Howbeit that God hes geuin sic grace to me:
Of wit, wisdome, and vther greit Cunning,
Of diuers thingis hes lent vnderstanding.
Zit this suld not na way minische ȝour micht.
Nor ȝour honour, ȝour Maiestie and hicht.
Bot rather suld the same eik and augment,
Be richt, ressoun, and equall Iudgement.
Sa in likewise the Kingis gre and estait,
Quhilk was be God onlie predestinait.
Send be the bird, to sing that he micht heir,
Quhilk in that cace was Goddis Messingeir


For had not bene God gaue that bird sic grace,
The sonnis honour, and all his dignitie,
Tuik na honour fra the Father ȝe se
Nor to his Mother it did na hinderance
Bot rather was thair honouris to auance.
For as ȝe hard thay war honourit alwayis,
Into his Realme, during thair life and dayis
Than said agane to him the Empreour,
I persaue weill the sonnis greit honour:
Can na way pair the Fathers micht and gloir
Bot rather ay to mak it moir and moir.
Thairfoir I will the haill Impire resing
Into ȝour handis, and ȝe thairof be King.
And gyde the same, and haue the reule and steir
For I am auld, dow not sic burding beir.
Bot rather wald be set at rest and eis,
And ȝe the Realme to gyde as ȝe best pleis.
For I dow not Indure sic besines,
Be ressoun of my eild and febilnes.
Than said the sone sauing ȝour graces will,
To that sentence na way grant will I till.
Bot ȝe sall ay haue the Authoritie,
During ȝour life, euer mair abone me,
To charge, command, to bid, and for to do,
In all effairis, that euer pertenis ȝow to.
All besines that ar laborius,
Actis and erandis, welthie and ponderus.
Alwayis I will accept thame vpon me,
Zow for to serue, as is my greit dewtie.
And euer sall, the samin nicht and day,
To ȝour plesure, in sa far as I may.
The Empreour than commandit his Iustice,
In Iudgement sit, and do furth his office.
And the Emprice in presence to gar bring,
With hir Rebald cled in wemens clething
Quhilk nixt hir self he causit for to stand,


Than hir Ladeis in ordour at the nixt hand.
Than Dioclesiane to the Empreour said,
Father ȝour Quene ȝour honour hes degraid.
Ouir all the warld ȝe ar greit Empreour,
And it pertenis to ȝour grace and honour:
To do Iustice to all the same desyris,
For the same thing ȝour Maiestie requyris
Asweill to pure, as to the riche alway,
Equall Iustice ȝe suld minister ay.
Now I desire that ȝe giue richt sentence,
On the vntreuth, falset and greit offence
Done and alledgeit be the Emprice falslie,
Be counsall of hir lufe in contrair me.
Be quhais fals meanis seuin times furth I was led,
To the Gallous to leif my life in wed.
And daylie stude in greit perrell of life,
And all this come throw falset of ȝour wife.
Als to ȝour grace vnfaithfull scho hes bene
Of hir bodie, not gydand like ane Quene.
Quhilk is weill prouin into ȝour awin presence
Be manlie signes, and perfite euidence.
Vpon the quhilks I ask and als desyris,
Iustice and richt, euin as the caus requyris.
To ȝour Iustice I wald ȝe gaue command,
To giue sentence but dilatouris fra hand.
Quhen the Emprice hard this sair petitioun,
Vpon the eird than fell scho flatlingis doun.
At the Empreour askit grace and mercie.
Bot in na sort sic thing thair culd not be,
According to the Law he bad proceid,
And giue sentence conforme vnto hir deid.
And bad pans weill to quhōe the deid was done
Be quhome, quhē, quhair, and how lang or how sone
And thairefter to mak the punischement,
As pleisit the Iudge to gif furth his Iudgemēt,
Than said the Iudge na way I can hir clenge
For hir awin deid hir self it dois reuenge.


The perfite prufe of hir Rebald and knaif,
Thame self baith fylis, as all man may persaif
And than the fault it is leis Maiestie,
Done in contrair the Crownis dignitie.
Into sa far as scho defoulit his bed,
And his ane sone to Gallous gart be led.
Thairfoir I giue in oppin audience,
And pronouncis now for extreme sentence,
That the Emprice be bound to ane hors taill,
Throw all the streitis of the Cietie hir traill,
Quhill scho cum to the place brint for to be,
For hir prepairit, that euerie man may se,
And thair with schame and lak to end hir life,
In remembrance scho was ane Empreours wife
And als we giue on hir Rebald sentence,
For his knaifrie, and his peruerst offence:
Contrair the Croun, merciles to be marterit,
On the Rattis reuin, hāgit, drawin & quarterit
And sine his flesche furth cassin to the tykis,
To be deuorit with doggis vnder dykis,
And with the foulis that fleis in the Air,
The doggis leuingis to tak vp to thair skair.
In memorie that he durst sic presume,
In contemptioun the greit Empreour of Rome.
This schairp sentence we pronounce oppinlie,
To all pepill and dois it ratifie.
Makis the same knawin to all man patent,
Asweill absent, as thay that ar present.
Sa war thay baith conforme to thair offence.
Done and demanit, according to sentence.
Geuin and pronoūcit than be that awful Iuge
Quhairfra remeid thay had nane nor refuge.
Bot suffer deith with euerlasting schame,
And ay to bruik of greit harlattis the name.
As worthie was, for quhy continuall sin,


With Indurit hart, euer to ly thairin:
But feir of God or ony repentence,
Causit thame suffer sic doly sad sentence.
Howbeit that man sic baudrie did not knaw,
Zit God in heuin richt weill it hard and saw.
For all thing is to his Ene ay patent,
Thairfoir he fand ane subtell Instrument,
To mak sic thing to mannis sicht be kend,
This ȝe may se of this Emprice the end.
Praying greit God of vs to haue mercie,
And hir forgiue, Amen sa mot it be.