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Argalvs and Parthenia

Written by Fra: Quarles

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If any itching eares desire to know,
What seret conf'rence past betwixt these two;
To them my Muse thus answers; When your case
Shall proue the like, she wils you to embrace


True honour, as these noble louers did,
And you shall know; Till then you are forbid
To enquire further: Onely this she pleases
To let you vnderstand, that loues diseases
Being throughly cured, by their meeting, they
Haue once againe prefixt a Mariage day;
Which that it might succeed with fairer fortune,
Readers, she moues your pleasures, to importune
The better gods, that they would please t'appay
Their griefes with ioy, and smile vpon that Day.