A neaste of vvaspes latelie fovnd out and discouered in the Law-countreys yealding as sweete hony as some of our English bees [by William Goddard] |
A neaste of vvaspes latelie fovnd out and discouered in the Law-countreys | ||
[Captaine (a Seargant cryes), a souldyers dead]
Captaine (a Seargant cryes), a souldyers deadWhat shall bee done? shall hee bee buried?
Howe buryed man? thou dost thy office trymm
Firste lett mee make the moste I can of him
Aliue I made the moste of that poore man
I'le nowe as much make of him as I can
If his haire, fleshe, skynn is nothing worthe
Then rypp-out's harte; his verye harte pull forth
Sell it in Spaine: Folkes of those forraine partes
Will giv'es good gold for our poore souldyers hartes.
A neaste of vvaspes latelie fovnd out and discouered in the Law-countreys | ||