University of Virginia Library




Quhat solas is so sound sinceir and sueit
As freindschip flowing from effection frie?
Quhat mundane myrth may man obtein so meit
As sutche guid hap to find for his supplie?
for freindis tuo, quhois nature dois aggrie,
Ar lyk vyn branchis linkit growand greine
About the stoupis of that kyndlie trie,
Quhilk luifinglie againe dois tham susteine.
Quhan Nobill Nisus creuallie haid seine
His captiwe freind in dainger schord to die,
for feruent luif his courage grew so keine
Oft than he cryid, “conwert ȝour glawe in me,”
Syn facht to deed, And, quhan he mycht no moir,
fell on his freind, Quhom so he luift befoir.