A dyall of dayly Contemplacion, or deuine exercise of the mind instructing vs to liue vnto God, and to dye vnto the vvorld. First colected & published in Latin, at the request of a godly Bishop, and Reuerent Father, Richard, sometime Byshop of Dirham, and Lorde Priuie Seale. Novv nevvly Translated into Englishe, by Richard Robinson |
THE AVCTORS Commemoration for THVRSDAY.
A dyall of dayly Contemplacion, or deuine exercise of the mind | ||
THE AVCTORS Commemoration for THVRSDAY.
[Remember the iudgement generall]
Remember the iudgement generall,How for our liues then pleade we shall.
The Translators Application.
Thalmighty in the Firmament, made lightes for to deuide,The day & night, which lights for signes should serue eche time and tide,
A greater light, the Sunne to shine by dry, by night, a lesse,
The Moone and Starres, the self same light doth plainly lo expresse.
[VVhyles we haue lyght, lets walke that way.]
VVhyles we haue lyght, lets walke that way.That gaynes light at the iudgement day.
[The Auctor figuring the generall iudgement]
The Auctor figuring the generall iudgement,Hereby admonisheth both iust and vniust:
To consider thereof in this life present,
All securitie then abandon we must,
Yea all licencious liuyng and carnall lust,
VVherein the wicked florishe at wyll,
For all such as therein doo put their trust,
Thalmighty Iudge in his wrath shall them spyll.
[As God suffereth the wicked a time to lyue here]
As God suffereth the wicked a time to lyue here,Though it be for a scourge vnto his elect,
So to strengthen their pacience when they forbeare,
Too to many iniuries, yet hath he respect,
But for better tryall of their fyrme fayth,
VVhen he seeth time he wyll detect,
Their foes of mischeefe with sentence of death.
[Oh mankind, rue on thy miserable estate]
Oh mankind, rue on thy miserable estate,VVhen sleeping in sinne of liberty thou liuest,
A more lothsome life then brute beast create,
The nearer grace is offred thee, the furder of thou geuest,
Thy consent with security, and so thou thriuest,
For abusyng Gods grace and offered mercy,
One mischeefe vpon an other thou driuest,
Tyll all to late it is to repent thy folly.
[Be it by example of others imitation]
Be it by example of others imitation,Or by our selfe wyll and ignorance we fall,
Or by Satans subtilty and suggestion,
VVe commit any offences here criminall,
And as we haue wrought, so awarded we,
Shall receaue at the day of iudgement generall,
Eyther Gods indignation, or milde mercie.
[To waye the wickednesse of corrupt nature]
To waye the wickednesse of corrupt nature,In ballance, with Gods deuine iustice,
Eyther our good deedes is absurd and obscure,
Presumptuous were such our enterprise,
From the earth, the dust should then aryse,
VVith Thalmighty creator to dispute,
Submit we therefore in repenrant wyse,
Our lyfe and death as he hath constitute.
[As lyfe and death from hence vncertaine are]
As lyfe and death from hence vncertaine are,And our demerites doo deserue due dome,
So how soone the Lord wyll the same prepare,
No spirite can deuine that day to come,
But yf we wyll credite Christes woordes in scripture,
Of signes alredy perfourming nowe are some,
That that day is not long to, we may be sure.
[VVhen sinne, the fyre of conflagration]
VVhen sinne, the fyre of conflagration,All men as then vvhich are left on liue,
Shall quite of them make consummacion,
In vvofull plight, as doctors doo discriue,
Theres none by flyght vvhich may be fugitiue,
Then Sunne and Moone obscured vvith anoyance,
Yea other Planets vvith beames obumbratiue,
Shall in their kinde shevve dolorus countenance.
[All fleshe shall aryse from death to liue]
All fleshe shall aryse from death to liue,In soule and body hauyng resemblance,
Then to receaue sentence definitiue,
Decreed by Gods deuine ordinance,
VVe shall addresse vs, young, olde, ritche, and pore,
Happy or vnhappy, as it shall then chance,
To rest in payne or pleasure euermore.
[Then shall our kyng, vvhich iudged vvas, vs iudge]
Then shall our kyng, vvhich iudged vvas, vs iudge,In glorious forme of deuine humanitie,
From vvhose face there may be then no refuge,
No fauour, freendship, revvard, parcialitie,
VVhen in tvvo diuers maners he shall administrate,
His iudgement to the godly vvith mylde mercie,
But most seuere Iustice vnto the reprobate.
[This processe of iudgement is short vvithout tarying]
This processe of iudgement is short vvithout tarying,VVhen for our sinnes shall serue none excuse.
But our vnkindnesse to Christe our soueraigne king,
Our consciences eke vvitnesses shall vs accuse,
VVhen vve his gracious good fauour abuse,
God graunt therefore by ages tofore past,
VVe in this last aige such vvarnyng may take.
That cleauing in feare to this our God fast,
VVe may auoyde the danger of the dreadfull lake.
[Then shall Christe thus prononnce for conclusion]
Then shall Christe thus prononnce for conclusion,From his leaft hand, vvhen he the vvicked shal expel,
Depart yee vvofull vvretches vvith my malediction,
To the perpetuall fyre, and tormentes of hell,
In dolorous darknesse, vvith deuils there to dvvell,
VVithout recouerie, shall be there your residence,
Fellovved vvith feendes furious and fell,
And of my person, neuer more to haue presence.
[After the first sentence, the second folowe shall]
After the first sentence, the second folowe shall,Full of solace and consolation
Saying vnto those on his right hand all,
Come ye chyldren on my benediction,
VVhich haue me loued with true intention,
Receaue you the kingdome of lasting blis,
Reserued for you from the worldes creation,
God grannt vs thy grace to labour for this.
[Reuolue in mind the great perplexitee]
Reuolue in mind the great perplexitee,Of sinners, seeing them felues in such assay,
VVhen their iust Iudge aboue them they shall see,
And vnder them Hell, to swalowe them as pray,
All faythfull Christians marke this by the way,
If sentence geuen for Temporall offence,
Deserue here a death, with losse of goodes alway,
VVhat to offend the highest shalbe the sentence?
[Of worldly witte see the furious raige]
Of worldly witte see the furious raige,How it is dased in wylfull darckenesse,
VVhere spirituall wysedome, graue, godly, and saige,
Should rest in those that Christe doo professe,
But subtilty, the simple to circumuent,
As wyly VVoolues their deedes them expresse,
VVhich dayly deuoureth the Lambes innocent.
[Such worldly wyse make no prouision]
Such worldly wyse make no prouision,For their soules health, that euer shall endure,
But runne headlong into the pit of perdition,
VVoorking their wylles at all aduenture.
But such as feare God in euery condition,
VVith spirituall wysedome furnished are,
Liuing in feare and harty contrition,
Agaynst the last day, them selues to prepare.
[Soone after sentence of generall iudgement]
Soone after sentence of generall iudgement,The heauens, shall royally be renouate,
Then shall the wicked to Sathan be sent,
To make abode with him, for euer exterminate,
Then shall the Heauens be clearely clarificate,
The godly shall enter with triumph victorious
VVherefore repent you wicked, in time els too late,
Recouer you the damage of that dome dangerous.
[To conclude, thinke wee eache one of this case]
To conclude, thinke wee eache one of this case,No man shall be iudged but deseruingly,
Then in this life, whyle wee haue time and space,
Let vs in contemplacion and prayer mortifie,
Our wicked mocions, so as continually,
VVe fearing the iudgementes of the iust God aboue,
Come death, come dome, for him may be ready,
To rest with our redeemer, in peace, ioy, and loue.
FINIS Of the Contemplacion for THVRSDAY.
A dyall of dayly Contemplacion, or deuine exercise of the mind | ||