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The poems of George Daniel

... From the original mss. in the British Museum: Hitherto unprinted. Edited, with introduction, notes, and illustrations, portrait, &c. By the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart: In four volumes

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Sent to my dearest Brother Sexto Septembr, 1648: by Rt: Ta

Though I can nothing Say, that may accrue
To vindicate Discretion; take a new
Way betwixt vs, of intercourse: Oh God!
Why should I write in verse? Where I am proud
I write soe ever. 'Tis a Facultie
I doe not boast, but Love it Modestlie.
What, should I write? I will not speake of Feats,
High Stories, to out-rant our dull Gazetts.
Wee have noe Cause to boast; Enough, let me
Write to a Brother; if that Notion be
Not neare Enough, I would ye world might know
Vs, by what Hee merits, what I owe.
I speake of Freindship then; your Freind (my dear
Nephew,) has honored Mee; Hee knowes how farre
I am from Sence now; but (to You, I speake
Had it not bene to him, I hardlie breake
My Reservation, though our Yorkeshire Ayre
Infects both Men, and Beast, Cheape in a Fayre,
Yet) let me Say, had not that freind (whom I


Prize, to your Character) soe handsomelye
Obliged me, for your Selfe and for my owne
Now late Acquaintance; I had hardlye gone
Out of my old dull Prose; I might have writt
Something of Sence; but I pretend to Witt;
Now fired (at lest) with Love, to see your freind,
And with a little wine; but let me End
Vnder this Caution; if this whole Amisse
Seeme foolish, to your Sober Eyes; 'tis His
Who now is (not Soe,
But) Dear Brother,
Yours, entirelie Affectionate; G. Daniel.