University of Virginia Library

Psal. 70. Deus in adjutorium.

Ad Præstantem, Psal. Davidis, ad recordandum.


Now, now, in my extremes of need,
O lose no time in waste;
Deliver me, O God, with speed,
to help me, Lord, make haste.


Shame and confusion on them lie,
that seeke my soules annoy:
Turn'd backe, and blushing let them flie,
that in my evill joy.


Let this reward their wages pay,
to send them backe with shame:
Aha, in scorne to me that say,
and make my griefe their game.


Let them that seeke thee, all alway,
in thee with joy abide:
Let thy Salvations lovers say
still, God be magnifi'd.


To me, poore soule, so low downe cast,
O God, make speed away:


My help, and my deliverer haste,
O Lord, make no delay.