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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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68 Of one that seekes to be stellified being no Pithagorian.
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68 Of one that seekes to be stellified being no Pithagorian.

An vse there was among some Pithagorians,
If we giue credit to the best Historians:
How they that would obserue the course of Starres,
To purge the vapors, that our cleere sight tarres,
And bring the braine vnto a settled quiet,
Did keepe a wondrous strict and sparing dyet,
Drinke water from the purest heads of springs,
Eate Hearbs and Flowers, not taste of liuing things:
And then to this scant fare, their bookes applying,
They call'd this sparing Dyet, Stellifying.
Then thinkest thou, professed Epicure,
That neuer couldest vertuous paines endure,
That eat'st fat Venson, bowzest Claret Wine,
Do'st play till twelue, and sleepe till after nine,
And in a Coach like Uulcans sonne dost ride,
That thou art worthy to be stellified?