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A gorgious Gallery, of gallant Inuentions

Garnished and decked with diuers dayntie deuises, right delicate and delightfull, to recreate eche modest minde withall. First framed and fashioned in sundrie formes, by diuers worthy workemen of late dayes: and now, ioyned together and builded up: By T. P. [i.e. Thomas Procter]

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Inuidus alterius rebus macrescit opimis.

The greedy man, whose hart with hate doth swell,
Because hee sees his neyghbors good estate:
Liues vncontent, with what might serue him well,
And eftsoones seemes to blame sufficient fate:
This grudging gluton glut, with goulden gayne,
To serue his vse, although hee hath enough:
Repines at that, which others get with payne,
So that himselfe therby, hee doth abuse:
Hee thinkes that much, which passeth by his claw,
And findes a fault for it through luckles hap:
Although the matter valueth scarce a straw,
Hee deemes it small of gaine, that giues no sap.
Hee thinkes his store, shall serue his senclesse corse,
Or that no death at all, hee deemes there bee:
Els would hee to his conscience haue remorse,
And seeke to liue content with his degree:
For what auayles, to horde vp heapes of drosse,
Or seeke to please vnsaciate fond desire:
Considering that, tis subiect vnto losse,
And wee (therby yll got) deserues Hell fire:
From which O Lord conduct vs with thy hand,
And giue vs grace to liue vnto thy prayse:
Preserue our Queene his subiects and her land,
And graunt in peace, shee raigne here Nestors dayes.