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Otia Sacra Optima Fides

[by Mildmay Fane]

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To Easter Day.

Welcome Blest Day, where on
The Sun
(Not of the Spheres alone)
Did rise,
But that of Righteousness, who shon
Our True-Light, was our Sacrifice.


For 'thad been night
With us,
Dark, Everlasting, Dismall, Vaporous,
Entail'd from our first Parents Appetite:
Till by the Power and Might
Of this Light of the world, our Shades took flight.
Death, Hell, the Grave
That ever Crave
And never satisfi'd appear,
No longer their Dominions have,
Sithence vanquish'd by this Conquerer,
Who doth enlighten every faithfull Sphere.
Now that each Orb consenting prove
The while,
And trulier might feel those comforts move
From so Great Light, such precious love
We must reflect, and back recoil,
To see what either hath in's Lamp of Oil.
For without Doubt
Their share is Darkness, let their lights goe out:
And where agen
Ones light doth shine through vertues before Men,
'Tis True Divinity,
Our Heav'nly Father's Glorifi'd thereby.