University of Virginia Library



Every day a birthday is,
Into an unknown world:
Life, with its changes infinite,
Keepeth its counsel well;
The gain, the good, the sin in it
Only each day may tell.
Between the dawns comes man's first breath;
Between the dawns, man's hour of death.
Yet, by the twelvemonth do we keep
The record of our stay:
So, when, no longer desolate,
Forests grow green and sweet,
And nature in her fair estate
Flings blossoms at thy feet,
We hail thee, richer by a year,—
We hail thee, comrade tried and dear!


Wishing is giving—soul to soul.
What shall I wish this day?
I wish thee peace and happiness,
And work and honored meed;
I wish thy sorrows tardiness,
And every joy God-speed!
I wish thee all I may, dear friend;
God's grace; and manhood to the end!