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[II.] Good Inferences.
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[II.] Good Inferences.

Rom. VIII. 32,33,34,39.
GOD, in His Love to man, don't spare
His own Beloved Son;
But gives Him up, the Curse to bear,
For mans Redemption.
Since He hath now for Sinners done
That Greatest Thing, we know,
On us, He won't count any One
Too Great, for to bestow.
Gods chosen who now can Arraign
Whom God hath Justify'd?
And who shall dare Those to Condemn,
For whom His Christ hath Dy'd?
Dy'd! Yea, and Rising from the Dead,
At the Right-Hand of God,
He Sits in Glorious Pow'r, to Plead
The Merits of His Blood.
Us from such Love of God as This,
A Love so Free and Great,


In our Lord Jesus Christ, there is
Nothing shall Separate.