University of Virginia Library


What is life? It is a vapor;
Fleeting as the noontide hour;
Full of hope, though oft delusive;
Passing, like a summer shower.
Oh! how full of sin and folly,
Oh! how full of guilt and fear!
Trials oft and triumphs seldom,—
And the tempter ever near.
Oh! how oft we stop and listen,
To his counsels which deceive;
And alas! how oft we stumble—
Losing what we can't retrieve.
God of mercy! wilt thou hear me?
Strengthen me with power divine.
Let not sin and guilt o'erwhelm me,
Save me, Lord, for I am thine.
Fill me, with thy Holy Spirit,
May I ever faithful prove,
May I always trust thy merit,
And be filled with Heavenly love.


Come, and whisper, gentle Saviour,
Sin no more—thy sin's forgiven,
Let me feel now thy deliverance,
Help me in the road to Heaven!