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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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Charles Trinkaus, “In Our Image and Likeness”: Human-
ity and Divinity in Italian Humanist Thought
(London and
Chicago, 1970), for principal texts discussed and bibliogra-
phy. See also the following works, and especially those by:
Cassirer, Garin, Gentile, Javelet, Kristeller, Ladner, Di
Napoli, Paparelli, and Yates. Javelet, Ladner (Idea of Re-
), and Landmann have important bibliographies.
Herschel Baker, The Image of Man: A Study of Human
Dignity in Classical Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the
(Cambridge., Mass., 1947; reprint New York,
1961). Ernst Cassirer, Individuum und Kosmos in der Philos-
ophie der Renaissance
(Leipzig and Berlin, 1927; trans.
New York, 1964); idem, “Giovanni Pico della Mirandola,”
Journal of the History of Ideas, 3 (1942), 123-44, 319-54;
reprinted in P. O. Kristeller and P. P. Wiener, eds., Renais-
sance Essays
(New York, 1968), 11-60. Ernst Cassirer, Paul
Oskar Kristeller, John Herman Randall, Jr., eds., The
Renaissance Philosophy of Man
(Chicago, 1948). Y. M. J.
Congar, “Le thème de Dieu-Créateur et les explications de
l'Hexaméron dans la tradition chrétienne,” in L'homme
devant Dieu: Mélanges offerts au Père Henri de Lubac
1963), pp. 189ff. B. Domanski, Die Psychologie des Nemesius,
Baeumaker Beiträge, III (Münster, 1900). Ludwig Edelstein,
The Idea of Progress in Classical Antiquity (Baltimore, 1967);
idem, “The Philosophical System of Posidonius,” American
Journal of Philology,
57 (1936), 286-325. A.-J. Festugière,
La révélation d'Hermès Trismégiste, 4 vols. (Paris, 1950-54).
Eugenio Garin, “La 'Dignitas Hominis' e la letteratura
patristica,” La Rinascita, I (1938), 102-46; idem, ed., Testi
umanistici sul “De anima”
(Pauda, 1951); idem, Giovanni
Pico della Mirandola
(Florence, 1937). Giovanni Gentile, “Il
concetto dell'uomo nel Rinascimento” (1916), reprinted in
idem, Il pensiero italiano del Rinascimento (Florence, 1940),
pp. 47-113. P. Gerlitz, “Der mystische Bildbegriff (εικω̇ν
und imago) in der frühchristlichen Geistesgeschichte,”
Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte, 15 (1963),
244ff. Karl Gronau, Poseidonios und die judisch-christliche
(Leipzig, 1914). J. Gross, La divinisation du
chrétien d'après les pères grecs
(Paris, 1938). Klaus Heit-
mann, Fortuna und Virtus, Eine Studie zu Petrarcas
(Cologne and Graz, 1958). Werner Jaeger,
Nemesius von Emesa, Quellenforschung zum Neuplato-
nismus und seinen Anfängen bei Poseidonios
(Berlin, 1914).
Robert Javelet, Image et ressemblance au douzième siècle
de saint Anselme à Alain de Lille,
2 vols. (Strasbourg, 1967).
J. Jervell, Imago Dei: Genesis 1:26 f. im Spätjudentum, in
der Gnosis und in den Paulinischen Briefen
1960). P. O. Kristeller, “Ficino and Pomponazzi on the Place
of Man in the Universe,” Journal of the History of Ideas,
5 (1944), 220-26, reprinted in Studies in Renaissance
Thought and Letters
(Rome, 1956), pp. 279-86; idem, “The
Philosophy of Man in the Italian Renaissance,” Italica, 24
(1947), 93-112, reprinted in Studies in Renaissance Thought
and Letters,
pp. 261-78; idem, The Philosophy of Marsilio
(New York, 1943), Italian trans., Il pensiero filosofico
di Marsilio Ficino
(Florence, 1953). Gerhart B. Ladner, “The
Concept of the Image in the Greek Fathers and the Byzan-
tine Iconoclastic Controversy,” Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 7
(1953), lff.; idem, Ad imaginem Dei: The Image of Man in
Medieval Art
(Latrobe, Pa., 1965); idem, “Homo Viator:
Medieval Ideas on Alienation and Order,” Speculum, 42
(1967), 233-59; idem, Idea of Reform (Cambridge, Mass.,
1959; rev. ed. New York, 1967), Chapters II, V; idem, “The
Philosophical Anthropology of St. Gregory of Nyssa,”
Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 12 (1958). Michael Landmann, et
al., DE HOMINE, Der Mensch im Spiegel seines Gedanken
(Freiburg and Munich, 1962). R. Leys, L'image de Dieu
chez Saint Grégoire de Nysse
(Brussels and Paris, 1951).
R. A. Markus, “'Imago' and 'Similitudo' in Augustine,”
Revue des études augustiniennes, 10 (1964), 125ff. F. Masai,
Pléthon et le platonisme de Mistra (Paris, 1956). E. Massa,
“L'anima e l'uomo in Egidio Viterbo e nelle fonte classiche
e medievali,” in Testi umanistici sul 'De anima.' H. Merki,
ΟΜΟΙΩΣΙΣ ΘΕΩVon der platonischen Angleichen an Gott
zur Gottähnlichkeit bei Gregor von Nyssa,
Paradosis VII
(Fribourg, Switzerland, 1952). Rodolfo Mondolfo, La com-
prensione del soggetto umano nell'antichità classica

(Florence, 1958). J. T. Muckle, “The Doctrine of Gregory
of Nyssa on Man as the Image of God,” Mediaeval Studies,
7 (1945), 55-84. Giovanni di Napoli, “'Contemptus Mundi'
e 'Dignitas Hominis' nel Rinascimento,” Rivista di filosofia


neoscolastica, 48 (1956), 9-41; idem, L'immortalità
dell'anima nel Rinascimento
(Turin, 1963). Gioacchino
Paparelli, Feritas, Humanitas, Divinitas: Le componenti
(Messina and Florence, 1960). F. E.
Robbins, The Hexaemeral Literature: A Study of Greek and
Latin Commentaries on Genesis
(Chicago, 1912). A. Struker,
Die Gottesebenbildlichkeit des Menschen in der altchrist-
lichen Literatur der ersten zwei Jahrhunderte
1913). J. E. Sullivan, The Image of God: The Doctrine of
St. Augustine and Its Influence
(Dubuque, Iowa, 1963). R.
McL. Wilson, “The Early History of the Exegesis of Genesis
1:26,” Studia Patristica, 1 (1957), 420ff. Frances Yates,
Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition (London and
Chicago, 1964; reprint New York, 1969).


[See also Hermeticism; Hierarchy; Macrocosm and
Micrososm; Neo-Platonism; Platonism in the Renaissance;
Progress; 9">Renaissance Humanism; Stoicism.]