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OCTOBER THE 20th 1619
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OCTOBER THE 20th 1619


Sr Tho: Roe Knt mr Dr Gulstone.  mr Tho: Keightly. 
Sr Io: Dãuers.  mr Hen: Reignoldℯ.  mr Rich: Bull. 
Sr Tho: Gates.  Capt S: Argoll.  mr Rich: Wiseman. 
mr Mo: Abbott.  mr Rich: Rogers.  mr Iames Berblock. 
mrIo: fferrar Dp̃t.  mr Hen: Briggs.  mr Wm Palmer. 
mr Tho: Gibbs.  mr Wm Caninge.  mr Rich: Caswell. 
mr Geo: Thorpe.  mr Geo: Swinhowe.  mr Roberts. 
mr Dr Anthony.  mr Nicho fferrar.  mr Tho: Melling. 
mr Dr Winstone.  mr [12] Shepherd. 

It was made knowne by mr Deputy that the time being expired,
wherin during this terme of vacansye, the Generall Courts (accord-
ing to order) haue discontinued; they are now to proceed againe in
their due course every fortnight, this day moneth being a Generall
qrter Court: And although mr Treasuror be yet absent, the Company
will finde at his coming vp next weeke, that he hath not beene want-
ing to the service of Virginia, but both his minde and time wholly
imployed in their busines; contem̃ing[13] the meanes of sending large
supplies of men and Cattle for Virginia this next Spring. [34]

A ɫre being sent from his Matie directed to mr Tr̃er and Counsell for
the sending diuers dissolute persons to Virginia, wch Sr Edward
Zouch knt Marshall will giue informac̃on of; after the Counsell had
pervsed the same, was brought to the boord and read to the Company,
who considering there was noe present meanes of conveying them to
Virginia, though fitt to reserue the full answere to his Mats ɫre till the
next Court, when wth the Lordℯ & mr Treasuror it might be agreed how
his Mats Comaundℯ might most speedily and conveniently be effected:
In the meane while Sr Io: Dãuers promised to acquaynt mr Secretarie
Caluert and Sr Edw: Zouch the reason that they gaue not prsent
answere to his Mats gracious L̃re.


Mr. Will͠m Caninge tooke occasion to expresse some kinde of griefe
for the long want of Courts, in wch he had hoped of redresse in the
point of what the Cort had ordered in the busines betweene him and
his Associats defendants against Capt Bargraue in Chauncery, inti-
mating that if the Courts had continued or might be kept at Sr Tho:
Smiths he would not doubt of the whole Courts satisfacc̃on otherwise
then had beene. Sir Tho: Smith and others appearing in the behalfe
of him, and the defendants against Capt. Bargraue, but Sr Thomas
could not & others would not come to this place; and therefore wished
that this Court had beene or others might be at Sir Tho: Smiths who
had soe freely and courteously offred his howse; and through his Long
experience and good will to the Acc̃on, was able to doe the Company
very extraordinary service: wch pointℯ concerning the abillities &
courtesyes of Sr Tho: Smith were seconded by some others; but Mr
Caning farther vrging the reconsiderac̃on of the Acte of Cort be-
tweene him and his Associatℯ and Captaine Bargraue, and vttering some
speeches of discontent, that onely Gentlemen had beene named of the
Comittee, desiring a new refference wherein Citizens might also be
ioyned; he was told of his wonted manner of seeking to interpose differ-
ence betweene Gentlemen and Cittizens, a thing damned heretofore in
Court as tending to onely to faction and disturbance of the peace of the
Company: But for the matter of his moc̃on to haue it renewed againe
in Cort where he might presume to produce other testimony, or parties
that had not either notice or leasure to be present at the former pro-
ceedings, by wch he and his Associatℯ had beene vniustlie preiudiced
as he conceiued; Some was of opinion that his moc̃on was equitable;
neuertheles it was held fitt, it should be referred to be moued againe
at the next Court, wch should be like to be of a greater presence;
Likewise wherein Capt Bargraue might be also heard what he might
speake therevnto, least otherwise he might hereafter complaine & so
keepe the Court impertinently imployed to order backward and for-
ward, and euen in a matter twice ordered by a selected Comittee
chosen by the Court, who had a chiefe reguard vnto the case, as it
appeares in the Court Bookes. [35]


A blank space in the manuscript.


For "contemplating."