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JUNE 16, 1931

Masters of Science



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Armentrout, Mary Travers, B.S., State Teachers College
of Harrisonburg. History 
McGaheysville, Va. 
Thesis: Reform of the Civil Service, 1826-1883. 
Bowman, Harry Guy, B.S., Roanoke College. Economics  Edinburg, Va. 
Thesis: Commercial Aeronautics. 
Cooper, Alvin Carl, B.S.Ed., University of Virginia.
Richmond, Va. 
Thesis: A Study of Studnt Publications in the White Accredited Secondary
Public Schools in Virginia. 
Cox, Mary Jane, B.S.Math., University of Virginia.
Manassas, Va. 
Thesis: A Method of Representing Hyperbolic Geometry on the Euclidean
Davis, Thomas, B.S.E., University of Virginia. Physics  Norfolk, Va. 
Thesis: A Determination of the Wavelengths of the Main Lines of the
Mercury Spectrum in the Visible and Down to 3341.47AU. 
Eagle, Edward, B.A., Johns Hopkins University. Physiology  Baltimore, Md. 
Thesis: A Consideration of an Extract of the Adrenal Cortex Which Maintains
Life in Adrenalectomized Animals, with Observations on its Effect on
the Energy Output of the Dog. 
Eggleston, Joseph Dupuy, Jr., B.S., Hampden-Sydney
College. Economics 
Hampden-Sydney, Va. 
Thesis: An Analysis of the Causes of Breakdown of the Tobacco Growers'
Cooperative Association. 
Ferris, Eugene Beverly, Jr., B.S., Mississippi A. and M.
College; M.D., University of Virginia. Internal
Jackson, Miss. 
Thesis: Studies in Experimental Renal Insufficiency. 
Flynt, Ralph Comer Michael, B.S., University of Virginia.
Washington, Ga. 
Thesis: Class Origins of Leadership in Georgia, 1865-1925. 
Gentile, Antonio, M.D., University of Virginia. Surgical
Suffolk, Va. 
Thesis: Cholecystogastrostomy and Hepatitis—An Experimental Study. 
Gildersleeve, Benjamin, B.S., University of Virginia.
Abingdon, Va. 
Thesis: The Eocene of Northern Virginia. 
Givens, James Wallace, Jr., B.S., Lynchburg College.
Beckley, W. Va. 
Thesis: An Application of Cubic Matrices to the Study of the Quadratic
Plane Cremona Transformation. 
Judd, William Jefferson, B.S., University of Virginia.
Richmond, Va. 
Thesis: The Ethical Quality of Shakepeare's Dramatic Art as Seen in the
Plays Based upon Italian Romances. 
Keiley, Philip Preston, B.S., University of Virginia.
Sweet Springs, W. Va. 
Thesis: Effectiveness of Shields in Reducing Heat Leakage. 
Morrison, Hazel Constance, B.S., University of Virginia.
Gorham, N. H. 
Thesis: Elizabeth Gaskell and the Social Novel. 
Parrish, Charles Ithamer, B.S., University of Illinois.
Indianapolis, Ind. 
Thesis: The Study of the 1, 2, 4-Triketone, Dibenzoyl-Ethanone, and its
Tautomer, Dibenzoyl Ethenol. 
Patrick, Ruth Myrtle, B.S., Coker College. Biology  Kansas City, Mo. 
Thesis: A Study of the Diatoms of Charlottesville and Vicinity. 
Puckett, William Thomas, Jr., B.S.Math., Roanoke College.
East Radford, Va. 
Thesis: An Analytic Study of the Brocard Figure. 
Reid, Charles Gordon, Jr., B.S., University of Virginia.
Ivy, Va. 
Thesis: The Basques as Depicted in Pío Baroja's Trilogies. 
Stevens, George Raymond, B.S.Com., University of Virginia.
Roanoke, Va. 
Thesis: National Farm Loan Association. 
Stump, Alexander Bell, B.S., University of Virginia.
Edgewood, Md. 
Thesis: Observations on the Feeding Habits of Lesquereusia Spiralis, Difflugia
and Difflugia Constricta. 
Todd, Waldemar Dwight, B.S., University of Virginia.
University, Va. 
Thesis: Marcel Proust: A Study. 
Watkins, Irvine Cabell, B.S., University of Virginia.
Farmville, Va. 
Thesis: Geology of a Portion of the Gold-Pyrite Belt in the Vicinity of
Tabscott, Goochland County, Virginia. 
Weedon, William Stone, B.S., University of Virginia.
Wilmington, Del. 
Thesis: The Place of Hypothesis in the Physics of René Descartes. 

Masters of Arts



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Carrico, Charles Arthur, B.A., George Washington University.
Washington, D. C. 
Thesis: The Development of the Platonic Theory of Immortality. 
Carson, John Guy, B.A., Hampden-Sydney College.
Political Science 
Richmond, Va. 
Thesis: The Nature and Scope of the Governor's Power in Virginia. 
Clarke, Samuel Harvey, B.A., College of William and
Mary. French 
McKenney, Va. 
Thesis: The Beliefs of Alfred de Vigny with Special Reference to His Substitute
Cochran, Estella Kathryn, B.A., Lynchburg College.
Hagerstown, Md. 
Thesis: The History, Development, and Evaluation of the Hagerstown High
School at Hagerstown, Maryland. 
Cooke, Arthur Louis, B.A., University of Virginia. English  Plymouth, Eng. 
Thesis: The Irish Element in the Novels of Maria Edgeworth. 
Cox, Elbert, B.A., Roanoke College. History  Baywood, Va. 
Thesis: The Virginia Phase of the Origin of the First Continental Congress. 
Cox, Ruth Virginia, B.A., Westhampton College. English  Norfolk, Va. 
Thesis: Swinburne, Critic of Victorianism. 
Dellinger, Martin Luther, B.A., Roanoke College. Education  Edinburg, Va. 
Thesis: Freshman Week in the American College. 
Early, Benjamin Weisiger, B.A., University of Virginia.
Richmond, Va. 
Thesis: Leigh Hunt's Friendship with Keats and Shelley. 
Green, Samuel David, B.A., Lynchburg College. Education  Staunton, Va. 
Thesis: Problems of the Grammar Grade Teacher. 
Havens, Dorothy Edna, B.A., Hood College. Sociology  Newton, N. J. 
Thesis: The Young Men's Christian Association of Roanoke, Virginia: A
Study of the Natural History of a Social Institution. 
Hawkins, Willard Lee, B.A., Western Maryland College.
Westminster, Md. 
Thesis: A Survey of Extra Curricular Activities in the Maryland High
Henneman, Richard Hubard, B.A., Hampden-Sydney
College. Psychology 
Dillwyn, Va. 
Thesis: A Preliminary Study of the Pupillary Light Reflex. 
Hewson, Cecile Bolton, B.A., Bryn Mawr College.
Charlottesville, Va. 
Thesis: An Experimental Study of "Binocular Stimulus Summation." 
Hilldrup, Robert Leroy, B.A., Southwestern College.
Political Science 
Chancellor, Va. 
Thesis: Regulation of the Corporations with Special Stress on Regulation
in Virginia. 
House, Robert Wood, B.A., Emory and Henry College.
Salem, Va. 
Thesis: A Study of Rural Education Inequalities in Eighteen Counties of
Hutcherson, Dudley Robert, B.A., Emory and Henry
College. English 
Amherst, Va. 
Thesis: A Study of Shelley in American Criticism of the Nineteenth Century. 
Jones, Robert Epes, B.A., Randolph-Macon College.
Blackst ne, Va. 
Thesis: The Humanization of Non-Human Things in the Georgics. 
Lamberton, Harry Clabaugh, B.A., Union College. Political
Taneytown, Md. 
Thesis: The Cost of Administration of Criminal Justice in the Seven Largest
Cities of Virginia. 
Lewis, Richard, Jr., B.A., Randolph-Macon College.
Broad Run, Va. 
Thesis: A Study of Charles Brockden Brown's Debts to William Godwin. 
Mattingly, Mary Louise, B.A., Barnard College. History  Bealeton, Va. 
Thesis: The Attitude of The Saturday Review with regard to Anglo-German
Relations, 1870-1914. 
May, Clarence Edward, B.A., Bridgewater College.
Weyers Cave, Va. 
Thesis: Mental Abnormality in Revenge Plays from Kyd to Shakespeare. 
Middleton, Sarah, B.A., Hollins College. English  Eminence, Ky. 
Thesis: Kentucky Life as it is Represented in Kentucky Novels. 
Moore, Fred Holmsley, B.A., Texas Technological College.
Lubbock, Tex. 
Thesis: Geology of a Portion of the Piedmont in the Vicinity of Carter's
Bridge, Virginia. 
Phillips, Francis Murray, Jr., B.A., University of Virginia.
Charles Town, W. Va. 
Thesis: English Adaptations from Plautus and Terence in the Restoration
Powell, Bolling Raines, Jr., B.A., Birmingham-Southern
College. Economics 
Birmingham, Ala. 
Thesis: The Corporate Trustee under the Corporate Indenture. 
Pryor, Helen Gertrude, B.A., University of Chattanooga.
Chattanooga, Tenn. 
Thesis: Tragedy of Men, Comedy of Gods: A Study of the Aeneid of
Saunders, William Benjamin, B.A., Virginia Military
Institute. Latin 
Tappahannock, Va. 
Thesis: The Amphitruo Motif in Latin and French Comedy, as Exemplified
by Plautus, Rotrou, and Molière. 
Sawyer, Hazel, B.A., Rollins College. English  Hickory, Va. 
Thesis: A Study of the Characterization in Novels of Charles Reade. 
Smith, Caleb Henry, B.A., Bridgewater College. Economics  Mt. Solon, Va. 
Thesis: Methods for Dealing with Unemployment in the United States with
Special Emphasis on Unemployment Insurance. 
Smither, Collin Edward, B.A., University of Richmond.
Weems, Va. 
Thesis: Relative Efficiency of the Unit Method and Daily Recitation Method
of Teaching American History. 
Sydnor, Henry Moseley, B.A., Hampden-Sydney College.
Richmond, Va. 
Thesis: Property Rights of Women in Virginia. 
Uhl, Raymond, B.A., University of Virginia. Political
Mt. Savage, Md. 
Thesis: The Tenth Amendment Interpreted. 
Walker, Haswell Hunter, B.A., Lynchburg College.
Charlottesville, Va. 
Thesis: A Study of the Linear Dependence of Certain Circles Tangent to
Three Equal Circles and of Certain Spheres Tangent to Four Equal
Wayland, Francis Fry, B.A., Bridgewater College. History  Harrisonburg, Va. 
Thesis: Anglo-German Press Relations, 1906-1907, with Particular Reference
to Reciprocal Visits of Press Representatives. 
Wright, Phineas Persons, B.A., University of Michigan.
Cleveland, O. 
Thesis: A Comparison of Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde with Boccaccio's
Il Filostrato. 

Doctors of Philosophy



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Alvey, Edward, Jr., B.A., M.A., University of Virginia.
University, Va. 
Dissertation: A Training Procedure for Teachers of English, Based upon
Analyses of Objectives, Outcomes, and Activities. 
Calcott, Emily Sinclair, B.S., State Teachers College of
Farmville; M.S., University of Virginia. English 
Norfolk, Va. 
Dissertation: The Influence of Isaac D'Israeli on Edgar A. Poe. 
Cocke, Elton Cromwell, B.S.Ed., M.S., University of
Virginia. Biology 
University, Va. 
Dissertation: Pollen Analysis of Dismal Swamp Peat, Part II, with Notes
on Identification of Fossil Pollen. 
Flory, Walter S., Jr., B.A., Bridgewater College; M.A.,
University of Virginia. Biology 
Bridgewater, Va. 
Dissertation: Genetic and Cytological Investigations on Asparagus Officinalis
Galbán, Julio Suarez, B.S., University of Virginia. Spanish  University, Va. 
Dissertation: Apreciaciones Contemp raneas Hispanoamericanas de los
Estados Unidos. 
Garlick, Richard Cecil, Jr., B.A., Hampden-Sydney College;
M.A., University of Virginia. French 
Richmond, Va. 
Dissertation: The Life and Letters of Philip Mazzei. 
Gregory, Edward Wadsworth, Jr., B.A., M.A., University
of Virginia. Sociology 
Chase City, Va. 
Dissertation: Survey and Analysis of the Sociology of Religion. 
Hall, Samuel Rutherford, B.A., Washington and Lee
University; M.A., University of Virginia.
Moorefield, W. Va. 
Dissertation: Observations upon Euglena Leucops, Sp. Nov., a Parasite of
Stenostomum, with Special Reference to Nuclear Division. 
Pilcher, Dalton Jefferson, B.A., University of Michigan;
M.A., University of Southern California. Economics 
Clifton Forge, Va. 
Dissertation: American Factories in Canada. 
Stevenson, Edward Carl, B.S.E., M.S., University of
Virginia. Physics 
Richmond, Va. 
Dissertation: A New Method for the Study of the Electro-Optical Kerr
Effect in Gases. 
Street, Jabez Curry, B.S.E., Alabama Polytechnic Institute;
M.S., University of Virginia. Physics 
University, Va. 
Dissertation: The Fall of Potential in Electrical Discharges. 
Swindler, Robert Earl, B.A., M.A., Indiana University.
Charlottesville, Va. 
Dissertation: The High School Library and Reading Problem in the Social
Studies with Particular Reference to United States History. 
Tiedeman, John Albert, B.S. in C.E., M.S., Union College.
Schenectady, N. Y. 
Dissertation: The Time Lag of Electric Sparks. 
van de Kamp, Jacob, Doctorandus, University of Utrecht.
Kampen, Holland 
Dissertation: Syntheses in the Phenanthrene Series. 
Whitaker, Thomas Wallace, B.S., University of California;
M.S., University of Virginia. Biology 
Monrovia, Calif. 
Dissertation: A Genetic and Cytol gical Study of the Cucurbitaceae. 
White, Thomas Aubrey, B.S.Chem., M.S., University of
Virginia. Chemistry 
Rockingham, N. C. 
Dissertation: Studies in the Adsorption of Gases by Reduced Metals.