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[Patient to all that I may be]

Be patient toward all men. —v. 14.

Patient to all that I may be,
Thy Spirit, Lord, implant in me,
Thy lowly gentleness of mind,
Thy love for all the sin-sick kind.
Then shall I bear whoe'er oppose,
Or brethren false, or open foes;
The kiss, the scoff, the wounds receive,
And die myself that they may live.
O might I now Thy pity find
For sinners ignorant, and blind,
Endure their contradiction still,
And strive with good to' o'ercome their ill!
O could I view them with Thine eyes,
While offer'd up in sacrifice,
For them pour out my tears and blood,
And bear till death the wrath of God!
I come by Thy meek Spirit led,
Jesus, in all Thy steps to tread;
I come, if Thou my heart prepare,
The universal load to bear:


My life for every soul expend,
And bleed and suffer to the end,
The rival of Thy passion prove,
And conquer all by patient love.