University of Virginia Library

TO DR. WATTS, On his Divine Poems.

Say, human seraph, whence that charming force,
‘That flame! that soul! which animates each line;
‘And how it runs with such a graceful ease,
‘Loaded with pond'rous sense! Say, did not he
‘The lovely Jesus, who commands thy breast,
‘Inspire thee with himself? With Jesus dwells,
‘Knit in mysterious bands, the paraclete,
‘The breath of God, the everlasting source
‘Of love: And what is love in souls like thine,
‘But air, and incense to the poet's fire?
‘Should an expiring saint whose swimming eyes
‘Mingle the images of things about him,
‘But hear the least exalted of thy strains,
‘How greedily he'd drink the music in,
‘Thinking his heavenly convoy waited near!
‘So great a stress of powerful harmony,
‘Nature unable longer to sustain,
‘Would sink oppress'd with joy to endless rest.
‘Let none henceforth of Providence complain,
‘As if the world of spirits lay unknown,
‘Fenc'd round with black impenetrable night;
‘What tho' no shining angel darts from thence
‘With leave to publish things conceal'd from sense,
‘In language bright as theirs, we are here told,
‘When life its narrow round of years hath roll'd,
‘What 'tis employs the bless'd, what makes their bliss;
‘Songs such as WATTS's are, and love like his.
‘But then, dear Sir, be cautious how you use,
‘To transports so intensely rais'd your muse,
‘Lest, whilst th'ecstatic impulse you obey,
‘The soul leap out, and drop the duller clay.’
Sept. 4, 1706.