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The Works of Peter Pindar [i.e. John Wolcot]

... With a Copious Index. To which is prefixed Some Account of his Life. In Four Volumes

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O modest flow'r! thou tellest of the springe!
Welcome unto this little fielde of myne!
With joy I see thee from the green earth springe,
And smiling in thy silvery vesture shine!
Ah! nought disturbeth thy fayre tender frame;
Zephyrus kisseth thee, and tastes thy sweet:
Thou dost not chide the wanton rogue—no blame,
Nor biddest him sighe lowly at thy feet.
Agayne he whispereth love; and now agayne
He tasteth of thy honey'd leaves, and sighs!
And though he wantons, thou dost not complayne;
Thy little snowy bosom nought denyes.


O gentle daisie! speak to her I love
When she doeth come, and casteth lookes on thee;
Persuade her my pure passion to approve,
And not with coldness from her shepheard flee:
But imitate thy ways, and learne thy smyle,
When I, like Zephyrus, doe press her cheke;
Then may no tempest rude thy form defyle,
And of thy snowy beauties make a wreck!