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[The work of faith with heaven begun]

Remembering...your work of faith, and, &c. —i. 3.

The work of faith with heaven begun,
With Christ discover'd from above,
By just degrees is carried on,
By patient hope, and labouring love,
Nor ends the moment it begins,
Nor glory in an instant wins.
That work of faith the novice blind
Would fain, on fancy's horse, leap o'er,


A shorter way to Zion find,
And fight with sin—when sin's no more;
Labour, when of the prize possess'd,
And toil, when enter'd into rest.
That patience of unwearied hope
Fond nature would escape in vain,
To full-grown grace at once spring up,
Perfection in a moment gain;
Evade the fight, yet take the spoil,
The sweets of love, without the toil.
But O Thou patient mournful Man,
Thy life our better way we see,
And labouring hard through grief and pain,
Through toils and deaths we follow Thee,
Fight on, while day by day renew'd,
And strive, resisting unto blood.
We work, till Thou pronounce, “Well done!”
The' incessant toils of love repeat,
And suffer till our final groan,
Till patience hath its work complete,
And faith its glorious end receives,
And love alone for ever lives.


[He wills, that I should holy be]

This is the will of God, even your sanctification. —iv. 3.

He wills, that I should holy be:
That holiness I long to feel,
That full Divine conformity
To all my Saviour's righteous will:
See Lord, the travail of Thy soul
Accomplish'd in the change of mine,
And plunge me, every whit made whole,
In all the depths of love Divine.



[This the fruit of Jesus' passion]

This the fruit of Jesus' passion,
Peace, inviolable peace,
Present, uttermost salvation,
Love, and finish'd holiness.
Jesus paid His life to buy us
From all sin and guilty fear;
Pour'd His blood to sanctify us,
Body, soul, and spirit here.
Jesus, life of the believer,
Full of truth and full of grace,
Gift of God, Thyself the giver,
Fill us with Thy righteousness.
From all filth of flesh and spirit
Purify us by Thy blood,
Then we live, and die to' inherit
All the glorious life of God.


[If death my friend and me divide]

Sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. —iv. 13.

If death my friend and me divide,
Thou dost not, Lord, my sorrow chide,
Or frown my tears to see;
Restrain'd from passionate excess,
Thou bidd'st me mourn in calm distress
For them that rest in Thee.
I feel a strong immortal hope,
Which bears my mournful spirit up
Beneath its mountain-load:
Redeem'd from death, and grief, and pain,
I soon shall find my friend again
Within the arms of God.
Pass a few fleeting moments more,
And death the blessing shall restore
Which death hath snatch'd away;


For me Thou wilt the summons send,
And give me back my parted friend
In that eternal day.


[Through life's short waking dream]

Who died for us, that, whether we wake or, &c. —v. 10.

Through life's short waking dream
By faith we live with Him,
And sinking into rest,
We fall upon His breast,
Through all eternity to prove
The truth, the life, the heaven of Love.


[Patient to all that I may be]

Be patient toward all men. —v. 14.

Patient to all that I may be,
Thy Spirit, Lord, implant in me,
Thy lowly gentleness of mind,
Thy love for all the sin-sick kind.
Then shall I bear whoe'er oppose,
Or brethren false, or open foes;
The kiss, the scoff, the wounds receive,
And die myself that they may live.
O might I now Thy pity find
For sinners ignorant, and blind,
Endure their contradiction still,
And strive with good to' o'ercome their ill!
O could I view them with Thine eyes,
While offer'd up in sacrifice,
For them pour out my tears and blood,
And bear till death the wrath of God!
I come by Thy meek Spirit led,
Jesus, in all Thy steps to tread;
I come, if Thou my heart prepare,
The universal load to bear:


My life for every soul expend,
And bleed and suffer to the end,
The rival of Thy passion prove,
And conquer all by patient love.


[Rejoice evermore]

Rejoice evermore. —v. 16.

Rejoice evermore
In the truth, and the power,
And the grace of our heavenly Friend,
Till to us who believe
He His glory doth give,
And a kingdom that never shall end.


[Father, into my heart convey]

Pray without ceasing. —v. 17.

Father, into my heart convey
The power incessantly to pray,
Or Thy command is void:
But when the Power inhabits there,
My heart shall be an house of prayer,
Emptied, and fill'd with God.


[Every moment we live]

In every thing give thanks. —v. 18.

Every moment we live
We a blessing receive,
And with thankful alacrity own:
We shall praise Him in death,
And resigning our breath,
Give Him thanks for a share of His throne.


[Is it Thy will concerning me?]

This is the will of God in Christ Jesus, &c. —v. 18.

Is it Thy will concerning me?
Then let Thy will take place,
And help my soul's infirmity,
Omnipotent in grace.


Jesus, Thou art the Lord Most-High,
The praying Spirit Thou art,
Enter, and Abba Father, cry
Incessant in my heart.
Essence of happiness, appear,
Into my bosom given;
Come and set up Thy kingdom here,
Thou Joy of earth and heaven.
Inviolable peace I have,
When Jesus I possess,
And when Thou dost persist to save,
I dwell in perfect peace.
Jesus, reveal Thy love to me,
And on Thy breast reclined
Matter of thankfulness in Thee
I every moment find:
Whate'er occurs, Thy hand alone,
Dividing all my ways,
And good brought out of ill I own
With wonder, love, and praise.
If Thou my constant Saviour art,
And Thee I always know,
The prayerful, joyful, thankful heart,
Thou always dost bestow.
I then my true Perfection boast,
Resorb'd into the sea,
As mix'd and swallow'd up and lost
In Thy immensity.


[While, as Thy oracles enjoin]

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. —v. 21.

While, as Thy oracles enjoin,
We every doctrine prove,


That only faith we judge Divine
Which works by humble love,
Hold fast the word that comes from Thee,
And always shall endure,
The truth that makes Thy servants free,
And pure as Thou art pure.


[Faithful I account Thee, Lord]

Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it. —v. 24.

Faithful I account Thee, Lord,
To Thy sanctifying word;
I shall soon be as Thou art,
Holy both in life and heart;
Perfect holiness attain,
All Thine image here regain,
Love my God entirely here,
Blameless then in heaven appear.