University of Virginia Library


[Most gracious Lord]

Be careful for nothing. —iv. 6.

Most gracious Lord,
Thy kindest word
I joyfully obey;
Hold fast my confidence restored,
And cast my sins away.
No longer I
Lament and sigh,
With guilty fear oppress'd;
To me who on Thy love rely,
Whatever is, is best.
In each event,
The kind intent
Of love Divine I see,
And mix'd with joyful thanks present
My humble prayers to Thee.
Then let Thy peace
My heart possess;
By Thy unspotted mind
Preserve in perfect quietness
A soul to Jesus join'd.


In spirit one
With Christ Thy Son,
Henceforth His life I live,
Till Jesus claim me for His own,
And to His arms receive.