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The Works of the Reverend and Learned Isaac Watts, D. D.

Containing, besides his Sermons, and Essays on miscellaneous subjects, several additional pieces, Selected from his Manuscripts by the Rev. Dr. Jennings, and the Rev. Dr. Doddridge, in 1753: to which are prefixed, memoirs of the life of the author, compiled by the Rev. George Burder. In six volumes

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TO DR. WATTS, On his Poems sacred to Devotion.


To murmuring streams, in tender strains,
‘My pensive muse no more
‘Of love's enchanting force complains,
‘Along the flow'ry shore.


‘No more Mirtillo's fatal face
‘My quiet breast alarms;
‘His eyes, his air, and youthful grace,
‘Have lost their usual charms.


‘No gay Alexis in the grove
‘Shall be my future theme:
‘I burn with an immortal love,
‘And sing a purer flame.


‘Seraphic heights I seem to gain,
‘And sacred transports feel,
‘While, WATTS, to thy celestial strain,
‘Surpris'd I listen still.


‘The gliding streams their course forbear,
‘When I thy lays repeat;
‘The bending forest lends an ear;
‘The birds their notes forget.


‘With such a graceful harmony
‘Thy numbers still prolong;
‘And let remotest lands reply,
‘And echo to thy song;


‘Far as the distant regions, where
‘The beauteous morning springs,
‘And scatters odours through the air,
‘From her resplendent wings;


‘Unto the new-found realms, which see
‘The latter sun arise,
‘When, with an easy progress, he
‘Rolls down the nether skies.’
July, 1706.