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[What are those marks the' apostle bears?]

I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus. —vi. 17.

What are those marks the' apostle bears?
Sad, sacred grief alone declares,


Grief from the Man of sorrows took,
Grief that I am of God forsook!
The nails, the thorns, the spear I feel,
The Saviour's grief unspeakable,
Which, till my soul and body part,
Pierces my soul, and breaks my heart!
Henceforth let none attempt in vain,
To aggravate my mournful pain,
To heighten my extreme distress;
The greater swallows up the less.
Can I regret a creature loss,
Or mourn beneath a worldly cross,
Or feel another misery
When God conceals Himself from me?