University of Virginia Library



Lord of Hosts, we look to Thee,
To Thee in faith we call,
Terrible in majesty
Thou reignest over all,
Thy great arm salvation brings,
Thou o'er-rul'st the' embattled powers,
Giv'st the victory to kings—
O give it now to ours!
Sovereign Arbiter, arise,
His lawful right maintain,
Blast and scatter with Thine eyes
Whoe'er oppose his reign:
All their strength o'erturn, o'erthrow,
Knap their spears, and break their swords,
Make the daring rebels know
The battle is the Lord's.
Not by many or by few
Art Thou restrain'd to save:
They shall all their foes subdue
Who Thee their helper have;
Let the world their powers engage,
Rome's and hell's whole conclave join,
Calm we meet their utmost rage,
If arm'd with strength Divine.
O Almighty God of love,
Appear on Israel's side,
Send us succour from above,
Who in Thine aid confide:


Lo! we trust in Thee alone,
On Thy single arm depend,
Jesus, help, and save Thine own,
And save us to the end.