University of Virginia Library

SONG 7.—A Summer Evening.


How fine has the day been, how bright was the sun,
How lovely and joyful the course that he run,
Though he rose in a mist when his race he begun,
And there follow'd some droppings of rain!
But now the fair traveller's come to the West,
His rays are all gold, and his beauties are best,
He paints the sky gay as he sinks to his rest,
And foretels a bright rising again.


Just such is the christian: his course he begins,
Like the sun in a mist, when he mourns for his sins,
And melts into tears: then he breaks out and shines,
And travels his heav'nly way;
But when he comes nearer to finish his race,
Like a fine setting sun he looks richer in grace,
And gives a sure hope at the end of his days,
Of rising in brighter array.

Some Copies of the following Hymn having got abroad already into several Hands, the Author has been persuaded to permit it to appear in Public, at the end of these Songs for Children.