University of Virginia Library


[Was it a fruitless fond desire]

This also we wish, even your perfection. —xiii. 9.

Was it a fruitless fond desire,
Which never could accomplish'd be?
Or did his Lord the wish inspire
A glorious, spotless church to see,
To see the polish'd pillars shine,
Inscribed with perfect love Divine?


Is it of nature or of grace,
Lord, that I wish Thy church renew'd
In true consummate holiness,
And mark'd with the new name of God?
Jesus, declare Thine utmost will,
Thy house with all Thy fulness fill.
If after God Thou hear'st me pray,
If now I in Thy Spirit groan,
O take the stumbling-block away,
O perfect all Thy saints in one,
And then, to fetch Thy spotless bride,
Come down, and seat us by Thy side.