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[Father, Thy kind advice I take]

Come out from among them, and be ye separate, &c. —vi. 17.

Father, Thy kind advice I take,
By Thine almighty Spirit led,
The world, the atheist world forsake,
And let the dead entomb their dead,
Withdraw my heart from vanity,
And give it up entire to Thee.
I now come out from all their ways,
Their mad pursuits of bliss below;
Their honours, and their pleasures base,
Their wishes false, with joy forego:
As far as east from west removed
From all I prized, and all I loved.
The' abominable thing unclean
Through faith resolved to touch no more,
I fly the neighbourhood of sin,
And kept by Thy restraining power
Their evil, and my own eschew,
Till Thou create my soul anew.
Father, into Thy arms of love,
Me for Thy promise sake receive,
An hidden life with Christ above,
A life of holiest faith to live,
Till Jesus with His saints comes down,
And claims the partner of His throne.