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By William Walsham How ... New and Enlarged Edition

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“Judge Not.”

I met a soul all steeped in sunny calm,
Taking all love unquestioned, as the light,
Glad to possess, not claiming as of right,
And chanting ever one long happy psalm.
I met another soul, that found no balm
For sores of wounded pride and fancied slight,
Thinking unloving thoughts in love's despite:—
And not to this one gave mankind the palm.
Then came an Angel with a measuring-rod,
Gauging the hearts of men, as gaugeth God.
‘This sunny life,’ he said, ‘hath ventured nought;
‘This shrouded soul hath suffered, prayed, and fought:
‘By sin resisted, lo! I measure grace;
‘The fiercest battle wins the foremost place.’