University of Virginia Library




Gaelic Air—“O mo Mhairi Luogh.”

Oh , my lovely Mary! Mary of Glen-Fyne!
Oh, my gentle Mary! Mary, thou art mine!
Oh, enchanting maiden! thou dost far outshine
All who wear the plaiden in this glen of thine!
By Loch-Moraig's wild wood young affection grew,
Ere our simple childhood love's sweet language knew:
Kindness still grew stronger, till its depth was more
Than was known to lovers in this world before!
Oh, my lovely Mary! &c.
Cushats, fondly cooing, taught me how to woo;
The soft art of suing woodlarks taught me too;
And the laverok, thrilling in the sky above,
Told the tender accents of impassioned love!
Oh, my lovely Mary! &c.
I am but the herdsman of Loch-Moraig's flock;
She, my mountain rosebud, boasts no gentle stock;
But for rank or riches I shall ne'er repine
While that priceless jewel, Mary's heart, is mine!
Oh, my lovely Mary! &c.