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The Lord of life hath risen!
O'er death and hell hath triumph'd gloriously;
Hath burst the grave's dark prison,
And soared to light and immortality.
See! from the narrow tomb,
The stone, untouched by hands, is rolled away;
And from that spot of gloom
Hath broke the dawn of everlasting day.


Look in! and thou shalt see
No form of clay in funeral vestments bound;
By Him who died for thee,
The gloomy king of terrors is un-crowned!
Nothing of earth is there;
But bright and shining ones, in light arrayed,
Whose speech and aspect fair
Comfort the mourning, strengthen the dismayed.
“Why, in death's silent prison,
Seek ye the living where the dead should be?
He is not here, but risen,
And gone before you into Galilee!”
O Death! where is thy sting?
O Grave! where is thy boasted victory?
Our Captain, Lord, and King,
Hath conquered both, and triumphed gloriously.


And when He rose on high,
His might and mercy, in the gospel's plan,
Captured captivity,
And gave his spirit's heavenly gifts for man.
Thanks, then, and praise to God!
Honour and glory to the crucified!
Hope springs up from the sod;
We die, for Adam sinned; we live, for Christ hath died.