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Malvern Hills

with Minor Poems, and Essays. By Joseph Cottle. Fourth Edition

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HOW peaceful is the Christian's breast,
By no distracting fears oppress'd,
His prospects ever shine!
Whilst others, rankling sorrows wound,
Whose minds, the ways of life confound;
Whilst others, view confusion round,
He sees the Hand Divine.


Though not released from mortal care,
Yet, he has learn'd his cross to bear,
A lesson truly wise!


When Heaven bestows, or takes away,
Thy will be done! his heart can say,
Remembering, in eternal day
His better portion lies.


Though trouble will not wholly cease,
Until he reach the world of peace,
Of this he ne'er complains;
The glorious hope which faith bestows,
That hope the Christian only knows,
Which from a bleeding Saviour flows,
His spirit well sustains.


Compell'd through life's dark vale to stray,
And hastening to the realms of day,
Where crowns immortal wait;
He, journeying, does not seek to find
A flattering calm, whose charms might bind
To earth, his bold aspiring mind,
From joys divinely great.


He knows in heaven there lives a friend,
(Which, when the rounds of time shall end,
And Nature's reign be o'er;)
Whose smiles the weary soul shall share,
Whose love shall crown the faithful there,
Nor aught of conflict or of care,
Disturb his passions more.



Whilst seeking this divine abode,
Are there, who tire amid the road,
By earth's low cares oppress'd?—
The Tempter's subtle wiles despise!
From bondage, and from slumber, rise!
Press onward to the glorious prize —
To your eternal rest!


No common object claims your zeal,
No common interest should you feel,
You have a Heaven in view:
The time is short that waits you here,
The hours recede, and death is near,
Then think where you will soon appear,
And plume your wings anew.


Forsake the things, of time and sense,
Hold commune with Omnipotence,
Make God your chief delight;
Till he shall beckon you away,
Through Earth, like weary pilgrims, stray;
And though afflictions mark your way,
Still keep the end in sight.


For you, beyond Death's frowning gate,
Ten thousand happy Spirits wait,
Heaven's portals wide to spread;
There, patriarchs their hands extend,
There, Saints and Seraphs call you friend,
And you eternity shall spend
With Christ, your Living Head.