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The poems and literary prose of Alexander Wilson

... for the first time fully collected and compared with the original and early editions ... edited ... by the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart ... with portrait, illustrations, &c

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No flow'ry sweets I bring, tho' Summer reigns,
And flocks delighted rove thro' painted plains;
Tho' glitt'ring brooks flow, smooth, meand'ring by,
And larks soar, warbling thro' the azure sky;
And meads and groves rejoice—to me unblest;
For oh! bleak Winter raves within my breast;
Here whirls a storm, tho' hid from human sight,
Fiercer than winds that howl thro' gloomy night.
As griefs reveal'd are robb'd of half their sting,
And seeming doubts, when told, oft take to wing;
Permit me here some mis'ries to unnest,
That long have harbour'd in my labo'ring breast.