University of Virginia Library



From the same.

When first Thy gracious eye's survey,
Even in the midst of youth and night,
Mark'd me, where sunk in sin I lay,
I felt a strange unknown delight.
My soul, in all its powers renew'd,
Own'd the Divine Physician's art;
So swift the healing look bedew'd,
Embalm'd, o'erran, and fill'd my heart.
Since then I many a bitter storm
Have felt; and, feeling, sure had died,
Had the malicious fatal harm
Roll'd on its unmolested tide:
But, working still, within my soul
Thy sweet original joy remain'd;
Thy love did all my griefs control,
Thy love the victory more than gain'd.
If the first glance, but open'd now
And now seal'd up, so powerful prove,
What wondrous transports shall we know
When glorying in Thy full-eyed love!
When Thou shalt look us out of pain,
And raise us to Thy blissful sight,
With open face strong to sustain
The blaze of Thy unclouded light!